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1 wk
Test Coverage
 * SwiftBox
 * A lightweight combobox plugin for jQuery
 * https://github.com/Knotix/SwiftBox/
 * Copyright 2014 Samuel Hodge
 * Released under the GPL license
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @TODO: Add support for components when they become relevant

(function(context, window, $, undefined) {
    'use strict';

    // Add SwiftBox to the current context
    context.SwiftBox = swiftbox;

    // =========================================================================
    // Browser Normalization
    // =========================================================================

    var document  = window.document;
    var $window   = $(window);
    var $document = $(window.document);

    // Determine how to get an element's text
    var textContent = document.textContent !== undefined ? 'textContent' : 'innerText';

    // Get the CSS url so shadow DOM can import the stylesheet
    var import_style_href = window.swift_box_style_href;

    // Feature support detection
    var test_element  = document.createElement('div');
    var test_template = document.createElement('template');
    var test_canvas   = document.createElement('canvas');

    var supports = {
        components : false && !!import_style_href && !!document.register &&
                     (!!test_element.createShadowRoot || !!test_element.webkitCreateShadowRoot),
        templates  : !!test_template.content,
        canvas     : !!test_canvas.getContext

    // Determine what element to use for templating (IE compatibility)
    var template_element = supports.templates ? 'template' : 'div';

    // Get the context of the canvas if supported
    var canvas_context = supports.canvas ? test_canvas.getContext('2d') : null;

    // Import rule for shadow DOM
    var component_style_import = supports.components ? '<style>@import url(' + import_style_href + ');</style>' : '';

    // Array.indexOf for IE8
    function indexOf(array, value) {
        if(Array.prototype.indexOf) {
            return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(array, value);

        for(var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
            var test_value = array[i];
            if(value === test_value) {
                return i;

        return -1;

    // =========================================================================
    // Common variables
    // =========================================================================

    // Used to cache element data for performance
    var element_cache = [];

    // Stores the option arrays
    var option_arrays = [];

    // Stores a map between value and index for each option array
    var option_array_value_maps = [];

    // Stores config objects
    var config_objects = [];

    // Stores the currently active select
    var active_select = null;

    // Stores all scrollable parents so we can bind to their scroll event
    var scrollable_parents = null;

    // Stores the current list of filtered options
    var filtered_option_array = [];

    // Stores the currently highlighted option's index
    var highlighted_option_index = null;

    // The maximum number of visible options
    var max_visible_options = 10;

    // RegExp used to escape RegExp special characters
    var escape_regex = /([-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s])/g;

    // RegExp used to remove leading/trailing whitespace
    var trim_regexp = /^\s+|\s+$/g;

    // RegExp used to remove tags from option text
    var tag_regexp = /<[^>]+>/g;

    // Hidden input container template
    var hidden_input_container       = document.createElement('div');
    hidden_input_container.className = 'swift-box-hidden-input-container';

    // Hidden input template
    var hidden_input       = document.createElement('input');
    hidden_input.className = 'swift-box-hidden-input';
    hidden_input.type      = 'hidden';

    // Shadow root shim
    var shadow_root_shim = document.createElement('div');
    shadow_root_shim.className = 'swift-box-shadow-root';

    // =========================================================================
    // Utility functions
    // =========================================================================

     * Takes a single element, an array of elements, or a jQuery object and
     * normalizes it into a predictable array
     * @param  {Object} element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Object}         An array of the passed in elements
    function normalizeElementArray(elements) {
        if(elements === undefined || elements === null) {
            return [];

        if(elements.length === undefined) {
            return [elements];

        return elements;

     * Caches elements within a SwiftBox for quicker retrieval
     * @param  {Object} element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Object}         An object containing references to various elements within the shadow DOM
     * @todo Implement weakmaps when they are relevant
    function getElementCache(element) {
        element = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];

        if(!element) {
            return {};

        if(element.__swift_box__ === undefined) {
            element.__swift_box__ = element_cache.length;

            var shadow_root;

            if(supports.components) {
                shadow_root = element.shadowRoot || element.webkitShadowRoot;
            else {
                shadow_root = element.querySelector('.swift-box-shadow-root');

                container       : shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box'),
                text            : shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box-text'),
                button          : shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box-button'),
                input_container : element.querySelector('.swift-box-hidden-input-container')

        return element_cache[element.__swift_box__];

    // =========================================================================
    // Custom Tags
    // =========================================================================

    // Register the tags as components if supported
    if(supports.components) {
        document.register('swift-box', {
            prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype)

        document.register('swift-box-options', {
            prototype: Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype)
    // Otherwise, create the tags for styling compatibilty
    else {

    // =========================================================================
    // Templates
    // =========================================================================

    var input_html = [
        '<' + template_element + ' class="swift-box-hidden">',

            // An anchor tag is used so it can be tabbed into
            '<a href="#" class="swift-box">',
                '<div class="swift-box-text"></div>',
                '<div class="swift-box-button">&#9660;</div>',
        '</' + template_element + '>'

    var options_html = [
        '<' + template_element + ' class="swift-box-hidden">',
            '<div class="swift-box-options swift-box-hidden">',
                '<div class="swift-box-option-filter-container">',
                    '<input class="swift-box-option-filter-input" tabindex="-1" size="1" placeholder="Filter">',
                    '<div class="swift-box-option-helpers">',
                        '<div class="swift-box-option-helper swift-box-option-check-all">Check all visible</div>',
                        '<div class="swift-box-option-helper swift-box-option-clear">Clear selected</div>',

                '<div class="swift-box-option-scroll">',
                    '<div class="swift-box-option-sizer"></div>',
                    '<div class="swift-box-option-list">',
                        new Array(max_visible_options + 2).join([
                            '<div class="swift-box-option">',
                                '<span class="swift-box-option-state"></span>',
                                '<span class="swift-box-option-text"></span>',

                '<div class="swift-box-option-none">No Options Found</div>',
        '</' + template_element + '>'

    // Convert the templates to elements and append them to the document
    var tmp_dom        = document.createElement('div');
    tmp_dom.innerHTML  = input_html;
    var input_template = tmp_dom.children[0];

    var tmp_dom          = document.createElement('div');
    tmp_dom.innerHTML    = options_html;
    var options_template = tmp_dom.children[0];


    // Get the DOM from the template
    var input_template_dom   = supports.templates ? input_template.content : input_template.children[0];
    var options_template_dom = supports.templates ? options_template.content : options_template.children[0];

    // =========================================================================
    // Option List
    // =========================================================================

    // Create the option list - Use document.createElement for compatibility
    var swift_box_options = document.createElement('swift-box-options');

    // Create the shadow root for the option list
    var options_shadow_root = createShadowRoot(swift_box_options, options_template_dom);

    // Store some references to important option list elements
    var option_container = options_shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box-options');
    var filter_input     = options_shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box-option-filter-input');
    var option_check_all = options_shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box-option-check-all');
    var option_clear     = options_shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box-option-clear');
    var option_scroll    = options_shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box-option-scroll');
    var option_sizer     = options_shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box-option-sizer');
    var option_list      = options_shadow_root.querySelector('.swift-box-option-list');
    var option_elements  = options_shadow_root.querySelectorAll('.swift-box-option');

    var $option_container = $(option_container);
    var $filter_input     = $(filter_input);
    var $option_check_all = $(option_check_all);
    var $option_clear     = $(option_clear);
    var $option_scroll    = $(option_scroll);
    var $option_list      = $(option_list);
    var $option_elements  = $(option_elements);

    // =========================================================================
    // Event Handlers
    // =========================================================================

    // Clicking the option list refocuses the filter input
    $option_container.on('mouseup', function() {

    // Typing within the filter input filters the options
    $filter_input.on('keyup', function(e) {
        var value      = this.value;
        var last_value = this.getAttribute('data-swift-box-last-text');

        // Determine if the filter text has changed
        // Backspace is checked specifically to allow the user to jump to the
        // top of the list even if there is no filter text
        var filter_changed = value !== last_value || e.which === 8;

        if(filter_changed) {
            filterOptions(value, true);

            this.setAttribute('data-swift-box-last-text', value);

    // Clicking the "check all" button selects all visible options on multi-selects
    $option_check_all.on('click', function() {
        if(getDisabled(active_select)) {

        selectAll(active_select, true);

    // Clicking the clear button clears the selected values
    $option_clear.on('click', function() {
        if(getDisabled(active_select)) {

        setSelectedIndexes(active_select, [], true);

    // Scrolling renders the options
    $option_scroll.on('scroll', function() {

    // Hovering over an option highlights it
    $option_list.on('mouseenter', '.swift-box-option', function() {
        var filtered_index = this.getAttribute('data-swift-box-filtered-index');

    // Clicking an option selects it
    $option_list.on('mouseup', '.swift-box-option', function(e) {
        if(e.which !== 1 || getDisabled(active_select)) {

        // Highlight the option
        var filtered_index = this.getAttribute('data-swift-box-filtered-index');

        // Select the option

        // For single selects, hide the options when one is clicked
        if(!getMultiple(active_select)) {

    // Clicking a select toggles the option list
    $document.on('click', 'swift-box', function() {
        if(this === active_select || getDisabled(this)) {
        else {

    // Add the focus class when focused
    $document.on('focusin', 'swift-box', function() {
        if(this !== active_select && !getDisabled(this)) {

    // Remove the focus class when blurred
    $document.on('focusout', 'swift-box', function() {
        if(this !== active_select) {

    // Prevent default behavior when clicking on an anchor tag within the select
    $document.on('click', 'swift-box a', function(e) {

    // Pressing down arrow or letter keys shows the option list
    $document.on('keydown keypress', 'swift-box', function(e) {
        if(e.ctrlKey || this === active_select || getDisabled(this)) {

        var which = e.which;
        var show  = false;

        if(e.type === 'keypress') {
            show = which >= 32 || which === 8;
        else {
            show = which === 40;

            // Because we use an <a> tag to allow tabbing into the select, we need
            // to prevent the enter key from triggering a "click" event on it
            if(which === 13) {

                // If we are not showing the options, submit the parent form
                if(!show) {

        if(show) {

            if(e.type === 'keypress' && which >= 32) {
                var character = String.fromCharCode(which);
                filter_input.value = character;

    // Arrow keys maneuver through the option list
    $filter_input.on('keydown', function(e) {
        if(!active_select) {

        var keyCode = e.which;

        if(keyCode === 38 || keyCode === 40) {
            var index = highlighted_option_index;

            if(keyCode === 38) {
            else {
            highlightOption(index, true);

            // Prevent the text cursor from jumping to home/end

    // Tab/Enter selects the highlighted option
    $document.on('keydown', function(e) {
        if(!active_select) {

        var keyCode = e.which;

        if(keyCode === 9 || keyCode === 13) {
            // Prevent form submissions
            if(keyCode === 13) {

            // In singular mode, tab or enter selects the current option and hides the options
            if(!getMultiple(active_select)) {
            // In multiple mode
            else {
                // Only the enter key selects options
                if(keyCode === 13) {
                // The tab key hides options and moves to the next field
                else {

    // Escape hides the options
    $document.on('keydown', function(e) {
        var keyCode = e.which;

        if(active_select && keyCode === 27) {

    // Clicking anywhere in the document hides the options
    $document.on('mousedown', function(e) {
        if(!active_select) {

        // Make sure the target of the click is not within the option list
        if(!$(e.target).closest('swift-box, swift-box-options').length) {
        else {

    // Shim label behavior
    $document.on('click', 'label', function() {
        var for_target = this['for']; // Bracket notation for IE8 compatibility
        var element;

        // Get the element the label is linked to
        if(for_target) {
            element = document.getElementById(for_target);
        else {
            element = this.querySelector('swift-box');

        if(element && element !== active_select && element.tagName === 'SWIFT-BOX') {

    // Shim form reset behavior
    $document.on('reset', 'form', function() {
        var elements = this.getElementsByTagName('swift-box');

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element = elements[i];
            var index   = getMultiple(element) ? null : 0;

            setSelectedIndexes(element, index, true);

    // Resizing the window repositions the option list
    $window.on('resize', function() {
        if(active_select) {

    // =========================================================================
    // Initiliazation
    // =========================================================================

     * Converts select elements into SwiftBoxes
     * @return {Array} An array of SwiftBoxes
    function swiftbox(elements, config) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);

        var new_elements = [];

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element = elements[i];

            var tag = element.tagName.toLowerCase();

            // If the element is already initialized, we're done
            if(tag === 'swift-box') {

            // Make sure the element is a select
            if(tag !== 'select') {
                throw new Error('Invalid element "' + tag + '". Expected "select"');

            // Create the new element
            var new_element = document.createElement('swift-box');

            // Append the select template to the new element
            createShadowRoot(new_element, input_template_dom);

            // Copy all attributes from the select to the new element
            var attributes = element.attributes;
            for(var j = 0; j < attributes.length; ++j) {
                var attribute = attributes[j];

                // Classes need to be appended to the new element
                if(attribute.name === 'class') {
                    new_element.className += ' ' + attribute.value;
                // All other attributes except name are directly copied
                else if(attribute.name !== 'name') {
                    new_element.setAttribute(attribute.name, attribute.value);

            // Store the name property for use later within hidden inputs
            new_element.setAttribute('data-swift-box-name', element.name);

            // Add a container for hidden inputs

            // Replace the old element
            var parent_node = element.parentNode;
            if(parent_node) {
                parent_node.insertBefore(new_element, element);

            // Extract existing options
            var option_array = extractOptionArrayFromSelect(element);
            setOptionArray(new_element, option_array, null);

            // Set the selected indexes
            var selected_indexes = extractSelectedIndexesFromSelect(element);
            setSelectedIndexes(new_element, selected_indexes);


        // Stores the elements needing configuration
        var config_elements;

        // If a config object was passed, all elements receive the config
        if(config) {
            config_elements = new_elements;
        // Otherwise, only non-configured elements receive the config
        else {
            config_elements = [];

            for(var i = 0; i < new_elements.length; ++i) {
                var element = new_elements[i];

                if(!element.hasAttribute('data-swift-box-config')) {

        // Add the configuration to the new elements
        if(config_elements.length) {
            config = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, config);
            setConfig(config_elements, config);

        return new_elements;

    // =========================================================================
    // Config Option Manipulation
    // =========================================================================

    var defaults = {
        filter_function: defaultFilterFunction

     * Merges a set of config options and makes them part of the default
     * @param {Object} config A config object
    function setDefaultConfig(config) {
        $.extend(true, defaults, config);

     * Sets the configuration object on a select
     * @param {Array}  elements The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {Object} config   The configuration object to set
    function setConfig(elements, config) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element         = elements[i];
            var index           = config_objects.length;
            var existing_config = getConfig(element);
            var new_config      = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, existing_config, config);

            element.setAttribute('data-swift-box-config', index);

     * Gets the configuration object on a select
     * @param {Array}  elements The SwiftBox elements
     * @return {Object}         The configuration object
    function getConfig(element) {
        element   = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];
        var index = element && element.getAttribute('data-swift-box-config');

        return config_objects[index];

     * Gets a single configuration option on a select
     * @param {Object} element The SwiftBox element
     * @param {String} option  The option to get
    function getConfigOption(element, option) {
        var config = getConfig(element);

        return config && config[option];

    // =========================================================================
    // Option Array Manipulation
    // =========================================================================

     * Sets the options on a select
     * Accepts the following formats:
     * {
     *     123: 'foo',
     *     456: 'bar'
     * }
     * or
     * [
     *     {value: 123, text: 'foo'},
     *     {value: 456, text: 'bar'}
     * ]
     * Be aware that some browsers do not maintain key order within objects, so
     * the first method may break when the sort_function argument is null
     * @param {Array}   elements          The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {Array}   option_array      The options to set
     * @param {Array}   sort_function     A sort function to run on the options. Passing undefined or true will sort the
     *                                    options by text. Passing null will maintain the existing order.
     * @param {Boolean} remove_duplicates Set to true to remove duplicate values
    function setOptionArray(elements, option_array, sort_function, remove_duplicates) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);

        // Normalize the option array
        var normalized_option_array = normalizeOptionArray(option_array, sort_function, remove_duplicates);
        var option_array_index;

        if(normalized_option_array.array.length) {
            // Check if the option array already exists
            option_array_index = findOptionArray(normalized_option_array.array);

            // Add the option array if it does not exist
            if(option_array_index === -1) {
                option_array_index = option_arrays.length;


        // Set the option hash on the elements
        setOptionHash(elements, option_array_index);

     * Gets the option array on a select
     * @param  {Object} element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Array}
    function getOptionArray(element) {
        var hash = getOptionHash(element);

        return option_arrays[hash];

     * Add options to a select
     * @param {Array}   elements          The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {Array}   option_array      The options to add
     * @param {Array}   sort_function     A sort function to run on the options. Passing undefined or true will sort the
     *                                    options by text. Passing null will maintain the existing order.
     * @param {Boolean} remove_duplicates Set to true to remove duplicate values
    function addOptionArray(elements, option_array, sort_function, remove_duplicates) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);

        var normalized_option_array = normalizeOptionArray(option_array);

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element               = elements[i];
            var existing_option_array = getOptionArray(element) || [];
            var new_option_array      = existing_option_array.concat(normalized_option_array.array);

            setOptionArray(element, new_option_array, sort_function, remove_duplicates);

     * Removes a list of values from a select's options
     * @param {Array} elements    The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {Array} value_array An array of values to remove
    function removeOptionArray(elements, value_array) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);

        if(!(value_array instanceof Array)) {
            value_array = [value_array];

        // Convert the values to strings
        for(var i = 0; i < value_array.length; ++i) {
            value_array[i] = value_array[i] + '';

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element               = elements[i];
            var existing_option_array = getOptionArray(element);
            var new_option_array      = [];

            if(!existing_option_array) {

            for(var j = 0; j < existing_option_array.length; ++j) {
                var option = existing_option_array[j];

                if(value_array.indexOf(option.value) === -1) {

            setOptionArray(element, new_option_array);

     * Selects all options on a multi-select(s)
     * @param {Array}   elements The SwiftBox elements to select all options on
     * @param {Boolean} filtered If the SwiftBox is active, only select options that have been filtered
    function selectAll(elements, filtered) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element = elements[i];

            // Make sure the element is a multi-select
            if(!getMultiple(element)) {

            var selected_indexes   = getSelectedIndexes(element);
            var filtered_only      = filtered && element === active_select;
            var option_array       = filtered_only ? filtered_option_array : getOptionArray(element);
            var new_indexes        = [];
            var index_map          = {};
            var trigger_change     = false;

            // Get the currently selected indexes
            for(var j = 0; j < selected_indexes.length; ++j) {
                var index = selected_indexes[j];

                index_map[index] = true;

            // Check the remaining options
            for(var j = 0; j < option_array.length; ++j) {
                var option = option_array[j];
                var index  = option.index;

                if(!index_map[index]) {
                    trigger_change = true;

                index_map[index] = true;

            for(var index in index_map) {

            setSelectedIndexes(element, new_indexes, trigger_change);

     * Sets the option hash on SwiftBoxes
     * @param {Array}  elements The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {Number} hash     The hash to set
    function setOptionHash(elements, hash) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);
        var option_array = option_arrays[hash];

        if(hash === undefined || hash === null) {
            hash = '';
        else if(!option_array) {
            throw new Error('Invalid option hash: ' + hash);

        // Calculate the width of the options
        var option_width = calculateWidth(elements, option_array);

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element = elements[i];

            // Get any existing values
            var values = getValues(element);

            // Get any attempted values
            var attempted_values = element.getAttribute('data-swift-box-attempted-values');

            // Set the new option hash
            element.setAttribute('data-swift-box-options', hash);

            // If values were found, set them
            if(values.length) {
                setValues(element, values);
            // If we previously tried to set values without any options, try again
            else if(attempted_values) {
                attempted_values = JSON.parse(attempted_values);
                setValues(element, attempted_values);
            // Otherwise, single selects default to the first option
            else if(!getMultiple(element)) {
                setSelectedIndexes(element, 0);

            // Set the width of the element to match the options
            element.style.width = option_width + 'px';

            // Cache the width
            element.setAttribute('data-swift-box-width', option_width);

     * Gets the option hash on a SwiftBox
     * @param  {Array}  element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Number}         The option hash
    function getOptionHash(element) {
        element = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];

        return element && element.getAttribute('data-swift-box-options');

     * Converts an array of options into an optimized array for internal use
     * @param  {Array}   option_array      The options to add
     * @param  {Array}   sort_function     A sort function to run on the options. Passing undefined or true will sort
     *                                     the options by text. Passing null will maintain the existing order.
     * @param  {Boolean} remove_duplicates Set to true to remove duplicate values
     * @return {Array}                     The normalized option array
    function normalizeOptionArray(option_array, sort_function, remove_duplicates) {
        if(option_array === undefined || option_array === null) {
            option_array = [];

        if(typeof option_array !== 'object') {
            throw new Error('Invalid option_array: ' + option_array);

        var array    = [];
        var map      = {};
        var index    = 0;

        for(var key in option_array) {
            if(!option_array.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

            var option = option_array[key];
            var value;
            var text;

            if(option !== null && typeof option === 'object') {
                value = option.value === undefined ? option.VALUE : option.value;
                text  = option.text === undefined ? option.TEXT : option.text;
            else {
                value = key;
                text  = option;

            if(value === undefined || value === null) {
                throw new Error('No value defined for option at index ' + key);

            if(text === undefined) {
                throw new Error('No text defined for option at index ' + key);

            // Normalize value and text
            value = value + '';
            text  = (text === null ? '' : text) + '';
            text  = text.replace(trim_regexp, '').replace(tag_regexp + '', '');

            var new_option = {
                index          : index,
                value          : value,
                text           : text,
                highlight_text : text

            var existing_index = map[value];

            // If we are removing duplicated, overwrite the option if it exists
            if(remove_duplicates && existing_index !== undefined) {
                array[existing_index] = new_option;
            // Otherwise add the option to the array
            else {
                map[value] = index;

        // Sort the option array if necessary
        if(sort_function !== null && sort_function !== false) {
            // If undefined or true is passed in as the sort function, use the default sort
            if(sort_function === undefined || sort_function === true) {
                sort_function = defaultSortFunction;


            // Update the indexes with the new order
            for(var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
                var option        = array[i];
                option.index      = i;
                map[option.value] = i;

        return {
            array : array,
            map   : map

     * Finds an already normalized option array matching a given option array
     * @param  {Array}  option_array The array of options
     * @return {Number}              The index of the matching option array with the array of normalized option arrays
    function findOptionArray(option_array) {
        // Yes, a loop label
        for(var i = 0; i < option_arrays.length; ++i) {
            var existing_option_array = option_arrays[i];

            if(option_array.length !== existing_option_array.length) {

            for(var j = 0; j < option_array.length; ++j) {
                var option = option_array[j];
                var existing_option = existing_option_array[j];

                if(option.value !== existing_option.value || option.text !== existing_option.text) {
                    continue option_array_loop;

            return i;

        return -1;

     * Extracts options from a traditional <select>
     * @param  {Object} select The select
     * @return {Array}         An array of options
    function extractOptionArrayFromSelect(select) {
        var options = select.options;
        var result  = [];

        for(var i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
            var option = options[i];

                value: option.value,
                text: option.text

        return result;

     * Extracts selected indexes from a traditional <select>
     * @param  {Object} select The select
     * @return {Array}         An array of indexes
    function extractSelectedIndexesFromSelect(select) {
        var options = select.options;
        var result  = [];

        for(var i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
            var option = options[i];

            if(option.selected) {

        return result;

     * Shows the list of options for a select
     * @param {Object} element The SwiftBox element
    function showOptions(element) {
        element = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];

        // If the element is already active, we're done
        if(active_select === element) {

        // Ensure the option container is within the body
        // This is done here because the body element may not have existed previously
        var main_element = document.body || document.documentElement;
        if(swift_box_options.parentNode !== main_element) {

        // Remove the focus class on the currently active select
        if(active_select) {

        // Store this select as the currently active select
        active_select = element;

        // Clear the filter input
        filter_input.value = '';
        filter_input.setAttribute('data-swift-box-last-text', '');

        // Add the focus class to the select for styling

        // Toggle the multiple class if the current select allows multiple values
        $option_container.toggleClass('swift-box-option-multiple', getMultiple(element));

        // Size the option list
        var sizer_width  = Math.max(element.getAttribute('data-swift-box-width'), element.offsetWidth);
        option_container.style.minWidth = sizer_width + 'px';

        // Show the option list

        // Reset the filter

        // Position the option list

        // Highlight the currently selected option
        var selected_indexes = getSelectedIndexes(element);
        var highlight_index  = selected_indexes[0] || 0;
        highlightOption(highlight_index, true, true);

        // Focus on the filter input

        // Bind to each parent's scroll event to reposition the options
        // Scroll events do not bubble, so I think this is the only solution
        scrollable_parents = [];

        var parent = element;

        while((parent = parent.parentNode)) {
            if(parent.offsetHeight > parent.scrollHeight || parent.offsetWidth > parent.scrollWidth) {

        $(scrollable_parents).on('scroll.swift-box-scroll-event', function() {


     * Positions the option container appropriately close to the active select
    function positionOptions() {
        var bounding_rectangle = active_select.getBoundingClientRect();
        var window_width       = window.innerWidth;
        var window_height      = window.innerHeight;

        var top_edge    = bounding_rectangle.bottom;
        var left_edge   = bounding_rectangle.left;
        var right_edge  = left_edge + option_container.offsetWidth;
        var bottom_edge = top_edge + option_container.offsetHeight;

        var top    = top_edge;
        var right  = null;
        var bottom = null;
        var left   = left_edge;

        // Save the current scroll position within the options
        var scroll_top  = option_scroll.scrollTop;
        var scroll_left = option_scroll.scrollLeft;

        // Prevent the list from going off the page
        if(bottom_edge >= window_height) {
            top    = null;
            bottom = window_height - bounding_rectangle.top;

            option_container.insertBefore(option_scroll, option_container.children[0]);
        else {

        if(left <= 0) {
            left = 0;
        else if(right_edge >= window_width) {
            right = 0;
            left = null;

        // Position the option list
        option_container.style.top    = top === null ? 'auto' : top + 'px';
        option_container.style.right  = right === null ? 'auto' : right + 'px';
        option_container.style.bottom = bottom === null ? 'auto' : bottom + 'px';
        option_container.style.left   = left === null ? 'auto' : left + 'px';

        // Restore the scroll position
        option_scroll.scrollTop = scroll_top;
        option_scroll.scrollLeft = scroll_left;

        // Focus on the filter input

     * Filters the list of options for a select
     * @param  {String} filter_text The text to filter the options by
    function filterOptions(filter_text) {
        // Normalize the filter text
        if(filter_text === undefined || filter_text === null) {
            filter_text = '';
        filter_text += '';

        // Get the options for the active select
        var option_array = getOptionArray(active_select) || [];

        // Filter only if text was passed in
        if(filter_text.length) {
            var filter_function = getConfigOption(active_select, 'filter_function');

            if(typeof filter_function !== 'function') {
                throw new Error('Invalid filter function: ' + filter_function);

            filtered_option_array = filter_function(filter_text, option_array);
        // Otherwise, reset the filtered options to the full option array
        else {
            for(var i = 0; i < option_array.length; ++i) {
                var option = option_array[i];
                option.highlight_text = option.text;

            filtered_option_array = option_array;

        // Show the empty message if no options match the filter
        $option_container.toggleClass('swift-box-option-empty', !filtered_option_array.length);

        // Get some dimensions
        var option_height        = getOptionHeight();
        var container_max_height = option_height * max_visible_options;
        var sizer_height         = option_height * filtered_option_array.length;

        option_scroll.scrollTop       = 0;
        option_scroll.scrollLeft      = 0;
        option_scroll.style.maxHeight = container_max_height + 'px';
        option_sizer.style.height     = sizer_height + 'px';

        // Highlight the first match
        highlightOption(0, true, true);

     * Renders the options for a select, calculating which options to show
     * based on the scroll position
     * @param  {Number} scroll_top The scroll position of the options
    function renderOptions(scroll_top) {
        // Hide all options initially

        // If there are no options, we're done
        if(!filtered_option_array.length) {

        // If no scroll position was passed in, use the current position
        if(scroll_top === undefined) {
            scroll_top = option_scroll.scrollTop;
        // Otherwise set the scroll position on the element
        else {
            option_scroll.scrollTop = scroll_top;

        // In IE8, setting the scrollTop too high results in a rendering bug,
        // so snap it to the bottom if needed
        scroll_top = Math.min(scroll_top, option_scroll.scrollHeight - option_scroll.offsetHeight);

        // Store the height of a single option
        var option_height = getOptionHeight();

        // Get the currently selected indexes
        var selected_indexes = getSelectedIndexes(active_select);

        // Calculate the position of the visible options within the scrollable area
        option_list.style.top = (scroll_top - (scroll_top % option_height)) + 'px';

        // Calculate which options to show based on the scroll position
        var offset = Math.max(Math.floor(scroll_top / option_height), 0);
        var limit  = Math.min(max_visible_options + 1, filtered_option_array.length - offset);

        // For each visible option
        for(var i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
            var filtered_index = i + offset;
            var option         = filtered_option_array[filtered_index];
            var option_index   = option.index;
            var option_element = option_elements[i];

            option_element.setAttribute('data-swift-box-filtered-index', filtered_index);
            option_element.querySelector('.swift-box-option-text').innerHTML = option.highlight_text;

                .toggleClass('swift-box-option-highlight', filtered_index === highlighted_option_index)
                .toggleClass('swift-box-option-selected', indexOf(selected_indexes, option_index) !== -1);

     * Hides the option list
    function hideOptions(refocus) {
        // Hide the option list

        // Unbind the scroll events

        // Refocus on the
        if(refocus && active_select) {


        active_select = null;

     * Highlights an option in the option list, scrolling to it if needed
     * @param  {Number}  index  The option index to highlight
     * @param  {Boolean} scroll Set to true to scroll the option into view
     * @param  {Boolean} top    Set to true to scroll the option to the top of the list
    function highlightOption(index, scroll, top) {
        scroll = scroll || top;

        var scroll_height = option_scroll.offsetHeight;
        var option_height = getOptionHeight();

        index = +index || 0;
        index = Math.max(index, 0);
        index = Math.min(index, filtered_option_array.length -1);

        var scroll_top;

        if(scroll) {
            scroll_top     = option_scroll.scrollTop;
            var option_top = index * option_height;

            if(option_top < scroll_top) {
                scroll_top = option_top;
            else if(scroll_top + scroll_height <= option_top) {
                if(top) {
                    scroll_top = option_top;
                else {
                    scroll_top = option_top - scroll_height + option_height;

        highlighted_option_index = index;

     * Selects the currently highlighted option and assigns its value to the currently active select
    function selectHighlightedOption() {
        var option = filtered_option_array[highlighted_option_index];
        if(option === undefined) {

        var index            = option.index;
        var selected_indexes = index;

        // Multi-selects need to toggle the selected option based on if it
        // already exists within the selected options or not
        if(getMultiple(active_select)) {
            var selected_indexes = getSelectedIndexes(active_select);
            var exists           = indexOf(selected_indexes, index);

            // If the option isn't selected, select it
            if(exists === -1) {
            // Otherwise, deselect it
            else {
                selected_indexes.splice(exists, 1);

        // Set the new selected indexes
        setSelectedIndexes(active_select, selected_indexes, true);

     * Calculates the height of a single option
     * Additionally, this forces the all options to have the same height to account for rounding by the browser
     * @return {[type]} [description]
    function getOptionHeight() {
        // Reset the height on the elements
        for(var i = 0; i < option_elements.length; ++i) {
            var option_element              = option_elements[i];
            option_element.style.height     = '';
            option_element.style.lineHeight = '';

        // Get the height of the first element
        var first_option  = option_elements[0];
        var $first_option = $(first_option);
        var hidden        = $first_option.hasClass('swift-box-hidden');

        var height = Math.round(first_option.offsetHeight);
        $first_option.toggleClass('swift-box-hidden', hidden);

        // Set the height on the elements so they are all uniform.
        // This prevents the browser from using relative pixel widths
        // that may result in arbitrary rounding during rendering
        for(var i = 0; i < option_elements.length; ++i) {
            var option_element              = option_elements[i];
            option_element.style.height     = height + 'px';
            option_element.style.lineHeight = height + 'px';

        return height;

     * Gets the option value map for a select
     * @param  {Object}      element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Object|null}         The value map or null if no options are set
    function getOptionValueMap(element) {
        var hash = getOptionHash(element);

        return option_array_value_maps[hash];

     * Calculates the width of the select based on the widest option.
     * In older browsers that don't support canvas, the width is
     * approximated, possibly failing miserably.
     * @param  {Object} element      The SwiftBox element
     * @param  {Array}  option_array The array of options
     * @return {Number}              The calculated width
    function calculateWidth(element, option_array) {
        element = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];

        if(!element || !option_array || !option_array.length) {
            return 0;

        option_array = option_array || [];

        var $element    = $(element);
        var font_size   = $element.css('font-size');
        var font_family = $element.css('font-family');

        // For performance, only compare the longest of the options
        var compare_limit = 100;
        if(option_array.length > compare_limit) {
            var tmp_option_array = option_array.slice(0);

            option_array = tmp_option_array.slice(0, compare_limit);

        // Set the font on the canvas
        if(supports.canvas) {
            canvas_context.font = font_size + ' ' + font_family;

        var max_width = 0;

        for(var i = 0; i < option_array.length; ++i) {
            var option = option_array[i];
            var width;

            // In modern browsers, we can accurately measure the text using the canvas
            if(supports.canvas) {
                width = canvas_context.measureText(option.text).width;
            // In older browsers, use the text length
            else {
                width = option.text.length;

            max_width = Math.max(width, max_width);

        // In older browsers, estimate based on the text length
        if(!supports.canvas) {
            max_width = Math.max(max_width, 8) * 0.75 * parseFloat(font_size);

        // Add the button's width
        max_width += getElementCache(element).button.offsetWidth;

        // Add some extra pixels to account for padding and scrollbars
        max_width += 25;

        return max_width;

    function lengthSortFunction(a, b) {
        return a.text.length > b.text.length ? -1 : 1;

    function defaultSortFunction(a, b) {
        if(a.text !== b.text) {
            // Empty values should appear at the top
            if(a.text === '') {
                return -1;

            return a.text < b.text ? -1 : 1;

        return a.value < b.value ? -1 : 1;

     * The default filter function used to filter options
     * @param  {String} needle    The needle to search for
     * @param  {Array}  haystacks The array of haystacks to search in
     * @return {Array}            The matching haystacks
    function defaultFilterFunction(needle, haystacks) {
        needle = needle.replace(escape_regex, '\\$1');

        var results = [];
        var regexp = new RegExp('(' + needle + ')', 'gi');

        for(var i = 0; i < haystacks.length; ++i) {
            var haystack = haystacks[i];
            var text     = haystack.text;
            var matches  = text.match(regexp);

            if(!matches) {

            haystack.highlight_text = text.replace(regexp, '<mark>$1</mark>');


        return results;

     * Toggles multi-select mode on SwiftBoxes
     * @param {Array}   elements The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {Boolean} multiple Set to true to enable multi-select mode
    function setMultiple(elements, multiple) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);
        multiple = !!multiple;

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element = elements[i];

            if(multiple) {
                element.setAttribute('multiple', '');
            else {

                var selected_indexes = getSelectedIndexes(element);
                setSelectedIndexes(element, selected_indexes[0] || 0);

     * Determines if a SwiftBox is in multi-select mode
     * @param  {Object}  element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Boolean}
    function getMultiple(element) {
        element = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];

        return element && element.hasAttribute('multiple');

     * Toggles disabled state on SwiftBoxes
     * @param {Array}   elements The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {Boolean} multiple Set to true to disable
    function setDisabled(elements, disabled) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);
        disabled = !!disabled;

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element           = elements[i];
            var container_element = getElementCache(element).container;

            if(disabled) {
                element.setAttribute('disabled', '');
            else {
                container_element.href = '#';

     * Determines if a select is disabled
     * @param  {Object}  element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Boolean}
    function getDisabled(element) {
        element = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];

        return element && element.hasAttribute('disabled');

     * Toggles disabled state on SwiftBoxes
     * @param {Array}  elements  The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {Number} tab_index The tab index to set
    function setTabIndex(elements, tab_index) {
        elements  = normalizeElementArray(elements);
        tab_index = tab_index || 0;

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element           = elements[i];
            var container_element = getElementCache(element).container;

            container_element.tabIndex = tab_index;

     * Determines if a select is disabled
     * @param  {Object}  element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Number}
    function getTabIndex(element) {
        var container_element = getElementCache(element).container;

        return container_element && container_element.tabIndex;

    // =========================================================================
    // Value Manipulation
    // =========================================================================

     * Gets all selected values of a select
     * @param  {Object} element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Array}
    function getValues(element) {
        element              = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];
        var selected_indexes = getSelectedIndexes(element);
        var option_array     = getOptionArray(element);
        var values           = [];

        if(!option_array) {
            return [];

        for(var i = 0; i < selected_indexes.length; ++i) {
            var index  = selected_indexes[i];
            var option = option_array[index];

            if(option) {

        return values;

     * Sets the selected values of a select
     * @param {Array}        elements       The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {String|Array} indexes        A value or array of values to select
     * @param {Boolean}      trigger_change Set to true to trigger a change event if the values have changed
    function setValues(elements, values, trigger_change) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);

        if(!(values instanceof Array)) {
            values = [values];

        // Remove undefined/null values
        var clean_values = [];
        for(var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
            var value = values[i];

            if(value !== undefined && value !== null) {

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element          = elements[i];
            var option_value_map = getOptionValueMap(element);
            var indexes          = [];

            // If there are no options, store the attempted values so we can try
            // to set them in the future when options are defined
            var attempted_values = '';
            if(!option_value_map && clean_values.length) {
                attempted_values = JSON.stringify(clean_values);
            element.setAttribute('data-swift-box-attempted-values', attempted_values);

            if(option_value_map) {
                for(var j = 0; j < clean_values.length; ++j) {
                    var value = clean_values[j];
                    var index = option_value_map[value];

                    if(index !== undefined) {

            setSelectedIndexes(element, indexes, trigger_change);

     * Returns if a select has a specific value in its options
     * @param  {Object}  element The SwiftBox element
     * @param  {String}  value The value to check for
     * @return {Boolean}
    function hasValue(element, value) {
        var option_value_map = getOptionValueMap(element);

        if(option_value_map && option_value_map[value] !== undefined) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Gets all selected indexes of a select
     * @param  {Object} element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {Array}
    function getSelectedIndexes(element) {
        element     = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];
        var indexes = [];

        var tmp_indexes = element && element.getAttribute('data-swift-box-indexes');
        if(tmp_indexes) {
            tmp_indexes = tmp_indexes.split(',');

            for(var i = 0; i < tmp_indexes.length; ++i) {
                var index = +tmp_indexes[i];

                if(isNaN(index)) {


        return indexes;

     * Sets the selected indexes of a select
     * @param {Array}        elements       The SwiftBox elements
     * @param {Number|Array} indexes        An index or array of indexes to select
     * @param {Boolean}      trigger_change Set to true to trigger a change event if the indexes have changed
    function setSelectedIndexes(elements, indexes, trigger_change) {
        elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);

        if(indexes === undefined || indexes === null) {
            indexes = [];
        else if(!(indexes instanceof Array)) {
            indexes = [indexes];

        var changed_elements = [];

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element          = elements[i];
            var selected_indexes = getSelectedIndexes(element);
            var option_array     = getOptionArray(element);
            var new_indexes      = [];

            if(option_array) {
                for(var j = 0; j < indexes.length; ++j) {
                    var index = +indexes[j];

                    if(isNaN(index)) {

                    var option = option_array[index];
                    var valid  = !!option;

                    if(valid) {


            // Set the new indexes
            element.setAttribute('data-swift-box-indexes', new_indexes.join(','));

            // Update the text
            var text = [];
            for(var j = 0; j < new_indexes.length; ++j) {
                var index  = new_indexes[j];
                var option = option_array[index];

                if(option) {

            var element_cache = getElementCache(element);
            var text_element  = element_cache.text;
            var new_text      = text.join(', ');

            text_element[textContent] = new_text;

            // Get the hidden input container
            var input_container = element_cache.input_container;

            // Clear the existing hidden inputs inside the container
            var first_child;
            while((first_child = input_container.firstChild)) {

            var no_inputs = element.hasAttribute('data-no-inputs');

            if(!no_inputs) {
                // Update the hidden inputs to contain the new values
                var values      = getValues(element);
                var name        = element.getAttribute('data-swift-box-name');
                var input_count = values.length;

                // Single selects must have an input
                if(!input_count && !getMultiple(element)) {
                    input_count = 1;

                // Create a hidden input for each value
                for(var j = 0; j < input_count; ++j) {
                    var input   = hidden_input.cloneNode(true);
                    input.name  = name;
                    input.value = values[j] || '';

                    // Appending must occur AFTER setting the value for the form.reset() shim to work

            // Trigger a change if the indexes have changed
            if(trigger_change) {
                var changed = new_indexes.length !== selected_indexes.length;

                if(!changed) {
                    for(var j = 0; j < new_indexes.length; ++j) {
                        if(new_indexes[j] !== selected_indexes[j]) {
                            changed = true;

                if(changed) {

            // Re-render the options if the element is active
            if(element === active_select) {

        // Trigger any change events
        if(changed_elements.length) {

     * Sets the display text of a select
     * @param  {Object} element The SwiftBox element
     * @param  {String} element The text to set
    function setText(elements, text) {
        var elements = normalizeElementArray(elements);

        if(text === undefined || text === null) {
            text = '';

        text += '';

        for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
            var element = elements[i];
            var text_element = getElementCache(element).text;

            text_element[textContent] = text;

     * Gets the display text of a select
     * @param  {Object} element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {String}
    function getText(element) {
        var element = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];

        if(!element) {

        return getElementCache(element).text[textContent];

     * Gets the text based on the selected values
     * @param  {Object} element The SwiftBox element
     * @return {String|Array}   A string or an array of strings if in multiple mode
    function getValueText(element) {
        var element = normalizeElementArray(element)[0];

        if(!element) {

        var selected_indexes = getSelectedIndexes(element);
        var option_array     = getOptionArray(element);

        var text = [];
        for(var i = 0; i < selected_indexes.length; ++i) {
            var index  = selected_indexes[i];
            var option = option_array[index];

            if(option) {

        return text;

     * Focuses a select
     * @param {Object} element The SwiftBox element
    function focus(element) {
        var container_element = getElementCache(element).container;

        if(container_element) {

     * Blurs a select
     * @param {Object} element The SwiftBox element
    function blur(element) {
        var container_element = getElementCache(element).container;

        if(container_element) {

     * Marks a select as focused
     * @param {Object} element The SwiftBox element
    function addFocusClass(element) {
        var container_element = getElementCache(element).container;


     * Unmarks a select as focused
     * @param {Object} element The SwiftBox element
    function removeFocusClass(element) {
        var container_element = getElementCache(element).container;


    // =========================================================================
    // Shadow Root Manipulation
    // =========================================================================

     * Creates a shadow root using a template
     * @param  {Object} element  The SwiftBox element
     * @param  {Object} template An element to be used as a template
    function createShadowRoot(element, template) {
        var root;

        if(supports.components) {
            root = (element.createShadowRoot || element.webkitCreateShadowRoot).call(element);
        else {
            root = shadow_root_shim.cloneNode(true);

        // Append the template to the root

        return root;

    // =========================================================================
    // Expose methods
    // =========================================================================

    swiftbox.setDefaultConfig = setDefaultConfig;

    swiftbox.config = function(elements, option, value) {
        if(arguments.length <= 1) {
            return $.extend(true, {}, getConfig(elements));

        // If option is an object, we must be setting multiple config options at once
        if(typeof option === 'object') {
            setConfig(elements, option);
        // If there are only two arguments, we must be getting an option
        else if(arguments.length === 2) {
            return getConfigOption(elements, option);
        // Otherwise, we are setting a single option
        else {
            var config_object = {};
            config_object[option] = value;

            setConfig(elements, config_object);

        return elements;

    swiftbox.options = function(elements) {
        if(arguments.length <= 1) {
            return $.extend(true, [], getOptionArray(elements));

        setOptionArray.apply(null, arguments);
        return elements;

    swiftbox.addOptions = function(elements) {
        addOptionArray.apply(null, arguments);

        return elements;

    swiftbox.removeOptions = function(elements) {
        removeOptionArray.apply(null, arguments);

        return elements;

    swiftbox.selectAll = function(elements) {
        selectAll.apply(null, arguments);

        return elements;

    swiftbox.optionHash = function(elements) {
        if(arguments.length <= 1) {
            return getOptionHash(elements);

        setOptionHash.apply(null, arguments);
        return elements;

    swiftbox.showOptions = function(elements) {
        showOptions.apply(null, arguments);

        return elements;

    swiftbox.filterOptions = function(elements) {
        filterOptions.apply(null, arguments);

        return elements;

    swiftbox.hideOptions = function(elements) {
        return elements;

    swiftbox.value = function(elements) {
        if(arguments.length <= 1) {
            var values = getValues(elements);

            // For single selects, convert the value array to a single value
            if(!getMultiple(elements)) {
                values = values[0] || '';

            return values;

        setValues.apply(null, arguments);
        return elements;

    swiftbox.hasValue = function() {
        return hasValue.apply(null, arguments);

    swiftbox.selectedIndex = function(elements) {
        if(arguments.length <= 1) {
            var selected_indexes = getSelectedIndexes(elements);

            if(!getMultiple(elements)) {
                selected_indexes = selected_indexes[0];

                if(selected_indexes === undefined) {
                    selected_indexes = -1;

            return selected_indexes;

        setSelectedIndexes.apply(null, arguments);
        return elements;

    swiftbox.text = function(elements) {
        if(arguments.length <= 1) {
            return getText(elements);

        setText.apply(null, arguments);
        return elements;

    swiftbox.valueText = function(elements) {
        var text = getValueText(elements);

        if(!getMultiple(elements)) {
            return text[0] || '';

        return text;

    swiftbox.tabIndex = function(elements) {
        if(arguments.length <= 1) {
            return getTabIndex(elements);

        setTabIndex.apply(null, arguments);
        return elements;

    swiftbox.multiple = function(elements) {
        if(arguments.length <= 1) {
            return getMultiple(elements);

        setMultiple.apply(null, arguments);
        return elements;

    swiftbox.disabled = function(elements) {
        if(arguments.length <= 1) {
            return getDisabled(elements);

        setDisabled.apply(null, arguments);
        return elements;

    swiftbox.focus = function(elements) {
        focus.apply(null, arguments);

        return elements;

    swiftbox.blur = function(elements) {
        blur.apply(null, arguments);

        return elements;

     * jQuery plugin function
     * @return {Object} The jQuery collection the function was called on
    $.fn.swiftbox = function() {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);

        // Initialize if the first argument is undefined or an object
        if(args[0] === undefined || typeof args[0] === 'object') {

            return $(swiftbox.apply(null, args));

        // Determine the method to be called
        var method = args.shift();

        if(typeof swiftbox[method] !== 'function') {
            throw new Error('Invalid SwiftBox method: ' + method);

        // Add the elements as the first argument

        // Call the method
        return swiftbox[method].apply(null, args);

    // Extend the :input pseudo-selector
    var jquery_input_selector = $.expr[':'].input;

    $.expr[':'].input = function(element) {
        var $element = $(element);

        // If the element matches the original :input selector
        if(jquery_input_selector(element)) {
            // Make sure the element is not contained within the SwiftBox
            return !$element.closest('swift-box').length;

        return $element.is('swift-box');

    // Map properties to specific jQuery functions
    var jquery_functions = {
        value : $.fn.val,
        text  : $.fn.text

    // Extend the $.val method
    $.fn.val = function() {
        return prop(this, 'value', arguments);

    // Extend the $.text method
    $.fn.text = function() {
        return prop(this, 'text', arguments);

    function prop($this, property, args) {
        if(!$this.length) {
            if(!args.length) {
                return undefined;

            return $this;

        var jquery_function   = jquery_functions[property];
        var swiftbox_function = swiftbox[property];

        var $elements         = args.length ? $this : $this.first();
        var $others           = $elements.not('swift-box');
        var $swiftboxes       = $elements.filter('swift-box');
        var result;

        if($others.length) {
            result = jquery_function.apply($others, args);

        if($swiftboxes.length) {
            var swiftbox_args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 0);

            result = swiftbox_function.apply(null, swiftbox_args);

        return args.length ? $this : result;
}(this, window, jQuery));