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package model

const (
    HealthCheckComponentCacheDB      HealthCheckComponent = "cache_database"      // cache database
    HealthCheckComponentGraphDB      HealthCheckComponent = "graph_database"      // graph database
    HealthCheckComponentRelationalDB HealthCheckComponent = "relational_database" // relational database
    HealthCheckComponentLicense      HealthCheckComponent = "license"             // license
    HealthCheckComponentMessageQueue HealthCheckComponent = "message_queue"       // message_queue

const (
    HealthStatusUnknown   HealthStatus = iota // component is in an unknown state
    HealthStatusHealthy                       // component is healthy
    HealthStatusUnhealthy                     // component is unhealthy

var (
    healthStatusKeys = map[string]HealthStatus{
        "unknown":   HealthStatusUnknown,
        "healthy":   HealthStatusHealthy,
        "unhealthy": HealthStatusUnhealthy,
    healthStatusValues = map[HealthStatus]string{
        HealthStatusUnknown:   "unknown",
        HealthStatusHealthy:   "healthy",
        HealthStatusUnhealthy: "unhealthy",

// HealthCheckComponent represents a component of the application.
type HealthCheckComponent string

// HealthStatus is the status of a component.
type HealthStatus uint8

// String returns the string representation of the health status.
func (s HealthStatus) String() string {
    return healthStatusValues[s]

// MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (s HealthStatus) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) {
    if s > HealthStatusUnhealthy {
        return nil, ErrInvalidHealthStatus
    return []byte(s.String()), nil

// UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
func (s *HealthStatus) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
    if v, ok := healthStatusKeys[string(text)]; ok {
        *s = v
        return nil
    return ErrInvalidHealthStatus

// VersionInfo represents the version information of the application.
type VersionInfo struct {
    Version   string `validate:"required,semver"`
    Commit    string `validate:"required,alphanum,len=7"`
    Date      string `validate:"required"`
    GoVersion string `validate:"required,semver"`