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# js.rdf.dev/delta
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Utilities to quickly create [linked deltas](https://github.com/ontola/linked-delta), an rdf-native 
way to express and process changes in state.

## Example
import rdf from "@ontologies/core";
import schema from "@ontologies/schema";
import { add, replace } from "@rdfdev/delta";
import { RDFStore } from "link-lib";

const myProfile = rdf.namedNode("https://example.com/profile/card#me");

const updateName = [
  replace(myProfile, schema.name, rdf.literal("Douglas Engelbart")),
  add(myProfile, schema.comment, rdf.literal("Update from today")),

new RDFStore().processDelta(updateName) // Changes applied

## Getting started

Just install the package and its peer dependencies.

`npm i @rdfdev/delta @ontologies/core @ontologies/ld`

`yarn add @rdfdev/delta @ontologies/core @ontologies/ld`

## Documentation

See the [js.rdf.dev/delta documentation](https://js.rdf.dev/delta)

See the complete [js.rdf.dev documentation](https://js.rdf.dev)

## Need help with linked data?

This package is brought to you by [Ontola](https://ontola.io). We build production-grade linked data
solutions and can help you from advice to building custom web services.