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Test Coverage
import { ExecOptions } from 'child_process'
import { StepDefinition } from './Step.types'
import { CommandResult } from './Processor.types'
import { VirtualFunction } from './Virtual.types'
import Local from './Local'
import Remote from './Remote'
import Virtual from './Virtual'
import Processor from './Processor'
import { Context } from './Pipeline.types'
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'

 * Base step class.
 * @param {Object} definition a definition object.

export default class Step<D = StepDefinition> extends EventEmitter {
  public definition: D

  protected eventPrefix = 'STEP'

  public constructor(definition: D) {
    this.definition = definition

  /* eslint-disable*/
  public async run(_context: Context, _index: number): Promise<any> {
    throw new Error('You need to implement the run method')
  /* eslint-enable*/

   * Uses a given processor to exec a command and retries it {maxRetries} until it solves or it runs out
   * of oportunities, then desides what to do on failure or success
   * @param {Local | Remote | Virtual} processor the processor object that will handle the command
   * @param {String} command the final command that will be executed
   * @param {ExecOptions} [options] step options to pass to the processor
   * @returns {CommandResult} The execution result
  protected async runAndRetry(processor: Local, command: string, options?: ExecOptions): Promise<CommandResult>
  protected async runAndRetry(processor: Remote, command: string, options?: ExecOptions): Promise<CommandResult>
  protected async runAndRetry(processor: Virtual, virtalFunction: VirtualFunction, context: Context, options?: ExecOptions): Promise<CommandResult>
  protected async runAndRetry(
    processor: Processor,
    action: string | VirtualFunction,
    secondParam?: ExecOptions | Context,
    options?: ExecOptions
  ): Promise<CommandResult> {
    const definition: StepDefinition = (this.definition as unknown) as StepDefinition
    const finalMaxRetries: number = Math.max(definition.maxRetries || 0, 0)

    for (let i = 0; i <= finalMaxRetries; i++) {
      if (i > 0) this.emit(`${this.eventPrefix}@RETRY`, i, new Date())

      try {
        const result: CommandResult = await processor.exec(action, secondParam, options)

        switch (definition.onSuccess) {
          case 'terminate':
            this.emit(`${this.eventPrefix}@FAIL`, result, new Date())

            throw result
            this.emit(`${this.eventPrefix}@FINISH`, result, new Date())

            return result
      } catch (error) {
        if (i === finalMaxRetries) {
          switch (definition.onFailure) {
            case 'continue':
              this.emit(`${this.eventPrefix}@FINISH`, error, new Date())

              return error
              this.emit(`${this.eventPrefix}@FAIL`, error, new Date())

              throw error

  protected buildFinalcommand(command: string, workingDirectory?: string): string {
    if (workingDirectory) {
      return `cd ${workingDirectory} && ${command}`
    return command

  protected async generateDynamicCommand(command: string | ((context: Context) => string), context: Context): Promise<string> {
    try {
      if (typeof command == 'function') {
        return await command(context)
      } else {
        return command
    } catch (error) {
      throw { error, stdout: '', stderr: '' }

  protected replaceGlobals(command: string, context: Context): string {
    const globals = context.globals
    const globalsKeys: string[] = Object.keys(globals)
    let finalString = command

    for (let i = 0; i < globalsKeys.length; i++) {
      const currentKey = globalsKeys[i]
      const value = globals[currentKey]
      const regexp = new RegExp(`:${currentKey}:`, 'g')

      finalString = finalString.replace(regexp, value)

    return finalString