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    <h1 class="page-title">Source: index.js</h1>


            <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>// @flow

 * Given a string containing markup renders the markup into a
 * React component. This needs to be called inside the
 * 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' prop to work.
 * @function generateMarkup
 * @param {string} markup - String containing HTML
 * @return {object} Object which is transformed to innerHTML by
 * dangerouslySetInnerHTML
export const generateMarkup = (markup: string): Object => {
  return {
    __html: markup

 * Given an array of objects sorts the array by the given property of
 * each object in either ascending or descending order.
 * @function sortByProperty
 * @param {string} property - Property to sort by
 * @param {number} order - Should be either 1 or -1
 * @param {array} list - list of objects to sort
 * @return {array} Sorted list
export const sortByProperty = (
  property: string,
  order: number,
  list: Array&lt;Object>
): Array&lt;Object> => list.sort((a, b) => {
  const aHasProperty = typeof a[property] !== 'undefined'
  const bHasProperty = typeof b[property] !== 'undefined'

  const aIsSmaller = a[property] &lt; b[property]

  if (
    aIsSmaller ||
    (aHasProperty &amp;&amp; !bHasProperty)
  ) return -order

  const aIsLarger = a[property] > b[property]
  if (
    aIsLarger ||
    (!aHasProperty &amp;&amp; bHasProperty)
  ) return order

  return 0

 * Pipes the output of functions as arguments into the next function
 * (from left to right).
 * @function pipe
 * @example
 * const splitString = str => str.split('')
 * const getLength = arr => arr.length
 * pipe(splitString, getLength)('Hello world') // => 11
 * @param {function} f1 - first function to call
 * @param {array} ...fns - Additional functions to pipe through
 * @return {function} Composed function
export const pipe = (f1: Function, ...fns: Array&lt;Function>): Function =>
  (...args: Array&lt;mixed>): Function => {
    return fns.reduce((res, fn) => fn(res), f1.apply(null, args))

  * Creates an array containing a range of numbers.
  * @function range
  * @param {number} start - First number of the range, array index 0
  * @param {number} end - Endindex, not included inside the resulting array
  * @return {array} array of numbers
  * @example
  * range(2, 6) // => [2, 3, 4, 5]
export const range = (start: number, end: number): Array&lt;number> => {
  return Array.from({length: (end - start)}, (v, k) => k + start)

  * Returns the first element of an array
  * @function first
  * @param {array} arr - Array
  * @return {element} First element of the array
export const first = &lt;T>(arr: Array&lt;T>): T => arr[0]

  * Returns the last element of an array
  * @function last
  * @param {array} arr - Array
  * @return {element} Last element of the array
export const last = &lt;T>(arr: Array&lt;T>): T => first(arr.slice(-1))

  * Toggles the class on a DOM node by a given condition
  * @function toggleClass
  * @param {HTMLElement} node - Domnode to add/remove class to/from
  * @param {string} className - Class to add/remove
  * @param {boolean} condition - Expression that resolves to true/false
  * @return {void}
export const toggleClass = (
  node: HTMLElement,
  className: string,
  condition: boolean
): void => {
    ? node.classList.add(className)
    : node.classList.remove(className)

  * Function partially apply arguments to a function. (Left to right)
  * @function partial
  * @param {function} fn - Function to apply to.
  * @param {array} ...args - Arguments to apply
  * @return {function} Partially applied function
export const partial = (fn: Function, ...args: Array&lt;mixed>): Function => {
  return (...otherArgs) => {
    return fn(...args, ...otherArgs)

  * Converts an object to an array of its values. This is basically the same
  * as Object.values(). The latter sometimes has some unintended effects on
  * flow, which is why we currently fallback to this helper.
  * @function objToArray
  * @param {object} obj - Object to convert
  * @return {array} Array of values
export const objToArray = (obj: Object): Array&lt;*> => Object.keys(obj).map(k => obj[k])

  * Converts an array of objects to an object keyed by a specific property,
  * where each key is the value of the property and the value is the actual object.
  * @function objArrayToKeyedObj
  * @param {array} arr - Array containing objects each containing a specific property
  * @param {string} property - Property to key objects by
  * @return {object}
export const objArrayToKeyedObj = (arr: Array&lt;Object>, property: string): Object => arr
  .reduce((acc, obj) => {
    if (!obj) return acc

    return { ...acc, [obj[property]]: obj }
  }, {})

  * Eliminates null/undefined values from array (flow compliant)
  * @function compactArray
  * @param {array} arr - Source array
  * @return {array}
// TODO narrow down types (this is quite a hard task =))
export const compactArray = &lt;T>(arr: Array&lt;?T>): Array&lt;T> => {
  let result = []

  for (let i = 0; i &lt; arr.length; i++) {
    const el = arr[i]
    if (el !== null &amp;&amp; el !== undefined) {

  return result

  * Conditionally inserts a key-value pair into an object. To make practical
  * use of this function inside an object you have to use the object spread
  * operator on the result
  * @function insertInObjIf
  * @param {boolean} condition - condition to determine if property should be inserted
  * @param {string} property - property to insert
  * @param {any} value - property value
  * @return {object} new object either empty or containing the inserted property only
export const insertInObjIf = (
  condition: boolean,
  property: string,
  value: any
): Object => {
  return condition ? { [property]: value } : {}

  * Conditionally inserts a value into an array. To make practical use of this
  * funciton inside an array you have to use the array spread operator on the
  * result.
  * @function insertInArrIf
  * @param {boolean} condition - condition to determine if property should be inserted
  * @param {any} value - value to insert
  * @return {array} either empty or containing the new value
export const insertInArrIf = (
  condition: boolean,
  value: any
): Array&lt;any> => {
  return condition ? [ value ] : []

 *  Removes a property from an object and returns a new object. The original
 *  object is not altered.
  * @function immutablyDeleteProperty
  * @param {object} obj - Object to delete property from
  * @param {string} property - property to delete
  * @return {object} new object without the specified property
export const immutablyDeleteProperty = (obj: Object, property: string): Object => {
  return Object.keys(obj)
    .filter(k => k !== property)
    .reduce((acc, k) => {
      return { ...acc, [k]: obj[k] }
    }, {})

 * Reduces multiple function calls, which are fired in quick succession to
 * a single function call (i.e. to reduce function calls on scroll events.
 * @function debounce
 * @param {function} fn - Function to debounce
 * @param {number} time - Time to wait until function is called - will be reset
 * on every invocation of the debounced function in the given timeframe.
 * @return {function} Debounced function
export const debounce = (fn: Function, time: number): Function => {
  let timeout

  // Has to be a 'real' function, not an arrow function, to preserve
  // context of 'this'
  return function (...args: Array&lt;mixed>) {
    const callback = () => fn.apply(this, args)

    timeout = setTimeout(callback, time)

 * Makes sure that a given function is only called once in a specified
 * timeframe.
 * @function throttle
 * @param {function} fn - Function to call after timeout
 * @param {number} time - Timeout in ms
 * @param {object} context - Useful for throttling object methods
 * @return {function} Throttled function
export const throttle = (fn: Function, time: number, context: Object = this): Function => {
  let timeout
  let callbackArgs

  const callback = () => {
    fn.apply(context, callbackArgs)
    timeout = undefined

  // Has to be a 'real' function, not an arrow function, to preserve
  // context of 'this'
  return function (...args: Array&lt;mixed>) {
    if (timeout) return

    callbackArgs = args
    timeout = setTimeout(callback, time)


    <h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Global</h3><ul><li><a href="global.html#compactArray">compactArray</a></li><li><a href="global.html#debounce">debounce</a></li><li><a href="global.html#first">first</a></li><li><a href="global.html#generateMarkup">generateMarkup</a></li><li><a href="global.html#immutablyDeleteProperty">immutablyDeleteProperty</a></li><li><a href="global.html#insertInArrIf">insertInArrIf</a></li><li><a href="global.html#insertInObjIf">insertInObjIf</a></li><li><a href="global.html#last">last</a></li><li><a href="global.html#objArrayToKeyedObj">objArrayToKeyedObj</a></li><li><a href="global.html#objToArray">objToArray</a></li><li><a href="global.html#partial">partial</a></li><li><a href="global.html#pipe">pipe</a></li><li><a href="global.html#range">range</a></li><li><a href="global.html#sortByProperty">sortByProperty</a></li><li><a href="global.html#throttle">throttle</a></li><li><a href="global.html#toggleClass">toggleClass</a></li></ul>

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    Documentation generated by <a href="https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc">JSDoc 3.5.5</a> on Mon Jan 08 2018 14:59:36 GMT+0100 (CET)

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