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%h2 Support a proposal

  A proposal has been made by
  = image_tag(@resolution_proposal.proposer.gravatar_url(24), :alt =>, :class => 'gravatar', :width => '24', :height => '24')
  = link_to(, @resolution_proposal.proposer)
  and they want your support to turn it into a resolution, to be voted on by the entire membership.

%p The proposal is:

  %h3= @resolution_proposal.title
  = simple_format(@resolution_proposal.description)

- if can?(:vote_on, @resolution_proposal)
  - if @resolution_proposal.vote_by(current_user)
    %p You have supported this proposal.
  - else
    %p If you agree that the entire membership should be sent this proposal, to be voted on as a resolution, indicate your support below:
    = form_tag(vote_for_path(:id =>, :return_to => request.path)) do
      = submit_tag "I support this proposal"
    %p If you do not agree, simply close this page.