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Test Coverage
# Generated by Chef

# Deny access for users. Included from 10-auth.conf.

# Users can be (temporarily) disabled by adding a passdb with deny=yes.
# If the user is found from that database, authentication will fail.
# The deny passdb should always be specified before others, so it gets
# checked first.

<% if DovecotCookbook::Auth.passdb?(@auth['deny']) -%>
<%=  DovecotCookbook::Conf.authdb('passwd-file', 'passdb', @auth['deny']['passdb']) %>
<% else -%>
# Example deny passdb using passwd-file. You can use any passdb though.
passdb {
  driver = passwd-file
  deny = yes

  # File contains a list of usernames, one per line
  args = /etc/dovecot/deny-users
<% end -%>