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Test Coverage
- content_for(:head) do
  = javascript_include_tag 'coops_intro'
%h2 Welcome
  Here you can begin using
  = link_to("Co-operatives UK", '') + "'s"
  online service to set up your co-operative and start running it online.
  The online service is free to use, but if you wish to register a new co-operative then
  = link_to("Co-operative UK's fees for registration", '')
  will apply.
%p#show_more_info{:style => 'display: none;'}
  = link_to("Read more about what this service provides, and who can use it.", 'javascript:void(0);')
  %p The Co-operatives UK One Click Digital Platform allows you to instruct Co-operatives UK to support you in registering your co-operative and also assists you to develop the governing document, sign up your founder members and appoint your directors.
  %p Once your co-operative is registered the digital platform will allow your members to:
    %li Accept new applications for membership and manage the register of members and directors.
    %li Send out notice of meetings, as well as save and review minutes.
    %li Propose and vote on resolutions of your co-operative and the board.
    %li Manage board elections and retirements.
  %p To be eligible to use the online platform you will need to meet the following criteria:
    %li You wish to register as a co-operative society (industrial & provident society)
    %li You wish to instruct Co-operatives UK to help you to register
    %li All members must have internet access
  %h2 Next steps
    %h3 Want more information about co-operatives?
      = link_to("Visit the Co-operatives UK website.", '')
    %h3 Not sure if this service is right for you?
      = link_to("Contact us", '')
      with your questions.
    %h3 Ready to get started?
      = link_to("Proceed to sign up", new_coop_path(skip_intro: '1'))