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3 days
Test Coverage
var React = require('react');

var util = require('utils/util');
var UserStore = require('stores/UserStore');
var UserActions = require('actions/UserActions');
var AppConstants = require('constants/AppConstants');
import {Tabs, Tab, FontIcon, FlatButton, RaisedButton,
    IconMenu, MenuItem, Toggle, TextField, Snackbar, IconButton} from 'material-ui';
var api = require('utils/api');
import connectToStores from 'alt-utils/lib/connectToStores';
var toastr = require('toastr');
import {clone} from 'lodash';
import {browserHistory} from 'react-router';
import {changeHandler} from 'utils/component-utils';

export default class Integrations extends React.Component {
    static defaultProps = {};
    constructor(props) {
        let sync_services = [];
        if (props.user) sync_services = clone(props.user.sync_services)
        this.state = {
            form: {
                sync_services: sync_services
            snack_message: null,
            snack_open: false


    static getStores() {
        return [UserStore];

    static getPropsFromStores() {
        return UserStore.getState();

    componentDidMount() {
        let action = this.props.location.query.action || this.props.params.action;
        if (action) {
            if (action == 'pocket_finish') {
            } else if (action == 'evernote_connect') {

    // Pocket

    start_pocket_authentication() {
        this.setState({snack_message: "Pocket connecting...", snack_open: true})"/api/integrations/pocket/authenticate", {}, (res) => {
            if (res.redirect) window.location = res.redirect;

    finish_pocket_authentication() {
        this.setState({snack_message: "Signing in to Pocket...", snack_open: true})"/api/integrations/pocket/authorize", {}, (res) => {
            if (res.user) {
                this.setState({snack_message: "Pocket connected!", snack_open: true})

    disconnect_pocket() {
        this.setState({snack_message: "Disconnecting from Pocket...", snack_open: true})"/api/integrations/pocket/disconnect", {}, (res) => {
            if (res.user) {

    // Evernote

    start_evernote_authentication() {
        this.setState({snack_message: "Evernote connecting...", snack_open: true})"/api/integrations/evernote/authenticate", {}, (res) => {
            if (res.redirect) window.location = res.redirect;

    finish_evernote_authentication() {
        this.setState({snack_message: "Signing in to Evernote...", snack_open: true})
        let params = this.props.location.query;"/api/integrations/evernote/authorize", params, (res) => {
            if (res.user) {
                this.setState({snack_message: "Evernote connected!", snack_open: true})

    disconnect_evernote() {
        this.setState({snack_message: "Disconnecting from Evernote...", snack_open: true})"/api/integrations/evernote/disconnect", {}, (res) => {
            if (res.user) {

    update_user() {
        let {form} = this.state;
        let params = {
            sync_services: form.sync_services.join(',')

    save_integration_props(props, opts) {
        let {form} = this.state;
        let params = {};
        let stringify_json = opts && opts.stringify_json;
        let new_form = clone(form); // To clear form fields
        props.forEach((prop) => {
            let val = form[prop];
            if (stringify_json && (Array.isArray(val) || val instanceof Object)) {
                val = JSON.stringify(val);
            params[prop] = val;
            delete new_form[prop];
        params.props = props.join(',');"/api/integrations/update_integration_settings", params, (res) => {
            if (res.user) {
            this.setState({form: new_form})

    authenticate_google_service(service_name) {
        api.get(`/api/auth/google/${service_name}/authenticate`, {}, (res) => {
            if (res.uri) window.location = res.uri;

    google_disconnect() {
        var auth2 = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
        toastr.success("Disconnected Google authorization.")

    handleSnackClose() {
        this.setState({snack_open: false});

    service_sync_toggle(int_val)  {
        let {form} = this.state;
        form.sync_services = util.toggleInList(form.sync_services, int_val);

    sync_enabled(int_val) {
        let {user} = this.props;
        let sync_services = user.sync_services || [];
        return sync_services.indexOf(int_val) > -1;

    tab_style(int_val) {
        let st = {};
        if (this.sync_enabled(int_val)) {
            st.backgroundColor = '#41CAFB';
        } else {
            st.backgroundColor = '#22647C';
        return st;

    render_toggles() {
        let {form} = this.state;
        let admin = UserStore.admin();
        return AppConstants.INTEGRATIONS.filter((int) => {
            return admin || !int.admin;
        }).map((int) => {
            return ( <Toggle
                toggled={form.sync_services.indexOf(int.value) > -1}
                onToggle={this.service_sync_toggle.bind(this, int.value)} />

    render_admin_section() {
        let {form} = this.state;
        let {user} = this.props;
        let bigquery_dataset_name = null, bigquery_table_name = null;
        if (user && user.integrations) {
            ({bigquery_dataset_name, bigquery_table_name} = user.integrations);
        let admin = UserStore.admin();
        if (admin) {
            return (
                    <h4>Admin (beta) Integrations</h4>

                        <Tab label="BigQuery" style={this.tab_style('bigquery')}>
                            <FlatButton label="Authenticate with BigQuery" onClick={this.authenticate_google_service.bind(this, 'bigquery')} />
                            <p className="lead">
                                Flow can push daily panel data in a clean format to BigQuery for additional analysis.
                                Data is currently aggregated and pushed weekly.<br/>
                                To set up BigQuery integration:

                            <ol className="lead">
                                <li>Create a GCP project for access to BigQuery</li>
                                <li>Enable the BigQuery APIs if not enabled (should be default for new projects)</li>
                                <li>Visit <a href="">BigQuery</a> and create a dataset</li>
                                <li>Update integration settings below with your dataset name, and a table name of your choice</li>
                                <li>For more information, see the <a href="">quickstart</a>.</li>

                            <b>Dataset name:</b> { bigquery_dataset_name }<br/>
                            <b>Table name:</b> { bigquery_table_name }<br/>

                            <h5>Update Configuration</h5>
                            <TextField name="bq_dataset_name" placeholder="BigQuery dataset name" value={form.bigquery_dataset_name} onChange={this.changeHandler.bind(this, 'form', 'bigquery_dataset_name')} fullWidth /><br/>
                            <TextField name="bq_table_name" placeholder="BigQuery dataset name" value={form.bigquery_table_name} onChange={this.changeHandler.bind(this, 'form', 'bigquery_table_name')} fullWidth /><br/>

                            <RaisedButton label="Save" onClick={this.save_integration_props.bind(this, ['bigquery_dataset_name', 'bigquery_table_name'])} />

        } else return null;

    render() {
        let {form} = this.state;
        let {user} = this.props;
        if (!user) return <div></div>;
        let gr_user_id, gh_user, gh_pat, en_notebook_ids, evernote_connected, en_evernote_max_quote_length;
        let ints = {};
        let gfit_activities = [];
        if (user && user.integrations) {
            ints = user.integrations;
            gr_user_id = ints.goodreads_user_id;
            gh_user = ints.github_username;
            gh_pat = ints.github_pat;
            en_notebook_ids = ints.evernote_notebook_ids;
            en_evernote_max_quote_length = ints.evernote_max_quote_length;
            evernote_connected = ints.evernote_access_token != null;
            if (ints.gfit_activities) gfit_activities = ints.gfit_activities.split(',');
        let pocket_connected = user.integrations && user.integrations.pocket_access_token != null;
        let _admin_section;
        return (

                <div className="pull-right">
                    <IconMenu className="pull-right" iconButtonElement={<IconButton iconClassName="material-icons">more_vert</IconButton>}>
                      <MenuItem key="gr" primaryText="Revoke all Google Scopes" onClick={this.google_disconnect.bind(this)} />


                <div className="vpad">
                    <p className="lead">Sync enabled on <b>{ user.sync_services.length }</b> service(s).</p>

                        Use toggles below to enable daily synchronization from each specified service.
                        Note that you may need to add additional information or credentials to enable
                        sync with some services.

                    { this.render_toggles() }
                    <RaisedButton primary={true} label="Save Sync Settings" onClick={this.update_user.bind(this)} />

                    <Tab label="Pocket" style={this.tab_style('pocket')}>

                        <p className="lead">Your reading list will be synced daily from Pocket. Initial sync will include items added in the last 7 days.</p>

                        <FlatButton label={ pocket_connected ? "Connected" : "Connect" } onClick={this.start_pocket_authentication.bind(this)} disabled={pocket_connected}/>
                        <div hidden={!pocket_connected}>
                            <FlatButton label="Disconnect" onClick={this.disconnect_pocket.bind(this)} />

                    <Tab label="Evernote" style={this.tab_style('evernote')}>

                        <p className="lead">Flow will receive new notes/quotes/excerpts added to specified notebooks on Evernote.</p>

                        <FlatButton label={ evernote_connected ? "Connected" : "Connect" } onClick={this.start_evernote_authentication.bind(this)} disabled={evernote_connected}/>

                        <div hidden={!evernote_connected}>

                            <FlatButton label="Disconnect" onClick={this.disconnect_evernote.bind(this)} /><br/>

                            <b>Evernote User ID:</b> <span>{ user.evernote_id || "--" }</span><br/>
                            <b>Max content length for quote (default 1200 characters, if longer, save as article):</b> <span>{ en_evernote_max_quote_length || "--" }</span><br/>
                            <b>Capture Notebook IDs:</b> <span>{ en_notebook_ids || "--" }</span><br/>

                                To find your notebook ID, visit the notebook in Evernote, and find the series of characters between the <code>b=</code> and the <code>&amp;</code>.<br/>
                                For example, if part of the URL looks like this <code>#b=XXX-XX-XXXXX&ses=4&sh=1</code>, the notebook ID is <code>XXX-XX-XXXXX</code>.

                            <TextField placeholder="Evernote Notebook IDs (comma separated)"
                                       value={form.evernote_notebook_ids || ''}
                                       onChange={this.changeHandler.bind(this, 'form', 'evernote_notebook_ids')}
                                       fullWidth /><br/>
                            <TextField placeholder="Evernote max quote length (number)"
                                       value={form.evernote_max_quote_length || ''}
                                       onChange={this.changeHandler.bind(this, 'form', 'evernote_max_quote_length')}
                                       fullWidth /><br/>

                            <RaisedButton label="Save" onClick={this.save_integration_props.bind(this, ['evernote_notebook_ids', 'evernote_max_quote_length'])} />


                    <Tab label="Goodreads" style={this.tab_style('goodreads')}>

                        <p className="lead">
                            Your currently reading shelf list will be synced daily from Goodreads.

                            <b>Current User ID:</b> <span>{ gr_user_id || "--" }</span><br/>

                            To find your Goodreads User ID, visit your Goodreads profile, and find the number that appears before your username. Ignore hyphens, etc.

                        <TextField name="user_id" placeholder="Goodreads User ID (e.g. 2901234)" value={form.goodreads_user_id || ''} onChange={this.changeHandler.bind(this, 'form', 'goodreads_user_id')} /><br/>

                        <RaisedButton label="Save" onClick={this.save_integration_props.bind(this, ['goodreads_user_id'])} />

                    <Tab label="Github" style={this.tab_style('github')}>

                        <p className="lead">Public commit counts from your profile will be synced daily.</p>

                        <b>Current Github Username:</b> <span>{ gh_user || "--" }</span><br/>
                        <b>Current Github PAT:</b> <span>{ gh_pat || "--" }</span><br/>
                        <TextField name="gh_username" placeholder="Github User ID" value={form.github_username||''} onChange={this.changeHandler.bind(this, 'form', 'github_username')} /><br/>
                        <TextField name="gh_pat" placeholder="Github Personal Access Token (PAT)" value={form.github_pat||''} onChange={this.changeHandler.bind(this, 'form', 'github_pat')} /><br/>

                        <RaisedButton label="Save" onClick={this.save_integration_props.bind(this, ['github_username', 'github_pat'])} />

                    <Tab label="Google Fit" style={this.tab_style('gfit')}>
                        <FlatButton label="Authenticate with Fit" onClick={this.authenticate_google_service.bind(this, 'fit')} />

                        <h4>Configure Activity Capture</h4>

                        <p className="lead">Flow can capture one ore more activities pulled from Google Fit.
                            Enter a comma separated list of keywords (to match against Fit activity name and description).
                            This keyword will also be used as the tracking variable name.
                            For each variable, the day's total activity duration (in seconds) will be stored.</p>

                        <b>Current Activity Keywords:</b> <ul>{, i) => {
                            return <li key={i}>{ act }</li>
                        }) }</ul><br/>
                        <TextField name="gfit_activities" placeholder="Fit Activity Keywords (comma separated)" value={form.gfit_activities||''} onChange={this.changeHandler.bind(this, 'form', 'gfit_activities')} fullWidth /><br/>

                        <RaisedButton label="Save" onClick={this.save_integration_props.bind(this, ['gfit_activities'])} />



                { this.render_admin_section() }

                <Snackbar message={this.state.snack_message || ""}
                    autoHideDuration={4000} />

module.exports = Integrations;