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package Wit

import (

    tgbotapi ""
    witai ""

type WitClient struct {
    ApiKey               string
    Client               *witai.Client
    TeleWitChan          chan string
    AwaitingCallbackData *map[string]interface{}

func SetUp(config *Config.Config) WitClient {
    instance := WitClient{
        ApiKey:               config.WIT_Api_Key,
        TeleWitChan:          config.Tele_wit_chan,
        AwaitingCallbackData: config.Callback_map,
    return instance

// Init creates a new Wit Ai client to parse messages
func (client *WitClient) Init() {
    client.Client = witai.NewClient(client.ApiKey)

// Generate_markup generates a markup for the interactive interface that the telegram user gets as a message
func (client *WitClient) Generate_markup(filepath string) *tgbotapi.InlineKeyboardMarkup {
    jsonFile, err := os.Open(filepath)
    if err != nil {
        log.Panic("Error opening markup file:", err)
    defer jsonFile.Close()

    byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)

    jsonMap := make(map[string]interface{})
    err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(byteValue), &jsonMap)
    if err != nil {
    var list_of_buttons [][]tgbotapi.InlineKeyboardButton

    for _, val := range jsonMap["markup"].([]interface{}) {
        row := []tgbotapi.InlineKeyboardButton{}
        for _, button_map := range val.(map[string]interface{}) {
            button_text := button_map.(map[string]interface{})["text"].(string)
            callbackData := button_map.(map[string]interface{})["callbackData"].(string)
            button := tgbotapi.InlineKeyboardButton{
                Text:         button_text,
                CallbackData: &callbackData,
            row = append(row, button)
        list_of_buttons = append(list_of_buttons, row)
    markup := tgbotapi.InlineKeyboardMarkup{InlineKeyboard: list_of_buttons}
    return &markup

// add_to_group NOT IMPLEMENTED
func (client *WitClient) add_to_group(parameters []string) (string, interface{}) {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Adding %v to group!\n", parameters), nil

// create_group NOT IMPLEMENTED
func (client *WitClient) create_group(parameters []string) (string, interface{}) {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Creating group called %s and adding %v!\n", parameters[0], parameters[1:]), nil

// get_parameters Gets a list of parameters from the received telegram message
func (client *WitClient) get_parameters(parameters_list []interface{}) []string {
    var parameters []string

    for _, param_map := range parameters_list {
        parameters = append(parameters, param_map.(map[string]interface{})["value"].(string))

    return parameters

// process_telegram_data Stores callback data used to edit or answer telegram messages
func (client *WitClient) process_telegram_data(tele_data string, tele_map map[string]interface{}) {
    if tele_map != nil {
        if tele_map["purpose"] == "report" {
            key := fmt.Sprintf("report|%s", tele_data)
            (*client.AwaitingCallbackData)[key] = tele_map

// wait_for_telegram_msg After sending a message to telegram waits for an answer to that message
func (client *WitClient) wait_for_telegram_msg(extra_data map[string]interface{}) {
    telegram_data := <-client.TeleWitChan
    if extra_data != nil {
        client.process_telegram_data(telegram_data, extra_data)
    client.process_telegram_data(telegram_data, nil)

// MessageParser Receives a message, parses it and executes a function based on the message intent
func (client *WitClient) MessageParser(message string) (string, interface{}) {
    var parameters []string

    // The functions we are able to execute through witai
    actions := map[string]interface{}{
        "add_to_group":      client.add_to_group,
        "create_group":      client.create_group,
        "get_gitlab_report": get_gitlab_report,
        "get_oldest_issues": get_gitlab_oldest_issue,
        "none":              "none",

    wit_msg, _ := client.Client.Parse(&witai.MessageRequest{
        Query: message,

    if wit_msg.Entities["intent"] == nil {
        log.Println("No intent found")
        go func() {
        return "Sorry, I didn't understand that", nil

    intent := wit_msg.Entities["intent"].([]interface{})
    function_name := intent[0].(map[string]interface{})["value"].(string)

    parameters = client.get_parameters(wit_msg.Entities["function_parameters"].([]interface{}))

    switch f := actions[function_name].(type) {

    case func(*WitClient, []string) (string, interface{}):
        string_response, markup := f(client, parameters)
        return string_response, markup
    case func([]string) (string, interface{}):
        string_response, markup := f(parameters)
        return string_response, markup
        return "No function has been implemented for this yet", nil
