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Test Coverage
- if current_user
  - if current_organisation.pending?
        This is a draft Co-op. You can edit any of the settings, and invite
        others to found the Co-op with you. When you are ready, you can
        submit your Co-op for registration.
      - if co.can_propose?
        = form_tag(propose_coop_path(co), :id => 'submit_registration_form', :method => :put) do
          = submit_tag "Submit Co-op registration", :id => 'submit', :confirm => "Are you sure you wish to proceed with registration?"
        = link_button("Download registration documents", :url => documents_path)
  - elsif current_organisation.proposed?
        The Co-op has been submitted for registration. You will receive an email
        when your registration has been approved.