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Test Coverage
package model

import (


// ID represents a unique identifier for a resource, combining a resource Type
// and a unique identifier.
type ID struct {
    Inner xid.ID
    Type  ResourceType

func (id ID) Validate() error {
    if id.Type < 1 || id.Type > 16 {
        return ErrInvalidID
    return nil

// String returns the string representation of the ID. The type is not part of
// the string representation. This is to allow for the ID to be used as a
// label or flag in a database or log aggregation system.
func (id ID) String() string {
    return id.Inner.String()

// Label returns the Type of the ID.
func (id ID) Label() string {
    return id.Type.String()

// IsNil returns true if the ID is nil.
func (id ID) IsNil() bool {
    return id.Inner == xid.NilID()

// NewID creates a new ID.
func NewID(typ ResourceType) (ID, error) {
    id := ID{Inner: xid.New(), Type: typ}

    if err := id.Validate(); err != nil {
        return ID{}, err

    return id, nil

// MustNewID creates a new ID. It panics if the type is invalid.
func MustNewID(typ ResourceType) ID {
    id, err := NewID(typ)
    if err != nil {

    return id

// NewNilID creates a new ID with a nil xid.ID.
func NewNilID(typ ResourceType) (ID, error) {
    id := ID{Inner: xid.NilID(), Type: typ}

    if err := id.Validate(); err != nil {
        return ID{}, err

    return id, nil

// MustNewNilID creates a new ID with a nil xid.ID. It panics if the type is
// invalid.
func MustNewNilID(typ ResourceType) ID {
    id, err := NewNilID(typ)
    if err != nil {

    return id

// NewIDFromString creates a new ID from a string. The string must be a valid
// xid string.
func NewIDFromString(id, typ string) (ID, error) {
    var rt ResourceType
    if err := rt.UnmarshalText([]byte(typ)); err != nil {
        return ID{}, errors.Join(ErrInvalidID, err)

    newID, err := NewNilID(rt)
    if err != nil {
        return ID{}, err

    parsed, err := xid.FromString(id)
    if err != nil {
        return ID{}, errors.Join(ErrInvalidID, err)

    newID.Inner = parsed
    return newID, nil

// NewRawID creates a new xid.ID.
func NewRawID() string {
    return xid.New().String()