* PropType definitions for working with linked data prop-types.
import { TermType } from "@ontologies/core";
import { oneOf, oneOfType, shape, string } from "prop-types";
/** Validate if the prop is a valid BlankNode. */
export const blankNode = shape({
termType: oneOf([TermType.BlankNode]).isRequired,
value: string.isRequired,
/** Validate if the prop is a valid NamedNode. */
export const namedNode = shape({
termType: oneOf([TermType.NamedNode]).isRequired,
value: string.isRequired,
/** Validate if the prop is a valid Literal. */
export const literal = shape({
termType: oneOf([TermType.Literal]).isRequired,
value: string.isRequired,
datatype: namedNode,
language: string.isRequired,
/** Validate if the prop is a valid node (blank or named). */
export const nodeType = oneOfType([blankNode, namedNode]);
/** Validate if the prop is a valid term (blank node, named node, or literal). */
export const termType = oneOfType([blankNode, namedNode, literal]);
/** Validate if the prop is a valid Quad. */
export const quad = shape({
subject: oneOfType([ blankNode, namedNode ]).isRequired,
predicate: namedNode.isRequired,
object: oneOfType([ blankNode, namedNode, literal ]).isRequired,
graph: oneOfType([ blankNode, namedNode ]),