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3 days
Test Coverage
var React = require('react');
import {Link} from 'react-router';
var AppConstants = require('constants/AppConstants');
var util = require('utils/util');
var api = require('utils/api');
var UserStore = require('stores/UserStore');
var UserActions = require('actions/UserActions');
var AsyncActionButton = require('components/common/AsyncActionButton');
var ReactJsonEditor = require('components/common/ReactJsonEditor');
import Select from 'react-select';
import {findItemById} from 'utils/store-utils';
import {TextField, DatePicker, FontIcon,
    Paper, List, ListItem} from 'material-ui';
import {changeHandler} from 'utils/component-utils';
import {get, set, clone} from 'lodash';
import connectToStores from 'alt-utils/lib/connectToStores';

export default class Settings extends React.Component {
    static defaultProps = {};
    constructor(props) {
        let user = props.user;
        let form = {};
        let settings = {};
        if (user) {
            form.timezone = user.timezone;
            form.birthday = user.birthday ? util.date_from_iso(user.birthday) : null;
            settings = user.settings;
        this.state = {
            form: form,
            settings: settings,
            saving: false,
            lastSave: util.nowTimestamp(),
            subtab: util.getHash("basics")

        this.SUBTABS = [
            { value: "basics", label: "Profile" },
            { value: "journals", label: "Journals" },
            { value: "tasks", label: "Tasks" },
            { value: "goals", label: "Goals" },
            { value: "tracking", label: "Tracking" },
            { value: "more", label: "More" },
            { value: "advanced", label: "Advanced" },

        this.changeWeekdayStart = this.handle_settings_change.bind(this, ['weekday_start'], null)

    static getStores() {
        return [UserStore];

    static getPropsFromStores() {
        return UserStore.getState();

    componentDidMount() {

    save_user_settings() {
        let params = clone(this.state.form);
        params.settings = JSON.stringify(this.state.settings);
        if (params.birthday) params.birthday = util.printDateObj(params.birthday);
        this.setState({saving: true}, () => {
  "/api/user/me", params, (res) => {
                if (res.user) UserActions.storeUser(res.user);
                this.setState({saving: false, lastSave: util.nowTimestamp()});

    handle_settings_change(path, index, data) {
        let {user} = this.props;
        let {settings} = this.state;
        if (data == null) {
            // Delete
            get(settings, path).splice(index, 1);
        } else {
            if (index != null) path.push(index);
            set(settings, path, data);
        this.setState({settings: settings, lastChange: util.nowTimestamp()});

    goto_subtab(st) {
        this.setState({subtab: st});

    print_subtab_nav() {
        let {subtab} = this.state
        return => {
            let here = st.value == subtab
            let style = {}
            if (here) style.backgroundColor = '#3885B2'
            return <ListItem primaryText={st.label}
                             onClick={this.goto_subtab.bind(this, st.value)} />

    render() {
        let _content;
        let {form, settings, subtab} = this.state;
        let {user} = this.props;
        let weekday_start = get(settings, ['weekday_start'], AppConstants.DEFAULT_WEEK_START)
        let unsaved = this.state.lastSave < this.state.lastChange;
        let question_atts = [
            { name: 'name', title: 'Variable Name', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'label', title: 'Chart Label', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'text', title: 'Question Text', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'response_type', title: 'Response Type', type: 'dropdown', options: [
                { value: 'text', label: "Text" },
                { value: 'slider', label: "Slider" },
                { value: 'number', label: "Number" },
                { value: 'number_oe', label: "Number (Free Input Box)" }
                ], default_value: 'text' },
            { name: 'chart', title: 'Is Charted', type: 'checkbox' },
            { name: 'tag_segment_chart', title: 'Tag Segment Chart?', type: 'checkbox' },
            { name: 'chart_default', title: 'Enabled by Default in Chart', type: 'checkbox' },
            { name: 'color', title: 'Chart Series Color (hex)', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'parse_tags', title: 'Enable @mentions and #hashtags', type: 'checkbox' },
            { name: 'value_reverse', title: 'Reverse values (lower is better)', type: 'checkbox', default_value: false },
        let flashcard_atts = [
            { name: 'id', title: 'Unique Card ID', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'card_title', title: 'Card Title', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'data_source', title: 'Spreadsheet ID', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'worksheet', title: 'Worksheet Name (Default, first)', type: 'number', default_value: 1},
            { name: 'colstart', title: 'First data column', type: 'text', default_value: 'A' },
            { name: 'colend', title: 'Last data column', type: 'text', default_value: 'F' },
            { name: 'widget_name', title: 'Widget Name', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'title', title: 'Title sheet header', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'subhead', title: 'Subhead sheet header', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'details', title: 'Details sheet header', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'link', title: 'Link sheet header', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'icon', title: 'Icon', type: 'text' }
        let static_link_atts = [
            { name: 'label', title: 'Label', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'url', title: 'URL', type: 'text' }
        let tracking_var_atts = [
            { name: 'label', title: 'Label', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'name', title: 'Variable Name', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'color', title: 'Color (hex)', type: 'text' },
            { name: 'mult', title: 'Multiplier (e.g. 0.1)', hint: "Multiplier to scale this variable for easier comparability", type: 'number' },
        let journal_pref_atts = [
            { name: 'location_capture', title: 'Capture lat/lon upon submission', type: 'checkbox', default_value: false },
            { name: 'journal_start_hour', title: 'Hour after which to collect daily journal', type: 'number', default_value: AppConstants.JOURNAL_START_HOUR },
            { name: 'journal_end_hour', title: 'Hour to stop collecting daily journal', type: 'number', default_value: AppConstants.JOURNAL_END_HOUR },
            { name: 'journal_notification', title: 'Receive journal notification in browser at start of window', type: 'checkbox', default_value: false },
        let task_pref_atts = [
            { name: 'same_day_hour', title: 'Hour after which to set new tasks for tomorrow', type: 'number', default_value: 16 },
            { name: 'due_hour', title: 'Hour at which to set tasks due', type: 'number', default_value: 22 },
        let goal_pref_atts = [
            { name: 'slots', title: 'Maximum number of goals to enter per period', type: 'number', default_value: AppConstants.GOAL_DEFAULT_SLOTS }
        let common_task_atts = [
            { name: 'title', title: 'Task title', type: 'text' }
        let subtab_title = findItemById(this.SUBTABS, subtab, 'value').label;
        _content = (
            <div className="row">
                <div className="col-sm-3">
                        { this.print_subtab_nav() }
                            onClick={this.save_user_settings.bind(this)} />
                <div className="col-sm-9">
                    <Paper style={{padding: "15px", marginTop: "10px"}}>
                        <h2 style={{marginTop: "0px"}}>{ subtab_title }</h2>
                        <div hidden={subtab != "basics"}>
                            <div className="row" style={{padding: '10px'}}>
                                <div className="col-sm-6">
                                        <div>{ }</div>
                                    <DatePicker autoOk={true} floatingLabelText="Birthday" formatDate={util.printDateObj} value={form.birthday} onChange={this.changeHandlerNilVal.bind(this, 'form', 'birthday')} />
                                <div className="col-sm-6">
                                        onChange={this.changeHandlerVal.bind(this, 'form', 'timezone')}
                                        placeholder="Select timezone"

                                    <div className="vpad">
                                        <label>Week Start</label>
                                        <p>You can configure how Flow decides the start and end of each week, for example, to calculate weekly habit targets</p>

                                            placeholder="Select start of week"


                        <div hidden={subtab != "journals"}>
                            <h3>Daily Journal Questions</h3>

                            <div className="row">
                                <div className="col-md-6">
                                    <p className="lead">
                                        Basic journal preferences.
                                        array={false} data={get(settings, ['journals', 'preferences'], {})}
                                        onChange={this.handle_settings_change.bind(this, ['journals', 'preferences'])}
                                        editButtonLabel="Edit Journal Preferences"
                                <div className="col-md-6">

                                    <p className="lead">
                                        Configure the questions that you answer in each daily journal.
                                        Responses, if 'chart enabled', can be analyzed on the Analysis page.

                                    <ReactJsonEditor title="Daily Journal Questions"
                                        array={true} data={get(settings, ['journals', 'questions'], [])}
                                        onChange={this.handle_settings_change.bind(this, ['journals', 'questions'])}
                                        addButtonLabel="Add Question"
                                        primaryProp="text" secondaryProp="name" />

                        <div hidden={subtab != "tasks"}>
                            <h3>Configure Tasks</h3>

                            <div className="row">
                                <div className="col-sm-6">
                                        array={false} data={get(settings, ['tasks', 'preferences'], {})}
                                        onChange={this.handle_settings_change.bind(this, ['tasks', 'preferences'])}
                                        editButtonLabel="Edit Task Preferences"
                                <div className="col-sm-6">
                                    <p>To reduce the repetition of adding common tasks that recur frequently, you can configure
                                    a list of common tasks. These can be added in a batch from the task widget's menu.</p>

                                    <ReactJsonEditor title="Common Tasks"
                                        array={true} data={get(settings, ['tasks', 'common_tasks'], [])}
                                        onChange={this.handle_settings_change.bind(this, ['tasks', 'common_tasks'])}
                                        addButtonLabel="Add Common Task"
                                        primaryProp="title" />


                        <div hidden={subtab != "goals"}>
                            <h3>Configure Goals</h3>

                                array={false} data={get(settings, ['goals', 'preferences'], {})}
                                onChange={this.handle_settings_change.bind(this, ['goals', 'preferences'])}
                                editButtonLabel="Edit Goal Preferences"

                        <div hidden={subtab != "tracking"}>
                            <h3>Configure Tracking Chart (Custom Variables)</h3>

                            <p className="lead">
                                Choose which variables to display on the <Link to="/app/analysis/misc">tracking chart</Link>. View raw tracking data <Link to="/app/tracking/history">here</Link>.

                            <ReactJsonEditor title="Tracking Chart Variables"
                                array={true} data={get(settings, ['tracking', 'chart_vars'], [])}
                                onChange={this.handle_settings_change.bind(this, ['tracking', 'chart_vars'])}
                                addButtonLabel="Add Variable"
                                primaryProp="label" secondaryProp="name" />

                        <div hidden={subtab != "more"}>

                            <p className="lead">The following items can be added to the <FontIcon className="material-icons">games</FontIcon> more menu that appears at the bottom of the main dashboard.</p>

                            <h3>Configure Static Links</h3>

                            <ReactJsonEditor title="Static Links"
                                array={true} data={get(settings, ['links'], [])}
                                onChange={this.handle_settings_change.bind(this, ['links'])}
                                addButtonLabel="Add Link"
                                primaryProp="label" secondaryProp="url" />

                            <h3>Configure Flashcards</h3>

                            <p className="lead">
                                Currently, you can configure flashcards to show randomly chosen rows from a Google Spreadsheet.

                            <ReactJsonEditor title="Flashcards"
                                array={true} data={get(settings, ['flashcards'], [])}
                                onChange={this.handle_settings_change.bind(this, ['flashcards'])}
                                addButtonLabel="Add Flashcard"
                                primaryProp="card_title" secondaryProp="id" />


                        <div hidden={subtab != "advanced"}>
                            <TextField name="password" floatingLabelText="Update API Password" value={form.password} onChange={this.changeHandler.bind(this, 'form', 'password')} /><br/>



        return (


                { _content }


module.exports = Settings;