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package neo4j

import (



// issueScanParams is a struct for holding the cypher return parameter names
// for scanning an issue.
type issueScanParams struct {
    issue       string
    parent      string
    reportedBy  string
    assignees   string
    labels      string
    comments    string
    attachments string
    watchers    string
    relations   string

// IssueRepository is a repository for managing user issues.
type IssueRepository struct {

func (r *IssueRepository) scan(params *issueScanParams) func(rec *neo4j.Record) (*model.Issue, error) {
    return func(rec *neo4j.Record) (*model.Issue, error) {
        issue := new(model.Issue)
        issue.Links = make([]string, 0)

        val, _, err := neo4j.GetRecordValue[neo4j.Node](rec, params.issue)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        parent, err := ParseValueFromRecord[string](rec, params.parent)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        reportedBy, err := ParseValueFromRecord[string](rec, params.reportedBy)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if err := ScanIntoStruct(&val, &issue, []string{"id", "parent", "reported_by"}); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        issue.ID, _ = model.NewIDFromString(val.GetProperties()["id"].(string), model.ResourceTypeIssue.String())
        issue.ReportedBy, _ = model.NewIDFromString(reportedBy, model.ResourceTypeUser.String())

        if parent != "" {
            parentID, _ := model.NewIDFromString(parent, model.ResourceTypeIssue.String())
            issue.Parent = &parentID

        if issue.Assignees, err = ParseIDsFromRecord(rec, params.assignees, model.ResourceTypeUser.String()); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if issue.Labels, err = ParseIDsFromRecord(rec, params.labels, model.ResourceTypeLabel.String()); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if issue.Comments, err = ParseIDsFromRecord(rec, params.comments, model.ResourceTypeComment.String()); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if issue.Attachments, err = ParseIDsFromRecord(rec, params.attachments, model.ResourceTypeAttachment.String()); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if issue.Watchers, err = ParseIDsFromRecord(rec, params.watchers, model.ResourceTypeUser.String()); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if issue.Relations, err = ParseIDsFromRecord(rec, params.relations, model.ResourceTypeIssue.String()); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if err := issue.Validate(); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return issue, nil

func (r *IssueRepository) scanRelation(ip, rp, tp string) func(rec *neo4j.Record) (*model.IssueRelation, error) {
    return func(rec *neo4j.Record) (*model.IssueRelation, error) {
        rel := new(model.IssueRelation)

        val, _, err := neo4j.GetRecordValue[neo4j.Relationship](rec, rp)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        source, err := ParseValueFromRecord[string](rec, ip)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        target, err := ParseValueFromRecord[string](rec, tp)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if err := ScanIntoStruct(&val, &rel, []string{"id", "source", "target"}); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        rel.ID, _ = model.NewIDFromString(val.GetProperties()["id"].(string), model.ResourceTypeIssueRelation.String())
        rel.Source, _ = model.NewIDFromString(source, model.ResourceTypeIssue.String())
        rel.Target, _ = model.NewIDFromString(target, model.ResourceTypeIssue.String())

        if err := rel.Validate(); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return rel, nil

func (r *IssueRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, project model.ID, issue *model.Issue) error {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/Create")
    defer span.End()

    if err := project.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueCreate, err)

    if err := issue.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueCreate, err)

    createdAt := time.Now().UTC()

    issue.ID = model.MustNewID(model.ResourceTypeIssue)
    issue.CreatedAt = convert.ToPointer(createdAt)
    issue.UpdatedAt = nil

    cypher := `
    MATCH (p:` + project.Label() + ` {id: $project_id}), (u:` + issue.ReportedBy.Label() + ` {id: $reported_by_id})
        (i:` + issue.ID.Label() + ` {
            id: $id, numeric_id: $numeric_id, kind: $kind, title: $title, description: $description, status: $status,
            priority: $priority, resolution: $resolution, links: $links, due_date: datetime($due_date),
            created_at: datetime($created_at)
        (u)-[:` + EdgeKindCreated.String() + ` {id: $created_rel_id, created_at: datetime($created_at)}]->(i),
        (u)-[:` + EdgeKindWatches.String() + ` {id: $watches_rel_id, created_at: datetime($created_at)}]->(i),
        (i)-[:` + EdgeKindBelongsTo.String() + ` {id: $belongs_to_rel_id, created_at: datetime($created_at)}]->(p)`

    params := map[string]any{
        "project_id":        project.String(),
        "reported_by_id":    issue.ReportedBy.String(),
        "id":                issue.ID.String(),
        "numeric_id":        issue.NumericID,
        "kind":              issue.Kind.String(),
        "title":             issue.Title,
        "description":       issue.Description,
        "status":            issue.Status.String(),
        "priority":          issue.Priority.String(),
        "resolution":        issue.Resolution.String(),
        "links":             issue.Links,
        "due_date":          nil,
        "created_at":        createdAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
        "created_rel_id":    model.NewRawID(),
        "watches_rel_id":    model.NewRawID(),
        "belongs_to_rel_id": model.NewRawID(),

    if issue.DueDate != nil {
        params["due_date"] = issue.DueDate.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)

    if issue.Parent != nil {
        cypher += `
        WITH i
        MATCH (p:` + issue.Parent.Label() + ` {id: $parent_id})
        CREATE (i)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + ` {id: $issue_rel_id, kind: $rel_kind, created_at: datetime($created_at)}]->(p)`

        params["parent_id"] = issue.Parent.String()
        params["issue_rel_id"] = model.NewRawID()
        params["rel_kind"] = model.IssueRelationKindSubtaskOf.String()

    if err := ExecuteWriteAndConsume(ctx, r.db, cypher, params); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueCreate, err)

    return nil

func (r *IssueRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id model.ID) (*model.Issue, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/Read")
    defer span.End()

    if err := id.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRead, err)

    cypher := `
    MATCH (i:` + id.Label() + ` {id: $id})
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + ` {kind: $parent_kind}]->(par:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + `]->(rel:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasComment.String() + `]->(comm:` + model.ResourceTypeComment.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasAttachment.String() + `]->(att:` + model.ResourceTypeAttachment.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindWatches.String() + `]-(watch:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasLabel.String() + `]->(l:` + model.ResourceTypeLabel.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindCreated.String() + `]-(cr:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindAssignedTo.String() + `]-(assignees:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    RETURN i, par.id AS par, collect(DISTINCT rel.id) AS rel, collect(DISTINCT comm.id) AS comm,
        collect(DISTINCT att.id) AS att, collect(DISTINCT watch.id) AS watch, collect(DISTINCT l.id) AS l, cr.id as cr,
        collect(DISTINCT assignees.id) AS assignees`

    params := map[string]any{
        "id":          id.String(),
        "parent_kind": model.IssueRelationKindSubtaskOf.String(),

    scanParams := &issueScanParams{
        issue:       "i",
        parent:      "par",
        reportedBy:  "cr",
        assignees:   "assignees",
        labels:      "l",
        comments:    "comm",
        attachments: "att",
        watchers:    "watch",
        relations:   "rel",

    issue, err := ExecuteReadAndReadSingle(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, r.scan(scanParams))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRead, err)

    return issue, nil

func (r *IssueRepository) GetAllForProject(ctx context.Context, projectID model.ID, offset, limit int) ([]*model.Issue, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/GetAllForProject")
    defer span.End()

    if err := projectID.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRead, err)

    cypher := `
    MATCH (i:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)-[:` + EdgeKindBelongsTo.String() + `]->(:` + projectID.Label() + ` {id: $id})
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + ` {kind: $parent_kind}]->(par:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + `]->(rel:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasComment.String() + `]->(comm:` + model.ResourceTypeComment.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasAttachment.String() + `]->(att:` + model.ResourceTypeAttachment.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindWatches.String() + `]-(watch:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasLabel.String() + `]->(l:` + model.ResourceTypeLabel.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindCreated.String() + `]-(cr:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindAssignedTo.String() + `]-(assignees:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    RETURN i, par.id AS par, collect(DISTINCT rel.id) AS rel, collect(DISTINCT comm.id) AS comm,
        collect(DISTINCT att.id) AS att, collect(DISTINCT watch.id) AS watch, collect(DISTINCT l.id) AS l, cr.id as cr,
        collect(DISTINCT assignees.id) AS assignees
    ORDER BY i.created_at DESC
    SKIP $offset LIMIT $limit`

    params := map[string]any{
        "id":          projectID.String(),
        "parent_kind": model.IssueRelationKindSubtaskOf.String(),
        "offset":      offset,
        "limit":       limit,

    scanParams := &issueScanParams{
        issue:       "i",
        parent:      "par",
        reportedBy:  "cr",
        assignees:   "assignees",
        labels:      "l",
        comments:    "comm",
        attachments: "att",
        watchers:    "watch",
        relations:   "rel",

    issues, err := ExecuteReadAndReadAll(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, r.scan(scanParams))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRead, err)

    return issues, nil

func (r *IssueRepository) GetAllForIssue(ctx context.Context, issueID model.ID, offset, limit int) ([]*model.Issue, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/GetAllForProject")
    defer span.End()

    if err := issueID.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRead, err)

    cypher := `
    MATCH (i:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + `]-(:` + issueID.Label() + ` {id: $id})
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + ` {kind: $parent_kind}]->(par:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + `]->(rel:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasComment.String() + `]->(comm:` + model.ResourceTypeComment.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasAttachment.String() + `]->(att:` + model.ResourceTypeAttachment.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindWatches.String() + `]-(watch:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasLabel.String() + `]->(l:` + model.ResourceTypeLabel.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindCreated.String() + `]-(cr:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindAssignedTo.String() + `]-(assignees:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    RETURN i, par.id AS par, collect(DISTINCT rel.id) AS rel, collect(DISTINCT comm.id) AS comm,
        collect(DISTINCT att.id) AS att, collect(DISTINCT watch.id) AS watch, collect(DISTINCT l.id) AS l, cr.id as cr,
        collect(DISTINCT assignees.id) AS assignees
    ORDER BY i.created_at DESC
    SKIP $offset LIMIT $limit`

    params := map[string]any{
        "id":          issueID.String(),
        "parent_kind": model.IssueRelationKindSubtaskOf.String(),
        "offset":      offset,
        "limit":       limit,

    scanParams := &issueScanParams{
        issue:       "i",
        parent:      "par",
        reportedBy:  "cr",
        assignees:   "assignees",
        labels:      "l",
        comments:    "comm",
        attachments: "att",
        watchers:    "watch",
        relations:   "rel",

    issues, err := ExecuteReadAndReadAll(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, r.scan(scanParams))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRead, err)

    return issues, nil

func (r *IssueRepository) AddWatcher(ctx context.Context, issue model.ID, user model.ID) error {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/AddWatcher")
    defer span.End()

    if err := issue.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueAddWatcher, err)

    if err := user.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueAddWatcher, err)

    cypher := `
    MATCH (i:` + issue.Label() + ` {id: $issue_id}), (u:` + user.Label() + ` {id: $user_id})
    CREATE (u)-[:` + EdgeKindWatches.String() + ` {id: $rel_id, created_at: datetime($created_at)}]->(i)`

    params := map[string]any{
        "issue_id":   issue.String(),
        "user_id":    user.String(),
        "rel_id":     model.NewRawID(),
        "created_at": time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),

    if err := ExecuteWriteAndConsume(ctx, r.db, cypher, params); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueAddWatcher, err)

    return nil

func (r *IssueRepository) GetWatchers(ctx context.Context, issue model.ID) ([]*model.User, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/GetWatchers")
    defer span.End()

    if err := issue.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueGetWatchers, err)

    cypher := `
    MATCH (i:` + issue.Label() + ` {id: $issue_id})<-[:` + EdgeKindWatches.String() + `]-(u:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[:` + EdgeKindSpeaks.String() + `]->(l:` + languageIDType + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[p:` + EdgeKindHasPermission.String() + `]->()
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)<-[r:` + EdgeKindBelongsTo.String() + `]-(d:` + model.ResourceTypeDocument.String() + `)
    RETURN u, collect(DISTINCT l.code) AS l, collect(DISTINCT p.id) AS p, collect(DISTINCT d.id) AS d`

    params := map[string]any{
        "issue_id": issue.String(),

    users, err := ExecuteReadAndReadAll(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, new(UserRepository).scan("u", "p", "d"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueGetWatchers, err)

    return users, nil

func (r *IssueRepository) RemoveWatcher(ctx context.Context, issue model.ID, user model.ID) error {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/RemoveWatcher")
    defer span.End()

    if err := issue.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRemoveWatcher, err)

    if err := user.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRemoveWatcher, err)

    cypher := `
    MATCH (:` + issue.Label() + ` {id: $issue_id})<-[r:` + EdgeKindWatches.String() + `]-(:` + user.Label() + ` {id: $user_id})
    DELETE r`

    params := map[string]any{
        "issue_id": issue.String(),
        "user_id":  user.String(),

    if err := ExecuteWriteAndConsume(ctx, r.db, cypher, params); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRemoveWatcher, err)

    return nil

func (r *IssueRepository) AddRelation(ctx context.Context, relation *model.IssueRelation) error {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/AddRelation")
    defer span.End()

    if err := relation.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueAddRelation, err)

    createdAt := time.Now().UTC()
    relation.ID = model.MustNewID(model.ResourceTypeIssueRelation)
    relation.CreatedAt = convert.ToPointer(createdAt)
    relation.UpdatedAt = nil

    cypher := `
    MATCH (s:` + relation.Source.Label() + ` {id: $source_id}), (t:` + relation.Target.Label() + ` {id: $target_id})
    MERGE (s)-[r:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + ` {kind: $kind}]->(t)
    ON CREATE SET r.id = $id, r.created_at = datetime($created_at)

    params := map[string]any{
        "source_id":  relation.Source.String(),
        "target_id":  relation.Target.String(),
        "id":         relation.ID.String(),
        "kind":       relation.Kind.String(),
        "created_at": createdAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),

    if err := ExecuteWriteAndConsume(ctx, r.db, cypher, params); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueAddRelation, err)

    return nil

func (r *IssueRepository) GetRelations(ctx context.Context, issue model.ID) ([]*model.IssueRelation, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/GetRelations")
    defer span.End()

    if err := issue.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueGetRelations, err)

    cypher := `
    MATCH (i:` + issue.Label() + ` {id: $issue_id})-[r:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + `]-(t)
    RETURN i.id as i, r, t.id as t`

    params := map[string]any{
        "issue_id": issue.String(),

    relations, err := ExecuteReadAndReadAll(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, r.scanRelation("i", "r", "t"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueGetRelations, err)

    return relations, nil

func (r *IssueRepository) RemoveRelation(ctx context.Context, source, target model.ID, kind model.IssueRelationKind) error {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/RemoveRelation")
    defer span.End()

    if err := source.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRemoveRelation, err)

    if err := target.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRemoveRelation, err)

    cypher := `
    MATCH (s:` + source.Label() + ` {id: $source_id})-[r:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + ` {kind: $kind}]->(t:` + target.Label() + ` {id: $target_id})
    DELETE r`

    params := map[string]any{
        "source_id": source.String(),
        "target_id": target.String(),
        "kind":      kind.String(),

    if err := ExecuteWriteAndConsume(ctx, r.db, cypher, params); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRemoveRelation, err)

    return nil

func (r *IssueRepository) Update(ctx context.Context, id model.ID, patch map[string]any) (*model.Issue, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/Update")
    defer span.End()

    if err := id.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueUpdate, err)

    cypher := `
    MATCH (i:` + id.Label() + ` {id: $id})
    SET i += $patch, i.updated_at = datetime()
    WITH i
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + ` {kind: $parent_kind}]->(par:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindRelatedTo.String() + `]->(rel:` + model.ResourceTypeIssue.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasComment.String() + `]->(comm:` + model.ResourceTypeComment.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasAttachment.String() + `]->(att:` + model.ResourceTypeAttachment.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindWatches.String() + `]-(watch:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:` + EdgeKindHasLabel.String() + `]->(l:` + model.ResourceTypeLabel.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindCreated.String() + `]-(cr:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:` + EdgeKindAssignedTo.String() + `]-(assignees:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    RETURN i, par.id AS par, collect(DISTINCT rel.id) AS rel, collect(DISTINCT comm.id) AS comm,
        collect(DISTINCT att.id) AS att, collect(DISTINCT watch.id) AS watch, collect(DISTINCT l.id) AS l, cr.id as cr,
        collect(DISTINCT assignees.id) AS assignees`

    params := map[string]any{
        "id":          id.String(),
        "patch":       patch,
        "parent_kind": model.IssueRelationKindSubtaskOf.String(),

    scanParams := &issueScanParams{
        issue:       "i",
        parent:      "par",
        reportedBy:  "cr",
        assignees:   "assignees",
        labels:      "l",
        comments:    "comm",
        attachments: "att",
        watchers:    "watch",
        relations:   "rel",

    issue, err := ExecuteWriteAndReadSingle(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, r.scan(scanParams))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueRead, err)

    return issue, nil


func (r *IssueRepository) Delete(ctx context.Context, id model.ID) error {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.IssueRepository/Delete")
    defer span.End()

    if err := id.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueDelete, err)

    cypher := `MATCH (i:` + id.Label() + ` {id: $id}) DETACH DELETE i`
    params := map[string]any{
        "id": id.String(),

    if err := ExecuteWriteAndConsume(ctx, r.db, cypher, params); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrIssueDelete, err)

    return nil

// NewIssueRepository creates a new issue baseRepository.
func NewIssueRepository(opts ...RepositoryOption) (*IssueRepository, error) {
    baseRepo, err := newRepository(opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &IssueRepository{
        baseRepository: baseRepo,
    }, nil