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Test Coverage
 * BoxBilling configuration file
 * If you are not using the web-installer, you can rename this file
 * to "bb-config.php" and fill in the values.
 * Import /install/structure.sql to your database
 * Open browser http://www.youdomain.com/index.php?_url=/bb-admin to create new admin account.
 * Remove /install directory

return array(

     * Set BoxBilling license key. Get license key at http://www.boxbilling.com
    'license'     => '<%= @license %>',

    'salt'        => '<%= @salt %>',

     * Full URL where BoxBilling is installed with trailing slash
    'url'     => '<%= @url %>',

    'admin_area_prefix' =>  '/bb-admin',

     * Enable or Disable the display of notices
    'debug'     => <%= @debug.to_s %>,

     * Enable or Disable search engine friendly urls.
     * Configure .htaccess file before enabling this feature
     * Set to TRUE if using nginx
    'sef_urls'  => <%= @sef_urls.to_s %>,

     * Application timezone
    'timezone'    =>  '<%= @timezone %>',

     * Set BoxBilling locale
    'locale'    =>  '<%= @locale %>',

     * Set default date format for localized strings
     * Format information: http://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php
    'locale_date_format'    =>  '%A, %d %B %G',

     * Set default time format for localized strings
     * Format information: http://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php
    'locale_time_format'    =>  ' %T',

     * Set location to store sensitive data
    'path_data'  => dirname(__FILE__) . '/bb-data',

    'path_logs'  => dirname(__FILE__) . '/bb-data/log/application.log',

    'db'    =>  array(
         * Database type. Don't change this if in doubt.
        'type'   =>'mysql',

         * Database hostname. Don't change this if in doubt.
        'host'   =>'<%= @db_host %>',

         * The name of the database for BoxBilling
        'name'   =>'<%= @db_name %>',

         * Database username
        'user'   =>'<%= @db_user %>',

         * Database password
        'password'   =>'<%= @db_password %>',

    'twig'   =>  array(
        'debug'         =>  false,
        'auto_reload'   =>  false,
        'cache'         =>  dirname(__FILE__) . '/bb-data/cache',

    'api'   =>  array(
        // all requests made to API must have referrer request header with the same url as BoxBilling installation
        'require_referrer_header'   =>  <%= @api['require_referer_header'].to_s %>,

        // empty array will allow all IPs to access API
        'allowed_ips'       =>  array(<%= @api['allowed_ips'].map {|x| "'#{x}'" }.join(', ') %>),

        // Time span for limit in seconds
        'rate_span'         =>  <%= @api['rate_span'] %>,

        // How many requests allowed per time span
        'rate_limit'        =>  <%= @api['rate_limit'] %>,