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5 hrs
Test Coverage
 * SwiftSearch
 * A lightweight fuzzy text search function
 * https://github.com/Knotix/SwiftSearch/
 * Copyright 2014 Samuel Hodge
 * Released under the GPL license
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
(function(context) {
    'use strict';

    // Add SwiftSearch to the current context
    context.swiftsearch = swiftsearch;

    // RegExp used to escape RegExp special characters
    var escape_regex = /([-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s])/g;

     * Performs a fuzzy text search against an array of strings
     * @param  {String}   needle              The string to search for
     * @param  {Array}    haystacks           An array of strings or an array of objects with "text" properties
     * @param  {Boolean=} include_non_matches Set to true to include results with no matches
     * @param  {Number=}  result_limit        The maximum number of results
     * @return {Array}                        An array of search results
    function swiftsearch(needle, haystacks, include_non_matches, result_limit) {
        haystacks = haystacks || [];
        needle    = String(needle || '');

        if(!(haystacks instanceof Array)) {
            throw new Error('Invalid haystack array: ' + haystacks);

        // Create a RegExp pattern with every permutation of contiguous characters
        var pattern      = [];
        var unique_parts = {};

        for(var i = needle.length; i > 0; --i) {
            var permutations = needle.length - i;

            // For performance, cap the number of permutations for long needles
            if(needle.length > 32) {
                permutations = 0;

            for(var j = 0; j <= permutations; ++j) {
                var pattern_part = needle.slice(j, j + i).replace(escape_regex, '\\$1');

                if(!unique_parts[pattern_part]) {
                    unique_parts[pattern_part] = true;

        // Create the RegExp string
        pattern = '(' + pattern.join('|') + ')';

        // Instantiate the RegExp
        var needle_regexp = new RegExp(pattern, 'gi');

        // Loop through each haystack and search for the needle
        var results = [];
        for(var i = 0; i < haystacks.length; ++i) {
            var text = haystacks[i] || '';

            // Support for haystack objects that have a "text" property
            if(typeof text === 'object') {
                text = text.text || '';

            if(typeof text !== 'string') {
                throw new Error('Invalid haystack: ' + text);

            var score              = 0;
            var matched_characters = 0;
            var longest_match      = 0;
            var highlight_text     = null;
            var text_length        = text.length;

            if(text_length && needle.length) {
                var last_index   = 0;
                var regexp_index = 0;
                var regexp_match;

                highlight_text = '';

                // Reset the index of the RegExp
                needle_regexp.lastIndex = 0;

                // Execute the needle RegExp on the haystack
                while((regexp_match = needle_regexp.exec(text))) {
                    regexp_index = needle_regexp.lastIndex;

                    var match                  = regexp_match[0];
                    var match_length           = match.length;
                    var match_index            = regexp_index - match_length;
                    var match_percentage       = match_length / text_length;
                    var match_index_percentage = match_index / match_length;

                    score += match_length * match_percentage;
                    score -= match_length * match_index_percentage / 1000;

                    // Store the number of matched characters
                    matched_characters += match_length;

                    // Track the longest match
                    if(longest_match < match_length) {
                        longest_match = match_length;

                    // Create the highlight text
                    highlight_text += text.slice(last_index, match_index);
                    highlight_text += '<mark>' + match + '</mark>';

                    last_index = regexp_index;

                // Ceil the score so that fairly similar matches are considered equal
                score = Math.ceil(score);

                // Append the remaining characters of the haystack
                highlight_text += text.slice(regexp_index);

            // Remove non-matches if needed
            if(!include_non_matches && score === 0) {

            // Add the result to the results array
                index          : i,
                text           : text,
                highlight_text : highlight_text || text,
                longest_match  : longest_match,
                score          : score,
                difference     : Math.abs(needle.length - matched_characters)

        // Sort the results

        // Limit the result count if needed
        result_limit = +result_limit;

        if(result_limit) {
            results = results.slice(0, result_limit);

        return results;

     * Sorts search results
     * @param  {Object} a The first search result
     * @param  {Object} b The second search result
     * @return {number}   The relative direction to move the elements
    function sortSearchResults(a, b) {
        var tmp_a;
        var tmp_b;

        tmp_a = -a.longest_match;
        tmp_b = -b.longest_match;

        if(tmp_a === tmp_b) {
            tmp_a = -a.score;
            tmp_b = -b.score;

            if(tmp_a === tmp_b) {
                tmp_a = a.difference;
                tmp_b = b.difference;

                if(tmp_a === tmp_b) {
                    tmp_a = a.text.length;
                    tmp_b = b.text.length;

                    if(tmp_a === tmp_b) {
                        tmp_a = a.text;
                        tmp_b = b.text;

                        if(tmp_a === tmp_b) {
                            tmp_a = a.index;
                            tmp_b = b.index;

                            if(tmp_a === tmp_b) {
                                return 0;

        if(tmp_a === null) {
            return -1;
        else if(tmp_b === null) {
            return 1;

        return tmp_a < tmp_b ? -1 : 1;