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package neo4j

const (
    EdgeKindAssignedTo    EdgeKind = iota + 1 // a user is assigned to a resource
    EdgeKindBelongsTo                         // a resource belongs to another
    EdgeKindCommented                         // a user commented a resource
    EdgeKindCreated                           // a user created a resource
    EdgeKindHasAttachment                     // a resource has an attachment
    EdgeKindHasComment                        // a resource has a comment
    EdgeKindHasLabel                          // a resource is labeled by a label
    EdgeKindHasNamespace                      // an organization has a namespace
    EdgeKindHasPermission                     // a subject has permission on a resource
    EdgeKindHasProject                        // a namespace has a project
    EdgeKindHasTeam                           // an organization or project has a team
    EdgeKindInvited                           // a user invited another user
    EdgeKindKindOf                            // a resource is a kind of another
    EdgeKindMemberOf                          // a user is a member of a team
    EdgeKindRelatedTo                         // a resource is related to another
    EdgeKindSpeaks                            // a user speaks a language
    EdgeKindWatches                           // a user watches a resource

var (
    relationKindValues = map[EdgeKind]string{
        EdgeKindAssignedTo:    "ASSIGNED_TO",
        EdgeKindBelongsTo:     "BELONGS_TO",
        EdgeKindCommented:     "COMMENTED",
        EdgeKindCreated:       "CREATED",
        EdgeKindHasAttachment: "HAS_ATTACHMENT",
        EdgeKindHasComment:    "HAS_COMMENT",
        EdgeKindHasLabel:      "HAS_LABEL",
        EdgeKindHasNamespace:  "HAS_NAMESPACE",
        EdgeKindHasPermission: "HAS_PERMISSION",
        EdgeKindHasProject:    "HAS_PROJECT",
        EdgeKindHasTeam:       "HAS_TEAM",
        EdgeKindInvited:       "INVITED",
        EdgeKindKindOf:        "KIND_OF",
        EdgeKindMemberOf:      "MEMBER_OF",
        EdgeKindRelatedTo:     "RELATED_TO",
        EdgeKindSpeaks:        "SPEAKS",
        EdgeKindWatches:       "WATCHES",

// EdgeKind is the kind of relation between two entities.
type EdgeKind uint8

// String returns the string representation of the relation kind.
func (k EdgeKind) String() string {
    return relationKindValues[k]