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Test Coverage
- content_for(:head) do
  = javascript_include_tag 'associations_new'

%h2 Form a new Association

  Provide details for yourself and the Association to be formed then One Click Orgs will automatically create a draft constitution. You can invite other “founding members” from your group to view the constitution and suggest changes. When everyone’s ready you can hold a vote to found the Association. Please see
  = link_to('the FAQ', '', :target => '_blank')
  if you have any questions.

  You can change all of these details (apart from your web address) before calling a founding vote.

= form_tag({:controller => 'associations', :action => 'create'}, :method => "post", :id => 'new_association') do

    %h3 Your details
    = fields_for(:founder, @founder) do |f|
        = f.label :first_name, "First name"
        = f.text_field :first_name, :placeholder => 'Robert'
        = f.label :last_name, "Last name"
        = f.text_field :last_name, :placeholder => 'Smith'
        = f.label :email, "Email address"
        = f.email_field :email, :type => 'email', :placeholder => ''
        = f.label :password, "Choose password"
        = f.password_field :password
        = f.label :password_confirmation, "Confirm password"
        = f.password_field :password_confirmation

    %h3 The Association
    = fields_for(:association, @association) do |f|
        = f.label :name, "Association's official name"
        = f.text_field(:name, :placeholder => 'Penzance Sardine Appreciation Society')
      - if !Setting[:single_organisation_mode]
          = f.label :subdomain, "Your One Click Orgs web address will be"
        %p#help_subdomain.explanation (You can change this before you go to the next stage)
          = f.text_field(:subdomain, :placeholder => 'penzancesardine', :maxlength => 63)
            = '.' + Setting[:base_domain]
        = f.label :objectives, "What the Association exists for"
        = f.text_area :objectives, :placeholder => 'Strengthen a common enjoyment of oily fish'
    = fields_for(:founder, @founder) do |f|
        = f.check_box(:terms_and_conditions, class: 'inline')
        = f.label(:terms_and_conditions, "I agree to the #{link_to('Terms and Conditions', terms_associations_path, target: '_blank', class: 'terms')} of One Click Orgs.".html_safe, class: 'inline')

      = submit_tag "Create draft constitution →", :id => 'submit'

      = image_tag('squares-loading.gif', :alt => 'Loading')
      %span Creating constitution & voting system
- content_for(:lightbox) do
  %h3 Terms and Conditions
  = render(partial: 'shared/convener_disclaimer')
    %button#close_terms Close