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Test Coverage
 * This file is part of the Onema ClassyFile Package.
 * For the full copyright and license information, 
 * please view the LICENSE file that was distributed 
 * with this source code.

namespace Onema\Test;

use Onema\ClassyFile\Event\GetClassEvent;
use Onema\ClassyFile\Plugin\GenerateClassFile;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_;

 * GenerateClassFileTest - Description. 
 * @author Juan Manuel Torres <>
 * @copyright (c) 2015, Onema
 * @group plugin
class GenerateClassFileTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testSavesFile()
        $mockAdapter = $this->getMockBuilder('\League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local')
            ->setMethods(['has', 'createDir', 'write'])

        // plugin calls this method 3 times, internally write calls this method each time checking if
        // the file exist. write has must always return false otherwise it will throw an exception.
            ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(false, false));



        $statement = new Class_('some_name');
        $event = new GetClassEvent($statement);
        $event->setCode('<?php echo "some code";');

        $plugin = new GenerateClassFile($mockAdapter);


    public function testSubscribedEvents()
        $subscribedEvents = GenerateClassFile::getSubscribedEvents();
        $this->assertArrayHasKey(GetClassEvent::AFTER, $subscribedEvents, 'The subscriber is not returning a valid event.');