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package log

// Action represents the action that is being performed upon logging.
type Action int

const (
    // HTTP request actions

    ActionHTTPRequestHandle Action = iota // handle an HTTP request

    // GraphDatabase operation actions

    ActionDBCollectionCreate // create a database collection
    ActionDBDocumentCreate   // create a document in a collection
    ActionDBDocumentDelete   // delete a document from a collection
    ActionDBDocumentRead     // read a document from a collection
    ActionDBDocumentUpdate   // update a document in a collection
    ActionDBIndexCreate      // create an index in the collection
    ActionDBInitialize       // initialize a database
    ActionDBQueryExecute     // execute a database query

    // Authentication and authorization actions

    ActionAuthRequestAuthorize // authorize a request
    ActionAuthSessionCreate    // create a session
    ActionAuthStoreCreate      // create auth store
    ActionAuthTokenCreate      // create a token
    ActionAuthTokenIntrospect  // introspect a token
    ActionAuthTokenRevoke      // revoke a token
    ActionAuthUserAuthenticate // authenticate a user
    ActionRequestDeserialize   // deserialize a request
    ActionRequestTransform     // transform a request
    ActionRequesterValidate    // validate a requester

    // Configuration actions

    ActionCertificateLoad // load a certificate
    ActionConfigLoad      // load a configuration
    ActionPrivateKeyLoad  // load a private key

    // System actions

    ActionHealthCheck // check the health of a component

// String returns the string representation of the action.
func (a Action) String() string {
    return [...]string{