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import { applyMiddleware, combineReducers, createStore, Reducer, ReducersMapObject, AnyAction, Dispatch } from 'redux'
import { ReducthorAction, AuthConfig, ReducthorConfiguration } from './Reducthor.types'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import { Map } from 'immutable'
import axios, { AxiosError, AxiosResponse } from 'axios'

 * Reducthor will take care of automatic reducer creation that handles "standard"
 * store tasks, like make a request type action or a simple store manipulation
 * @param {ReducthorConfiguration} config of how reducthor will handle actions
export default class Reducthor {
  // Reducthor will generate attributes on the fly so we need to make sure it does not conflic
  // with typescript, maybe at some ponint retypy the reducthor class?
  [key: string]: any

  public config: ReducthorConfiguration = null

  // TODO: thunk actions have a problem with the Sore type since it expects only a plane ReducthorAction
  public store: any = null

  private actions: ((state: any, ...args: any[]) => any)[] = []

  public constructor(config: ReducthorConfiguration) {
    this.config = config

    // If actions is just and array the we just create a reducer that handles all actions
    // if not then is probably an object that separates actions into reducers, in that case
    // we create reducers that handle thes specified actions.
    const simple: boolean = === '[object Array]'
    const generatedReducers: Reducer = this.generateReducers(config.actions, simple)

    // If composeWithDevTools is proveded we apply thunk and the provided middleware inside it or
    // we just apply it as normal. check
    const finalMiddleWare = config.composeWithDevTools
      ? config.composeWithDevTools(applyMiddleware(thunk, ...(config.middleware || [])))
      : applyMiddleware(thunk, ...(config.middleware || []))

    // Create the store as normally if an initial state is provided then just use that if not check if actios
    // are simple; in that case we initialize it as an Immutable Map and if not we just pass an empty object that
    // redux wll reshape into one with all the reducthor namespaces. = createStore(generatedReducers, config.initialState || (simple ? Map() : {}), finalMiddleWare)

   * In any time the user can reconfigure how reducthor will use an auth token when a request
   * action has been called
   * @param {AuthConfig} authConfig the new auth configuration to use
  public configAuth(authConfig: AuthConfig): void {
    if (this.config.authConfig) {
      this.config.authConfig = { ...this.config.authConfig, ...authConfig }
    } else {
      this.config.authConfig = authConfig

  private generateReducers(actions: any, simple: boolean): Reducer {
    if (simple) {
        (action: ReducthorAction): void => {
          if (action.type === 'request') {
            const derivedActionNames: any = this.generateDerivedActionsNames(

            this.generateRequestActions(action, derivedActionNames)
            this.generateRequestMainAction(action, derivedActionNames)
          } else if (!action.type || action.type === 'simple') {

      // Behold the one reducer function
      return (state: any, action: AnyAction): any => {
        // Reducthor actions use "type" to distinguish them, but in the reduzer
        // actions are sored by the ReducthorAction name
        if (this.actions[action.type]) {
          // actions always pass an array of aprams as payload
          return this.actions[action.type].apply(null, [state, ...action.args])
        } else {
          return state
    } else {
      const reducers: ReducersMapObject = {}

        (reducerNameSpace: string): void => {
          // Now the reducthor object has some how "namespaces" based on the reducers
          this[reducerNameSpace] = {}
          this.actions[reducerNameSpace] = {}

            (action: ReducthorAction): void => {
              if (action.type === 'request') {
                const derivedActionNames: any = this.generateDerivedActionsNames(

                this.generateRequestActions(action, derivedActionNames, reducerNameSpace)
                this.generateRequestMainAction(action, derivedActionNames, reducerNameSpace)
              } else if (!action.type || action.type === 'simple') {
                this.generateSimpleAction(action, reducerNameSpace)
                this.generateSimpleMainAction(action, reducerNameSpace)

          // Behold the one reducer function for this "namespace"
          reducers[reducerNameSpace] = (state: any = Map(), action: AnyAction): any => {
            if (this.actions[reducerNameSpace][action.type]) {
              return this.actions[reducerNameSpace][action.type].apply(null, [state, ...action.args])
            } else {
              return state

      return combineReducers(reducers)

  private generateDerivedActionsNames(actionName: string): any {
    return {
      functionName: actionName.toLowerCase().replace(/_([a-z])/g, (g): string => g[1].toUpperCase()),
      setRequestingActionName: `${actionName}_SET_REQUESTING`,
      uploadProgressActionName: `${actionName}_UPLOAD_PROGRESS`,
      downloadProgressActionName: `${actionName}_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS`,
      requestOkActionName: `${actionName}_REQUEST_OK`,
      requestErrorActionName: `${actionName}_REQUEST_ERROR`,
      finishedActionName: `${actionName}_FINISHED`

  private generateRequestActions(
    action: ReducthorAction,
    derivedActionNames: any,
    reducerNameSpace: string = undefined
  ): void {
    const actions = reducerNameSpace ? this.actions[reducerNameSpace] : this.actions

    // Before sending the request if set a status flag that shows that we are doing it
    actions[derivedActionNames.setRequestingActionName] = (state: any, ...args: any[]): any => {
      const statusedState: any = state.set(`${}_STATUS`, 'REQUESTING')

      // And let the user set anything afterwards
      if (action.onAction) {
        return action.onAction(statusedState, ...args)
      } else {
        return statusedState

    actions[derivedActionNames.uploadProgressActionName] = (state: any, ...args: any[]): any => {
      if (action.onUploadProgress) {
        const progressEvent: any = args.shift()

        return action.onUploadProgress(state, progressEvent, ...args)
      } else {
        return state

    actions[derivedActionNames.downloadProgressActionName] = (state: any, ...args: any[]): any => {
      if (action.onDownloadProgress) {
        const progressEvent: any = args.shift()

        return action.onDownloadProgress(state, progressEvent, ...args)
      } else {
        return state

    // If the request has an ok status we set the flag as ok
    actions[derivedActionNames.requestOkActionName] = (state: any, ...args: any[]): any => {
      const statusedState = state.set(`${}_STATUS`, 'OK')

      if (action.onRequestOk) {
        const response: AxiosResponse = args.shift()

        return action.onRequestOk(statusedState, response, ...args)
      } else {
        return statusedState

    // Set error flag if not ok
    actions[derivedActionNames.requestErrorActionName] = (state: any, ...args: any[]): any => {
      const statusedState = state.set(`${}_STATUS`, 'ERROR')

      if (action.onRequestError) {
        const error: AxiosError = args.shift()

        return action.onRequestError(statusedState, error, ...args)
      } else {
        return statusedState

    actions[derivedActionNames.finishedActionName] = (state: any, ...args: any[]): any => {
      if (action.onFinish) {
        return action.onFinish(state, ...args)
      } else {
        return state

  private generateRequestMainAction(
    action: ReducthorAction,
    derivedActionNames: any,
    reducerNameSpace: string = undefined
  ): void {
    const holder = reducerNameSpace ? this[reducerNameSpace] : this

    holder[derivedActionNames.functionName] = (...args: any[]): Promise<any> => {
        (dispatch: Dispatch): Promise<any> => {
          return new Promise(
            (resolve, reject): void => {
              // Tell the store we are requesting
              dispatch({ type: derivedActionNames.setRequestingActionName, args })

              let actualPath: string
              let nextArgIndex: number
              try {
                const { finalPath, nextIndex } = this.buildPath(action.path, args)

                actualPath = finalPath
                nextArgIndex = nextIndex
              } catch (error) {
                reject({ error, args })

              const data = args[nextArgIndex]
              const headers = {}
              let form = data
              let params = {}

              // Use form for POST PATH AND PUT requests when configured
              if (data && ['post', 'patch', 'put'].includes(action.method.toLowerCase())) {
                if (action.useMultyPartForm) {
                  form = new FormData()

                    (filedName: string): void => {
                      form.append(filedName, data[filedName])
              } else {
                params = data

              if (action.private && this.config.authConfig) {
                headers[this.config.authConfig.header || 'Authentication'] = this.config.authConfig.token

                baseURL: this.config.baseUrl,
                method: action.method,
                url: actualPath,
                data: form,
                onUploadProgress: function(progressEvent): void {
                  dispatch({ type: derivedActionNames.uploadProgressActionName, args: [progressEvent, ...args] })
                onDownloadProgress: function(progressEvent): void {
                  dispatch({ type: derivedActionNames.downloadProgressActionName, args: [progressEvent, ...args] })
                  (response: AxiosResponse): void => {
                    dispatch({ type: derivedActionNames.requestOkActionName, args: [response, ...args] })
                    dispatch({ type: derivedActionNames.finishedActionName, args })
                    resolve({ response, args })
                  (error: AxiosError): void => {
                    dispatch({ type: derivedActionNames.requestErrorActionName, args: [error, ...args] })
                    dispatch({ type: derivedActionNames.finishedActionName, args })
                    reject({ error, args })

  private generateSimpleAction(action: ReducthorAction, reducerNameSpace: string = undefined): void {
    const actions = reducerNameSpace ? this.actions[reducerNameSpace] : this.actions

    actions[] = (state: any, ...args: any[]): any => {
      if (action.action) {
        return action.action(state, ...args)
      } else {
        return state

  private generateSimpleMainAction(action: ReducthorAction, reducerNameSpace: string = undefined): void {
    const functionName =[a-z])/g, (g): string => g[1].toUpperCase())
    const holder = reducerNameSpace ? this[reducerNameSpace] : this

    holder[functionName] = (...args: any[]): Promise<any> => {
        (dispatch: Dispatch): Promise<any> => {
          return new Promise(
            (resolve, reject): void => {
              try {
                dispatch({ type:, args })
                resolve({ args })
              } catch (error) {
                reject({ error, args })

  private buildPath(basePath: string, args: any[]): { finalPath: string; nextIndex: number } {
    let finalPath: string = basePath
    let nextIndex = 0

    while (true) {
      const indexOfParamIdentifier: number = finalPath.indexOf(':')

      if (indexOfParamIdentifier !== -1) {
        let indexOfEndOfParam: number = finalPath.indexOf('/', indexOfParamIdentifier)
        indexOfEndOfParam = indexOfEndOfParam !== -1 ? indexOfEndOfParam : finalPath.length
        const param: string = finalPath.substring(indexOfParamIdentifier, indexOfEndOfParam)

        const nextArg: any = args[nextIndex++]
        if (typeof nextArg === 'string' || typeof nextArg === 'number') {
          finalPath = finalPath.replace(param, String(nextArg))
        } else {
          if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
            throw new Error(`You didn't provide enough arguments to build ${basePath}`)
      } else {

    return { finalPath, nextIndex }