
Test Coverage
# Contributing and Reporting

This is the issue tracker for Opal. If you have a more general question about
using Opal (or related libraries) then use the [stackoverflow tag (#opalrb)][SO], or the *Gitter* chatroom at [opal/opal][gitter]
(also available as IRC at ``).


What follows is a quick checklist you can before sending issues or pull-requests, for in-depth instructions on how to hack the internals of Opal and setup the development environment please see [``][hacking].


## Submitting a New Issue

1.  Before opening a new issue, search for previous discussions including closed
    ones. Add comments there if a similar issue is found.

2.  Please report the version on which the issue is found (`opal -v`).

3.  The best issues have steps to reproduce the error. Common ways to do that are:
    - A snippet of Ruby code
    - A CLI command with its output, e.g. `opal -ve 'p String != Symbol' # => false'`

## Submitting a Pull Request

1.  Before sending pull requests make sure all tests run and pass (see `` in this repo).

2.  Make sure to use a similar coding style to the rest of the code base. Some examples follow:
    - In Ruby and JavaScript code we use 2 spaces (no tabs)
    - In JavaScript we use `snake_case` for methods and variables

3.  Make sure to have updated all the relevant documentation, both for API (using _yardoc_ syntax) and the Guides

4.  Add a Changelog entry at the top of ``

### A note on commits in PRs

You could be asked to squash your commits during a PR review. That doesn't mean there's a preference for a single commit for each PR, rather it's a request to have each commit focused on a specific group changes and avoid the sequence of changes, fixups and reverts that tell an interesting story but in the end make the use of `git blame` quite difficult.

__That said, these are quite loose requirements in the spirit of keeping contributing enjoyable 🤓__