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Test Coverage
%h3 FCA Mutual Societies Application Form
%p The following additional information is required for the FCA Mutual Societies Application Form.

%p{:style => 'margin-bottom: 0;'}
  = label_tag "Details of any close links which the society or any member of its committee has, or intends to have, with any society, company or authority"
  The following are regarded as evidence of a close link with another society, company or other entity:
%ul{:style => 'margin-left: 40px;'}
  %li any material contract or arrangement which it is anticipated that the society will enter into in order to undertake its business; and
  %li any other directorships or senior positions held by members of the committee.
  = form.text_area :reg_form_close_links
%p{:style => 'margin-bottom: 0;'}
  = label_tag '', "Choose three members who will sign the registration form"
  For the purposes of registration, a society must have at least 3 founder members who must sign the registration paperwork. Additional founder members can be present, but they are not required to sign the paperwork.
%ul{:style => 'list-style-type: none;'}
  = form.fields_for :reg_form_signatories, @members do |signatory_fields|
      = signatory_fields.check_box :selected, :class => 'inline'
      = signatory_fields.label :selected,, :class => 'inline'
  = form.label :reg_form_timing_factors, "Does the society have any timing factors that it would like us to consider? (optional)"
  If the society wishes to be registered by a specific date, please state this below and Co-operatives UK will bring this to the attention of the FCA when submitting the application for registration.
  = form.text_area :reg_form_timing_factors
  = form.label :reg_form_financial_year_end, "Date of society's financial year end (dd/mm/yyyy) (optional)"
  If the society proposes to use a date other than the last day of the month in which the anniversary of its registration falls as its financial year end please indicate this date below, otherwise leave blank.
  = form.text_field :reg_form_financial_year_end
%p{style: 'margin-bottom: 0;'}
  = form.label :reg_form_funding, "How will the society fund its activities?"
  If the society proposes to issue withdrawable share capital please state whether the society intends to pay interest on the share capital and, if so, how the society will determine the rate of interest to be offered.
  = form.text_area :reg_form_funding
  = form.label :reg_form_members_benefit, "How will members benefit from the business industry or trade of the society?"
  = form.text_area :reg_form_members_benefit
  = form.label :reg_form_members_participate, "In what way will members participate in an ongoing basis in the society's primary business?"
  = form.text_area :reg_form_members_participate
  = form.label :reg_form_members_control, "How will members democratically control the society?"
  = form.text_area :reg_form_members_control
%p{style: 'margin-bottom: 0;'}
  = form.label :reg_form_profit_use, "How will the society use any surplus/profit?"
  If the society intends to distribute the surplus/profit to members please explain how this is to be done.
  = form.text_area :reg_form_profit_use

%h3 Co-operatives UK Letter of Engagement and Anti-Money Laundering Form
%p The following additional information is required to engage Co-operative's UK, and satisfy anti-money laundering regulations.

%p Please provide the contact details of the person/organisation to whom all correspondence in this matter will be sent. If the contact details for the person/organisation paying our fees are different, please include this information in the box provided below. Please ensure that all contact and address information provided is accurate. If no address is provided we will use the prospective registered office address to send all correspondence to. We cannot undertake work until we are in receipt of this information.

  = form.label :reg_form_main_contact_organisation_name, "Name of Organisation"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_main_contact_organisation_name
  = form.label :reg_form_main_contact_name, "Contact Name"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_main_contact_name
  = form.label :reg_form_main_contact_address, "Address"
  = form.text_area :reg_form_main_contact_address
  = form.label :reg_form_main_contact_phone, "Contact Telephone Number"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_main_contact_phone
  = form.label :reg_form_main_contact_email, "Contact E-mail Address"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_main_contact_email

  = form.label :reg_form_financial_contact_name, "Name of Finance Contact (if different from above)"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_financial_contact_name
  = form.label :reg_form_financial_contact_phone, "Contact Telephone Number"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_financial_contact_phone
  = form.label :reg_form_financial_contact_email, "Contact E-mail Address"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_financial_contact_email

%p The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 requires anyone involved in what is deemed to be 'relevant business' to introduce an anti-money laundering procedure.
%p Part of this procedure is a requirement to check and confirm the identity of the people with whom you do business. One of the activities deemed to be 'relevant business' is company and charity formation. As is the case with everyone who offers this type of service, Co-operatives UK has to abide by these regulations and as such we are required to ask the individuals involved to confirm their identity.

%p For anti-money laundering purposes, please provide the following details for 2 of the first directors. By providing this information you agree to Co-operatives UK sharing this information with a third party for the purpose of anti-money laundering checks.

%h4 First director for anti-money laundering checks:
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_0_name, "Full Name (including middle name)"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_money_laundering_0_name
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_0_date_of_birth, "Date of Birth"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_money_laundering_0_date_of_birth
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_0_address, "Residential Address"
  = form.text_area :reg_form_money_laundering_0_address
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_0_postcode, "Postcode"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_money_laundering_0_postcode
%p If lived at this address for less than 1 year, please state previous address.
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_0_residency_length, "Length of time at current address"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_money_laundering_0_residency_length

%h4 Second director for anti-money laundering checks:
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_1_name, "Full Name (including middle name)"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_money_laundering_1_name
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_1_date_of_birth, "Date of Birth"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_money_laundering_1_date_of_birth
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_1_address, "Residential Address"
  = form.text_area :reg_form_money_laundering_1_address
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_1_postcode, "Postcode"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_money_laundering_1_postcode
%p If lived at this address for less than 1 year, please state previous address.
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_1_residency_length, "Length of time at current address"
  = form.text_field :reg_form_money_laundering_1_residency_length

  = form.check_box :reg_form_money_laundering_agreement
  = form.label :reg_form_money_laundering_agreement, "I have read and agree to the Letter of Engagement and Anti-Money Laundering requirements."