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Test Coverage
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<a href="https://codeclimate.com/github/olyckne/jest-runner-phpunit/test_coverage"><img src="https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/b0e6ec1784ea1ab99e9f/test_coverage" /></a>
## Usage

### Install

Install `jest`_(it needs Jest 21+)_ and `jest-runner-phpunit`

# jest-runner-phpunit assumes phpunit is installed with composer
composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit

# Install with yarn
yarn add --dev jest jest-runner-phpunit

# or with NPM

npm install --save-dev jest jest-runner-phpunit

### Add it to your Jest config

#### Standalone

In your `package.json`
  "jest": {
    "runner": "jest-runner-phpunit",
    "displayName": "phpunit",
    "moduleFileExtensions": ["php"],
    "testMatch": ["<rootDir>/tests/**/*Test.php"]

Or in `jest.config.js`
module.exports = {
  runner: 'jest-runner-phpunit',
  "displayName": "phpunit",
  "moduleFileExtensions": ["php"],
  testMatch: ['<rootDir>/tests/**/*Test.php'],

Please update `testMatch` to match your project folder structure

#### Alongside other runners

It is recommended to use the [`projects`](https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/configuration.html#projects-array-string-projectconfig) configuration option to run multiple Jest runners simultaneously.

If you are using Jest <22.0.5, you can use multiple Jest configuration files and supply the paths to those files in the `projects` option. For example:

// jest-test.config.js
module.exports = {
  // your Jest test options
  displayName: 'test'

// jest-phpunit.config.js
module.exports = {
  // your jest-runner-phpunit options
  runner: 'jest-runner-phpunit',
  displayName: "phpunit",
  moduleFileExtensions: ["php"],
  testMatch: ['<rootDir>/tests/**/*Test.php']

In your `package.json`:

  "jest": {
    "projects": [

Or in `jest.config.js`:

module.exports = {
  projects: [

If you are using Jest >=22.0.5, you can supply an array of project configuration objects instead. In your `package.json`:

  "jest": {
    "projects": [
        "displayName": "test"
        "runner": "jest-runner-phpunit",
        "displayName": "phpunit",
        "moduleFileExtensions": ["php"],
        "testMatch": ["<rootDir>/tests/**/*Test.php"]

Or in `jest.config.js`:

module.exports = {
  projects: [
      displayName: 'test'
      runner: 'jest-runner-phpunit',
      displayName: "phpunit",
      moduleFileExtensions: ["php"],
      testMatch: ['<rootDir>/tests/**/*Test.php']

### Run Jest
yarn jest