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#### Larger Catechism

<span class="q">Q 132.</span> What are the sins of equals?

<span class="q">A.</span> The sins of equals are, besides the neglect of the duties required,[^fnref:wlc1] the undervaluing of the worth,[^fnref:wlc2] envying the gifts,[^fnref:wlc3] grieving at the advancement of prosperity one of another;[^fnref:wlc4] and usurping preeminence one over another.[^fnref:wlc5]

[^fnref:wlc1]: <div class="esv"><h5>Romans 13:8</h5> <div class="esv-text"> <p id="p45013008.06-1">Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.  (<a href="http://www.esv.org" class="copyright">ESV</a>)</p> </div> </div>

[^fnref:wlc2]: <div class="esv"><h5>2 Timothy 3:3</h5> <div class="esv-text"><p id="p55003003.01-1">heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good,</p> </div><h5>Proverbs 14:21</h5> <div class="esv-text"><div class="block-indent"> <p class="line-group" id="p20014021.01-2">Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner,<br /> <span class="indent"></span>but blessed is he who is generous to the poor.</p> </div> </div><h5>Isaiah 65:5</h5> <div class="esv-text"><div class="block-indent"> <p class="line-group" id="p23065005.01-3">who say, &#8220;Keep to yourself,<br /> <span class="indent"></span>do not come near me, for I am too holy for you.&#8221;<br /> These are a smoke in my nostrils,<br /> <span class="indent"></span>a fire that burns all the day.  (<a href="http://www.esv.org" class="copyright">ESV</a>)</p> </div> </div> </div>

[^fnref:wlc3]: <div class="esv"><h5>Acts 7:9</h5> <div class="esv-text"><p id="p44007009.01-1">&#8220;And the patriarchs, jealous of Joseph, sold him into Egypt; but God was with him</p> </div><h5>Galatians 5:26</h5> <div class="esv-text"><p id="p48005026.01-2">Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.  (<a href="http://www.esv.org" class="copyright">ESV</a>)</p> </div> </div>

[^fnref:wlc4]: <div class="esv"><h5>Numbers 12:2</h5> <div class="esv-text"><p id="p04012002.01-1">And they said, &#8220;Has the <span class="small-caps">Lord</span> indeed spoken only through Moses? Has he not spoken through us also?&#8221; And the <span class="small-caps">Lord</span> heard it.  (<a href="http://www.esv.org" class="copyright">ESV</a>)</p> </div> </div>

[^fnref:wlc5]: <div class="esv"><h5>3 John 1:9</h5> <div class="esv-text"><p id="p64001009.01-1">I have written something to the church, but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority.</p> </div><h5>Luke 22:24</h5> <div class="esv-text"> <p id="p42022024.05-2">A dispute also arose among them, as to which of them was to be regarded as the greatest.  (<a href="http://www.esv.org" class="copyright">ESV</a>)</p> </div> </div>