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# Opal-RSpec Changelog

## 1.1.0.alpha3 - 2023-09-26

- Refactor glob_to_re into a robust implementation

- Add `--opal-opt` CLI option

- Add `--rbrequire` CLI option

## 1.1.0.alpha2 - 2023-09-20

- Drop advertised support for Opal v1.6

- Fix support for Ruby 2.7+

- Drop requirement of Opal-Sprockets

## 1.1.0.alpha1 - 2023-09-16

- Support Opal headless browser runners

- (Almost) full support for `rspec` CLI util (which we run using `opal-rspec` command)
  * Focus works, you can type `opal-rspec spec-opal-passing/tautology_spec.rb:8` to select a given test
  * Most of other command line switches of `opal-rspec` work
  * You can use a `.rspec-opal` configuration file akin to `.rspec` with the regular RSpec
    * Just like with RSpec, switches set in this file propagate everywhere (eg. Rake task), so this is from now a prefered place to set up paths, etc.

- Compatibility for upcoming Opal v1.8

## 1.0.0 - 2022-11-24

- Drop support for anything below Opal v1.6.alpha1

- Update to the latest RSpec versions

- Vendor-in `diff-lcs`

- Rework the async logic to use the `await` feature of Opal
  * If you use async features, it's crucial to use a `# await: *await*` magic comment (this will cause any call to a method containing an `await` word to be compiled with an `await` ES8 keyword)
  * Both `let` and `subject` that return a promise (ie. are async) must be referenced with an `.await` method
  * In `around` blocks, you must call `example.run_await` instead of just `example.run`
  * Only `PromiseV2` is supported (`PromiseV1` may work, but you should migrate your application to use `PromiseV2` nevertheless, in Opal 2.0 it will become the default)

- Drop a requirement of `opal-sprockets`
  * Sprockets support is still provided, but you need to manually `require "opal/rspec/sprockets"`

## 0.8.0 - 2021-12-01

- Support for Opal v1.x

- Fix some x-srting semicolon warnings

- Fix forwarding the exit code to the rake task

## 0.7.1 - 2019-02-04

- add a project initializer: `opal-rspec --init`

## 0.7.0 - 2019-02-03

- Drop support for the legacy async syntax

- Complete internal overhaul

- Support for Opal v0.11

## 0.6.1 - 2017-05-25

- Fixed compatibility with Rake 12

- Open up to opal 0.11 (not officially supported yet)

## 0.6.0 - 2016-08-29

- Support for Opal 0.8/0.9 removed

- Opal 0.10 support

- Arity checking enabled by default

- Dropped support for PhantomJS < 2.0

- Removed `Kernel#caller` monkey patch so test file/line metadata is only available if supplied via test metadata or for failures. Should improve performance since an exception isn't thrown for every test to gather the data

## 0.5.0 - 2015-12-08

- By default, any subject, it example block, before(:each), after(:each), and around that returns a promise will be executed asynchronously. Async is NOT yet supported for context level hooks. Async approach from < 0.4.3 will still work.

- Update to RSpec 3.1 (core is 3.1.7, expectations/support 3.1.2, mocks 3.1.3)

- Opal 0.9 compatibility

- A lot more aspects of RSpec should work now as 20+ Opal pull requests were completed from opal-rspec work

- Remove copy of source from opal-rspec git repo (and just rely on git submodule fetch)

- Rake task improvements:
  - supports passing a test pattern (include and exclude) and FileLists besides 'spec/**/*_spec.rb
  - colors, formatter, and additional requires can be supplied from the command line via the SPEC_OPTS environment variable

- Formatters:
  - Fixed issues with RSpec's BaseTextFormatter and made ProgressFormatter the default when run via the Rake task
  - Fix redundant messages with expectation fails
  - Browser formatter now works w/ progress bar and has a 'Dump to console' link that will put a clickable stack trace for a failed example in the browser console
  - JSON formatter supported

- Fixed issues with constants/example group naming

- Basic nodejs runner support

- A lot more matchers enabled

*  PhantomJS 2.0 compatibility (also still compatible with 1.9.8). Thanks to @aost. Closes out https://github.com/opal/opal-rspec/issues/42

## 0.4.3 - 2015-06-14

- Allow the gem to be run under Opal 0.7 and 0.8
- Fix some threading issues
- Avoid some other calls to mutable-strings methods

## 0.4.2 - 2015-03-28

- Avoid phantomjs warning messages

## 0.4.1 - 2015-02-25

- Remove predicate matcher fixes as Opal supports $1..$9 special gvars.

- Update Opal dependency for ~> 0.6.0.

- Remove double-escaping in inline x-strings (from Opal bug fix).

- Remove opal-sprockets dependency - build tools now part of opal.

- Replaced browser formatter to use html printer from rspec

- Add timeout support to asynchronous specs