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package neo4j

import (



const (
    languageIDType = "Language" // label for language nodes

// UserRepository is a repository for managing users.
type UserRepository struct {

// scan is a helper function for scanning a user from a Neo4j Record.
func (r *UserRepository) scan(up, pp, dp string) func(rec *neo4j.Record) (*model.User, error) {
    return func(rec *neo4j.Record) (*model.User, error) {
        user := new(model.User)
        user.Links = make([]string, 0)

        val, _, err := neo4j.GetRecordValue[neo4j.Node](rec, up)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if err := ScanIntoStruct(&val, &user, []string{"id"}); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        user.ID, _ = model.NewIDFromString(val.GetProperties()["id"].(string), model.ResourceTypeUser.String())

        if user.Permissions, err = ParseIDsFromRecord(rec, pp, model.ResourceTypePermission.String()); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if user.Documents, err = ParseIDsFromRecord(rec, dp, model.ResourceTypeDocument.String()); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if err := user.Validate(); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return user, nil

// Create creates a new user if it does not already exist. Also, create all
// missing languages and user-language relationships.
func (r *UserRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, user *model.User) error {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.UserRepository/Create")
    defer span.End()

    if err := user.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(repository.ErrUserCreate, err)

    createdAt := time.Now().UTC()

    user.ID = model.MustNewID(model.ResourceTypeUser)
    user.CreatedAt = convert.ToPointer(createdAt)
    user.UpdatedAt = nil

    languages := make([]string, len(user.Languages))
    for i, l := range user.Languages {
        languages[i] = l.String()

    cypher := `
    MERGE (u:` + user.ID.Label() + ` {id: $id})
    ON CREATE SET u += {
        username: $username, email: $email, password: $password, status: $status, first_name: $first_name,
        last_name: $last_name, picture: $picture, title: $title, bio: $bio, phone: $phone, address: $address,
        links: $links, languages: $languages, created_at: datetime($created_at)

    params := map[string]any{
        "id":         user.ID.String(),
        "username":   user.Username,
        "email":      user.Email,
        "password":   user.Password,
        "status":     user.Status.String(),
        "first_name": user.FirstName,
        "last_name":  user.LastName,
        "picture":    user.Picture,
        "title":      user.Title,
        "bio":        user.Bio,
        "phone":      user.Phone,
        "address":    user.Address,
        "links":      user.Links,
        "languages":  languages,
        "created_at": createdAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),

    if err := ExecuteWriteAndConsume(ctx, r.db, cypher, params); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(err, repository.ErrUserCreate)

    return nil

// Get returns a user by its ID.
func (r *UserRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id model.ID) (*model.User, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.UserRepository/Get")
    defer span.End()

    cypher := `MATCH (u:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + ` {id: $id})
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[p:` + EdgeKindHasPermission.String() + `]->()
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)<-[r:` + EdgeKindBelongsTo.String() + `]-(d:` + model.ResourceTypeDocument.String() + `)
    RETURN u, collect(DISTINCT p.id) AS p, collect(DISTINCT d.id) AS d`

    params := map[string]any{
        "id": id.String(),

    user, err := ExecuteReadAndReadSingle(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, r.scan("u", "p", "d"))
    if err != nil {
        if errors.As(err, &ErrNoMoreRecords) {
            return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrUserRead, repository.ErrNotFound)
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrUserRead, err)

    return user, nil

// GetByEmail returns a user by its email.
func (r *UserRepository) GetByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*model.User, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.UserRepository/GetByEmail")
    defer span.End()

    cypher := `MATCH (u:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + ` {email: $email})
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[p:` + EdgeKindHasPermission.String() + `]->()
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)<-[r:` + EdgeKindBelongsTo.String() + `]-(d:` + model.ResourceTypeDocument.String() + `)
    RETURN u, collect(DISTINCT p.id) AS p, collect(DISTINCT d.id) AS d`

    params := map[string]any{
        "email": email,

    user, err := ExecuteReadAndReadSingle(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, r.scan("u", "p", "d"))
    if err != nil {
        if errors.As(err, &ErrNoMoreRecords) {
            return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrUserRead, repository.ErrNotFound)
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrUserRead, err)

    return user, nil

// GetAll returns all users respecting the given offset and limit.
func (r *UserRepository) GetAll(ctx context.Context, offset, limit int) ([]*model.User, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.UserRepository/GetAllBelongsTo")
    defer span.End()

    cypher := `
    MATCH (u:` + model.ResourceTypeUser.String() + `)
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[p:` + EdgeKindHasPermission.String() + `]->()
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)<-[r:` + EdgeKindBelongsTo.String() + `]-(d:` + model.ResourceTypeDocument.String() + `)
    RETURN u, collect(DISTINCT p.id) AS p, collect(DISTINCT d.id) AS d
    ORDER BY u.created_at DESC
    SKIP $offset LIMIT $limit`

    params := map[string]any{
        "offset": offset,
        "limit":  limit,

    users, err := ExecuteWriteAndReadAll(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, r.scan("u", "p", "d"))
    if err != nil {
        if errors.As(err, &ErrNoMoreRecords) {
            return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrUserRead, repository.ErrNotFound)
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrUserRead, err)

    return users, nil

// Update updates a user by its ID with any given patch.
func (r *UserRepository) Update(ctx context.Context, id model.ID, patch map[string]any) (*model.User, error) {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.UserRepository/Update")
    defer span.End()

    cypher := `
    MATCH (u:` + id.Label() + ` {id: $id})
    SET u += $patch, u.updated_at = datetime()
    WITH u
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[p:` + EdgeKindHasPermission.String() + `]->()
    OPTIONAL MATCH (u)<-[r:` + EdgeKindBelongsTo.String() + `]-(d:` + model.ResourceTypeDocument.String() + `)
    RETURN u, collect(DISTINCT p.id) AS p, collect(DISTINCT d.id) AS d
    params := map[string]any{
        "id":    id.String(),
        "patch": patch,

    updated, err := ExecuteWriteAndReadSingle(ctx, r.db, cypher, params, r.scan("u", "p", "d"))
    if err != nil {
        if errors.As(err, &ErrNoMoreRecords) {
            return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrUserRead, repository.ErrNotFound)
        return nil, errors.Join(repository.ErrUserUpdate, err)

    return updated, nil

// Delete deletes a user by its ID.
func (r *UserRepository) Delete(ctx context.Context, id model.ID) error {
    ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, "repository.neo4j.UserRepository/Delete")
    defer span.End()

    cypher := `MATCH (u:` + id.Label() + ` {id: $id}) DETACH DELETE u`
    params := map[string]any{
        "id": id.String(),

    if err := ExecuteWriteAndConsume(ctx, r.db, cypher, params); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(err, repository.ErrUserDelete)

    return nil

// NewUserRepository creates a new user baseRepository.
func NewUserRepository(opts ...RepositoryOption) (*UserRepository, error) {
    baseRepo, err := newRepository(opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &UserRepository{
        baseRepository: baseRepo,
    }, nil