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Test Coverage
package log

import (


const (
    FieldAction                = "action"                  // name of the action field
    FieldAuthClient            = "auth_client"             // name of the auth client field
    FieldAuthClientID          = "auth_client_id"          // name of the auth client id field
    FieldAuthCode              = "auth_code"               // name of the code field
    FieldBindVars              = "bind_vars"               // name of the query bind vars field
    FieldCollection            = "collection"              // name of the collection field
    FieldCollectionOptions     = "collection_options"      // name of the collection field
    FieldDatabase              = "database"                // name of the database field
    Field                      = "details"                 // name of the details field
    FieldDocument              = "document"                // name of the document field
    FieldDocumentCount         = "document_count"          // name of the document count field
    FieldDuration              = "duration"                // name of the duration field
    FieldEmail                 = "email"                   // name of the email field
    FieldEndpoints             = "endpoints"               // name of the endpoints field
    FieldFilter                = "filter"                  // name of the filter field
    FieldIdleConnectionTimeout = "idle_connection_timeout" // name of the idle connection timeout field
    FieldIndexFields           = "fields"                  // name of the index fields
    FieldIndexOptions          = "index_options"           // name of the index options field
    FieldInput                 = "input"                   // name of the input field
    FieldKey                   = "key"                     // name of the key field
    FieldKind                  = "kind"                    // name of the kind field
    FieldLimit                 = "limit"                   // name of the limit field
    FieldMaxIdleConnections    = "max_idle_connections"    // name of the max idle connections field
    FieldMaxOpenConnections    = "max_open_connections"    // name of the max open connections field
    FieldMethod                = "method"                  // name of the method field
    FieldOffset                = "offset"                  // name of the offset field
    FieldOperationID           = "operation_id"            // name of the operation id field
    FieldPath                  = "path"                    // name of the path field
    FieldProtocol              = "protocol"                // name of the protocol field
    FieldQuery                 = "query"                   // name of the query field
    FieldRemoteAddr            = "remote_addr"             // name of the remote address field
    FieldRequestID             = "request_id"              // name of the request id field
    FieldRoles                 = "roles"                   // name of the roles field
    FieldScopes                = "scopes"                  // name of the scopes field
    FieldSession               = "session"                 // name of the session field
    FieldSize                  = "size"                    // name of the size field
    FieldStatus                = "status"                  // name of the user status field
    FieldTTL                   = "ttl"                     // name of the ttl field
    FieldToken                 = "token"                   // name of the token field
    FieldURL                   = "url"                     // name of the url field
    FieldUser                  = "user"                    // name of the user field
    FieldUserAgent             = "user_agent"              // name of the user agent field
    FieldUserID                = "user_id"                 // name of the user id field
    FieldUsername              = "username"                // name of the username field
    FieldValue                 = "value"                   // name of the value field

// WithAction sets the action field.
func WithAction(action Action) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldAction, action.String())

// WithAuthClient sets the auth client field.
func WithAuthClient(client any) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldAuthClient, client)

// WithAuthClientID sets the auth client id field.
func WithAuthClientID(clientID string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldAuthClientID, clientID)

// WithAuthCode sets the authorization code field.
func WithAuthCode(code string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldAuthCode, code)

// WithBindVars sets the query bind vars field.
func WithBindVars(bindVars map[string]any) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldBindVars, bindVars)

// WithCollectionOptions sets the index options field.
func WithCollectionOptions(collectionOpts any) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldCollectionOptions, collectionOpts)

// WithDatabase sets the database field.
func WithDatabase(database string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldDatabase, database)

// WithDetails sets the details field.
func WithDetails(details string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(Field, details)

// WithDocument sets the document field.
func WithDocument(document any) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldDocument, document)

// WithDocumentCount sets the document count field.
func WithDocumentCount(count int64) zap.Field {
    return zap.Int64(FieldDocumentCount, count)

// WithDuration sets the duration field.
func WithDuration[D time.Duration | float64 | int64](duration D) zap.Field {
    return zap.Float64(FieldDuration, float64(duration))

// WithEmail sets the email field.
func WithEmail(email string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldEmail, email)

// WithEndpoints sets the endpoints field.
func WithEndpoints(endpoints []string) zap.Field {
    return zap.Strings(FieldEndpoints, endpoints)

// WithError sets the error field.
func WithError(err error) zap.Field {
    return zap.Error(err)

// WithFilter sets the filter field.
func WithFilter(filter any) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldFilter, filter)

// WithIdleConnectionTimeout sets the idle connection timeout field.
func WithIdleConnectionTimeout(idleTimeout time.Duration) zap.Field {
    return zap.Duration(FieldIdleConnectionTimeout, idleTimeout)

// WithIndexFields sets the index fields.
func WithIndexFields(fields []string) zap.Field {
    return zap.Strings(FieldIndexFields, fields)

// WithIndexOptions sets the index options field.
func WithIndexOptions(indexOptions any) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldIndexOptions, indexOptions)

// WithInput sets the input field.
func WithInput(input any) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldInput, input)

// WithKey sets the key field.
func WithKey(key string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldKey, key)

// WithKind sets the kind field.
func WithKind(kind string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldKind, kind)

// WithLimit sets the limit field.
func WithLimit(limit int) zap.Field {
    return zap.Int(FieldLimit, limit)

// WithMaxIdleConnections sets the max idle connections field.
func WithMaxIdleConnections(maxIdleConnections int) zap.Field {
    return zap.Int(FieldMaxIdleConnections, maxIdleConnections)

// WithMaxOpenConnections sets the max open connections field.
func WithMaxOpenConnections(maxOpenConnections int) zap.Field {
    return zap.Int(FieldMaxOpenConnections, maxOpenConnections)

// WithMethod sets the method field.
func WithMethod(method string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldMethod, method)

// WithOffset sets the offset field.
func WithOffset(offset int) zap.Field {
    return zap.Int(FieldOffset, offset)

// WithOperationID sets the operation id field.
func WithOperationID(operationID string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldOperationID, operationID)

// WithPath sets the path field.
func WithPath(path string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldPath, path)

// WithProtocol sets the protocol field.
func WithProtocol(protocol string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldProtocol, protocol)

// WithQuery sets the query field.
func WithQuery(query string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldQuery, query)

// WithRemoteAddr sets the remote address field.
func WithRemoteAddr(remoteAddr string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldRemoteAddr, remoteAddr)

// WithRequestID sets the request id field.
func WithRequestID(requestID string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldRequestID, requestID)

// WithScopes sets the scopes field.
func WithScopes(scopes []string) zap.Field {
    return zap.Strings(FieldScopes, scopes)

// WithSession sets the session field.
func WithSession(session any) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldSession, session)

// WithSize sets the size field.
func WithSize(size int64) zap.Field {
    return zap.Int64(FieldSize, size)

// WithStatus sets the status code field.
func WithStatus[S string | int](status S) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldStatus, status)

// WithTTL sets the ttl field.
func WithTTL(ttl time.Duration) zap.Field {
    return zap.Duration(FieldTTL, ttl)

// WithToken sets the ttl field.
func WithToken(token string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldToken, token)

// WithURL sets the url field.
func WithURL(url string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldURL, url)

// WithUserAgent sets the user agent field.
func WithUserAgent(userAgent string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldUserAgent, userAgent)

// WithUserID sets the user id field.
func WithUserID(userID string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldUserID, userID)

// WithUsername sets the username field.
func WithUsername(username string) zap.Field {
    return zap.String(FieldUsername, username)

// WithValue sets the value field.
func WithValue(value any) zap.Field {
    return zap.Any(FieldValue, value)