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> A generator for a systemic microservice.

### Systemic microservice

An easy and unopinionated implementation of a microservice fostering an inner [Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters)](

#### Main concepts
- [__Systemic__]( dependecy injection orchestrator in charge of correctly start and stop the different components of the microservice.
- __Systemic microservice__: a system composed of different sub-systems --> _components_ and _sub-components_.
- __Components__ and __sub-components__: minimal responsability elements (Adapters) of the system in charge of dealing with a given Port (generally speaking).


First, install [Yeoman]( and generator-systemic using [npm]( (we assume you have pre-installed [node.js](

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-systemic

### Getting To Know Yeoman

 * Yeoman has a heart of gold.
 * Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
 * Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
 * Feel free to [learn more about Yeoman](


Generate your new systemic project: a white canvas into which creating the components you do prefer according to your specifi business logic.

[More info](generators/app/templates/root/

mkdir my-service
cd my-service
yo systemic

## White canvas VS showcase
There is an option that can be passed to the generator at execution time using the flag `--showcase`. 

### `--showcase` flag NOT used
Generates your new systemic project: a white canvas into which creating the components you do prefer according to your specific business logic. 

More info in the generated ReadMe.

### `--showcase` flag used
Generates your new systemic project with extra components: a not so white canvas with a given business logic already in place to help you better understand how to handle components (and sub-components):
- versioning.
- workflows.
- testing.
- systemic ecosystem npm handy modules (e.g. [systemic-rabbitmq]( - [systemic-mongdb](

More info in the generated ReadMe.

Consider following these guidelines if you want to contribute:

- Feature: [](
- Bug: [](

- Pull Request: [](


MIT © [Guidesmiths Ltd](LICENSE)