"""Class for an objects bucket to contain the history of all objects in the system under test
What does an objects bucket track?
- For each type of object, track any values that were associated to that object to be used later
- For each kind of scalar, track any values seen to be used later
TODO: Implement the following:
The class should have two functionalities
1. Given the graphql data response, parse the data and put objects in the bucket
2. Be able to return random scalars / objects from the bucket
3. Be able to return objects from the bucket if given a type and the object name
from graphqler.constants import USE_OBJECTS_BUCKET
from .singleton import singleton
from graphqler.utils.api import API
from graphqler.utils.parser_utils import get_output_type_from_details
import pprint
import random
class ObjectsBucket:
def __init__(self, api: API):
self.api = api
# Stores {object_name: {type: str, results: dict}} where list is a result with the scalar fields of the object
self.objects: dict[str, list] = {}
# Stores the raw scalars {scalar_name: {type: str, values: set() }} where set() is a result with the scalar fields of the object
self.scalars: dict[str, dict] = {}
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a string representation of the objects bucket"""
built_str = "------------------- OBJECTS BUCKET -------------------\n"
built_str += pprint.pformat(self.objects)
built_str += "\n\n"
built_str += "\n------------------- SCALARS BUCKET -------------------\n"
built_str += pprint.pformat(self.scalars)
return built_str
def __getstate__(self):
# Return a dictionary of the attributes to pickle
return self.__dict__
def __setstate__(self, state):
# Restore the state from the pickled attributes
# ------------------- GETTERS -------------------
def get_num_objects(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of objects in the bucket
int: The number of objects in the bucket
sum = 0
for object_name, object_info in self.objects.items():
sum += len(object_info)
return sum
def get_num_scalars(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of scalars in the bucket
int: The number of scalars in the bucket
sum = 0
for scalar_name, scalar_info in self.scalars.items():
sum += len(scalar_info["values"])
return sum
def get_random_object(self, object_name: str) -> dict:
"""Returns a random object from the bucket
object_name (str): The object name
dict: A random object from the bucket
if object_name not in self.objects:
return {}
return next(iter(self.objects[object_name]))
def get_random_object_field_value(self, object_name: str, field_name: str) -> str | int | float | bool | None:
"""Returns a random field from an object
object_name (str): The object name
field_name (str): The field name
str | int | float | bool: The field value
if object_name not in self.objects:
raise Exception("Object not found in bucket")
random_index = random.randint(0, len(self.objects[object_name]) - 1)
object_to_use = self.objects[object_name][random_index]
found_key, found_value = self.find_key_in_dict(object_to_use, field_name)
if found_value is None:
return None
return found_value
# ------------------- SETTERS -------------------
def put_in_bucket(self, response_data: dict) -> bool:
"""Puts an object in the bucket, returns True if the object was added, False otherwise
response_data (dict): The data to put in the bucket. This is the responses data from GraphQL
bool: True if the object was added, False otherwise
# If we're not using the objects bucket, just return an empty dict
return False
# If no data, just return
if not response_data:
return False
# Iterate through the data, put in the bucket
for data_key, data in response_data.items():
if self.api.is_operation_in_api(data_key):
self.parse_as_object(data_key, data)
# Regardless, always parse the entire data into our scalars bucket as well for future lookups
self.parse_as_scalar(data_key, data)
return True
def parse_as_object(self, operation_name: str, data: dict | list[dict]):
"""Parses the data as an object by looking up the output of the operation in the API
operation_name (str): The operation name, should be an operation in the API
data (dict | List[dict]): The data to parse
# Get the operation from the API
operation = self.api.get_operation(operation_name)
operation_output_type = get_output_type_from_details(operation)
if isinstance(data, list):
for item in data:
self.put_object_in_bucket(operation_output_type, item)
self.put_object_in_bucket(operation_output_type, data)
def parse_as_scalar(self, method_name: str, method_data: dict | list | str | int | float | bool | None):
"""Parses the data as a scalar (can be a list, dict, or any of the base GraphQL types
method_name (str): The method name
method_data (str): The method data
if isinstance(method_data, str):
self.put_scalar_in_bucket(method_name, "String", method_data)
elif isinstance(method_data, bool):
self.put_scalar_in_bucket(method_name, "Boolean", method_data)
elif isinstance(method_data, int):
self.put_scalar_in_bucket(method_name, "Int", method_data)
elif isinstance(method_data, float):
self.put_scalar_in_bucket(method_name, "Float", method_data)
elif isinstance(method_data, list):
for item in method_data:
self.parse_as_scalar(method_name, item)
elif isinstance(method_data, dict):
def put_object_in_bucket(self, object_name: str, object_info: dict):
"""Puts an object in the bucket
object_name (str): The object's name
object_info (dict): The object's info
if object_name not in self.objects:
self.objects[object_name] = []
def parse_object_scalars(self, object_info: dict):
"""Parses each field of a dictionary as a scalar and parses it into the scalar components
object_info (dict): The object info
for field_name, field_value in object_info.items():
self.parse_as_scalar(field_name, field_value)
def put_scalar_in_bucket(self, name: str, type: str, data: str | int | float | bool):
"""Puts scalar in the bucket
name (str): The scalar's name
type (str): The scalar's type
data (str): The scalar's data
if name not in self.scalars:
self.scalars[name] = {"type": type, "values": {data}}
# ------------------- DELETERS -------------------
def delete_object_from_bucket(self, object_name: str):
"""Deletes an object from the bucket
object_name (str): The object name
# TODO: Need to figure out what to remove from bucket since
# there will be many objects under the object name
# ------------------- HELPERS -------------------
def clear_bucket(self):
"""Clears the bucket"""
def is_empty(self) -> bool:
"""Checks if the object bucket is empty
bool: True if the object bucket is empty, False otherwise
return len(self.objects) == 0 and len(self.scalars) == 0
def is_object_in_bucket(self, object_name: str) -> bool:
"""Checks if an object is in the bucket
object_name (str): The object name
bool: True if the object is in the bucket, False otherwise
return object_name in self.objects and len(self.objects[object_name]) > 0
def find_key_in_dict(self, dictionary: dict, key: str) -> tuple[str, str | int | float | bool | None]:
"""Recursively searches for the key in a nested dictionary and returns its full path and value.
dictionary (dict): The dictionary to search
key (str): The key to search for
tuple[str, str | int | float | bool | None]: The key and value
for k, v in dictionary.items():
if k == key:
return k, v
if isinstance(v, dict):
result = self.find_key_in_dict(v, key)
if result is not None:
return result
return ("", None)
def get_random_scalar_from_bucket_by_type(self, scalar_type: str) -> str | int | float | bool:
"""Gets a random scalar from the bucket
scalar_type (str): The scalar type
str | int | float | bool: The scalar value
for scalar_name, scalar in self.scalars.items():
if scalar["type"] == scalar_type:
return random.choice(list(scalar["values"]))
return ""
def get_random_scalar_from_bucket_by_name(self, scalar_name) -> str | int | float | bool:
"""Gets a random scalar from the bucket with the name
scalar_name (str): The scalar name
str | int | float | bool: The scalar value
if scalar_name not in self.scalars:
return ""
return random.choice(list(self.scalars[scalar_name]["values"]))