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# Bitpagos API

Ruby wrapper for the [Bitpagos]( Payments API

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## Getting Started

For command line usage:

$ gem install bitpagos

If you intend to use it within an application, add `gem "bitpagos"` to your

## Usage

After installing the gem, you need to obtain your Bitpagos API key from their
website, in your control panel, [here](

Initialize a Bitpagos client by running:

your_api_key = "ABCDEFG123456789"
client =

To get a transaction by its id:


To get only the completed or waiting transactions:

result = client.completed_transactions

result = client.waiting_transactions

You can also use the `#transactions` method like this:

result = client.transactions(status: :completed)

result = client.transactions(status: :waiting)

Pagination is available by providing limit and offset:

result = client.transactions(status: :completed, limit: 20, offset: 60)

## Contributing & Development

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Write your feature (and tests)
4. Run tests (`bundle exec rake`)
5. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
6. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
7. Create new Pull Request

## Release the Gem

$ bundle exec rake release