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"use strict";

 The factory module is intended for use with mongoose.
 It is deprecated, but retained for users coming from absync.

var _        = require( "lodash" );
var Type     = require( "./type" );
var TypeInfo = require( "./info" );

module.exports = {
    assemble             : assemble,
    extend               : extend,
    extendWithCollection : extendWithCollection

 * Construct a new type.
 * @param {String} typeName The name of the type. For example "Meeting".
 * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection for the type. For example "meetings".
 * @param {Object} typeDescription An object describing all the elements in the schema of the type.
 * @returns {Type} The type metadata container.
function assemble( typeName, collectionName, typeDescription ) {
    // Only import mongoose if this module is actually used.
    var mongoose = require( "mongoose" );
    var Schema   = mongoose.Schema;

    // Create a schema
    var schema = new Schema(
            collection       : collectionName,
            discriminatorKey : "_type"
    // Id should be a virtual to retrieve the object ID as a hex string.
    //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    schema.virtual( "id" ).get( function toHexString() {
        //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable,JSUnresolvedFunction
        return this._id.toHexString();
    } );
    //noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols,JSUnusedLocalSymbols
    var transformationOptions = {
        getters   : true,
        virtuals  : true,
        transform : function transformDocument( document, result, options ) {
            //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable,JSUnresolvedFunction
            result.id = document._id.toHexString();
            //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
            delete result._id;
    schema.set( "toJSON", transformationOptions );
    schema.set( "toObject", transformationOptions );

    // Register schema as mongoose model
    mongoose.model( typeName, schema );

    //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
    var typeExports = new Type( schema,
        new TypeInfo( typeName, typeDescription ),
        mongoose.model( typeName ),
        mongoose.connection.collections[ collectionName ] );

    // Store type description in TypeInfo lookup table.
    TypeInfo.types[ typeName ] = typeExports;

    return typeExports;

 * Extend one type with another type.
 * Extended types will share common properties and will be maintained in the same collection.
 * @param {String} typeName The name of the type. For example "IosDevice".
 * @param {String} baseName The name of the base type. For example "Device". This type must already exist.
 * @param {Object} typeDescription An object describing all the elements in the schema of the type.
 * @returns {Type} The type metadata container for the derived type.
function extend( typeName, baseName, typeDescription ) {
    // Only import mongoose if this module is actually used.
    var mongoose = require( "mongoose" );

    var baseTypeInfo = TypeInfo.types[ baseName ];
    if( !baseTypeInfo ) {
        throw new Error( "Invalid base type '" + baseName + "'." );
    // Create a schema
    //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    var schema = baseTypeInfo.schema.extend( typeDescription );
    // Register schema as mongoose model
    mongoose.model( typeName, schema );

    // Now extend our type description so that it covers all inherited properties.
    _.assign( typeDescription, baseTypeInfo.typeinfo.typeDescription );

    var typeExports = new Type( schema,
        new TypeInfo( typeName, typeDescription ),
        mongoose.model( typeName ),
        baseTypeInfo.collection );

    // Store type description in TypeInfo lookup table.
    TypeInfo.types[ typeName ] = typeExports;

    return typeExports;

 * Extend one type with another, without sharing the same collection.
 * @param {String} typeName The name of the type. For example "IosDevice".
 * @param {String} baseName The name of the base type. For example "Device". This type must already exist.
 * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection for the type. For example "meetings".
 * @param {Object} typeDescription An object describing all the elements in the schema of the type.
 * @returns {Type} The type metadata container for the derived type.
function extendWithCollection( typeName, baseName, collectionName, typeDescription ) {
    // Only import mongoose if this module is actually used.
    var mongoose = require( "mongoose" );

    var baseTypeInfo = TypeInfo.types[ baseName ];
    if( !baseTypeInfo ) {
        throw new Error( "Invalid base type '" + baseName + "'." );
    // Create a schema
    //noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    var schema                = baseTypeInfo.schema.extend( typeDescription );
    schema.options.collection = collectionName;
    // Register schema as mongoose model
    mongoose.model( typeName, schema );

    // Now extend our type description so that it covers all inherited properties.
    _.assign( typeDescription, baseTypeInfo.typeinfo.typeDescription );

    //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
    var typeExports = new Type( schema,
        new TypeInfo( typeName, typeDescription ),
        mongoose.model( typeName ),
        mongoose.connection.collections[ collectionName ] );

    // Store type description in TypeInfo lookup table.
    TypeInfo.types[ typeName ] = typeExports;

    return typeExports;