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Test Coverage
- if current_organisation.pending? or current_organisation.proposed?  
  %h2 Members
    - if current_user == co.members.first
      = 'You'
    - else
    can invite new founding members and re-issue invitations on this page.
    Adding additional founding members on this page lets them view the draft constitution. Once everyone’s happy the group can hold the founding vote and form the Association. Bear in mind the law says an Association cannot be formed with fewer than three people.
  - unless @pending_members.empty?
        %th Name
        %th Email
        %th Last logged in
        - if current_organisation.proposed?
          %th Founding vote
      - for member in @pending_members
            - if member.last_logged_in_at
              = member.last_logged_in_at.to_s(:long_date)
          - if current_organisation.proposed?
              - if !member.founding_vote.nil?
                = member.founding_vote.for_or_against
              - else
                Not yet voted
  - if @founding_member
    %h3 Invite another Founding Member
    = form_for(@founding_member) do |form|
      = render :partial => 'founding_members/form', :locals => {:form => form}

- else
  %h2 Members
      = link_to 'PDF', members_path(:format => 'pdf')
      = link_to 'CSV', members_path(:format => 'csv')
      %th Name
      %th Proposals made (succeeded/failed)
      %th Votes cast
      %th Last login
      %th Role
    - for member in @members
          = image_tag("#{member.gravatar_url(24)}", :class => 'gravatar', :alt => "#{}", :width => '24', :height => '24')
          = link_to "#{}", member_path(member)
          = member.proposals_count
          = member.succeeded_proposals_count
          = member.failed_proposals_count
        %td= member.votes_count
          - if member.last_logged_in_at
            = member.last_logged_in_at.to_s(:long_date)
        %td= member.role
  - unless @pending_members.empty?
      Invitee Members
      People who have been voted in as members but haven’t signed into One Click Orgs to confirm their membership.
        %th Name
      - for member in @pending_members
            = link_to "#{}", member_path(member)