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Test Coverage
package service

import (


const (
    renewEmailAddress = "renew@elemo.app"

    authPasswordResetTemplate   = "email/password-reset.html"
    organizationInviteTemplate  = "email/organization-invite.html"
    systemLicenseExpiryTemplate = "email/license-expiry-reminder.html"
    userWelcomeTemplate         = "email/user-welcome.html"

// EmailSender defines the interface to send emails.
type EmailSender interface {
    // SendEmail sends an email to the given address using a template.
    SendEmail(ctx context.Context, subject, to string, template *email.Template) error

// EmailService defines the interface to send emails from templates.
type EmailService interface {
    // SendEmail sends an email from a template to the list of active users.
    // SendEmail(ctx context.Context, subject string, template *email.Template, data any, users []*model.User) error

    // SendAuthPasswordResetEmail sends an email to the user with a link to
    // reset the password.
    SendAuthPasswordResetEmail(ctx context.Context, resetPath string, user *model.User) error
    // SendOrganizationInvitationEmail sends an email to the invited user.
    SendOrganizationInvitationEmail(ctx context.Context, invitationPath string, organization *model.Organization, user *model.User) error
    // SendSystemLicenseExpiryEmail sends an email to the license owner when the license is about to expire.
    SendSystemLicenseExpiryEmail(ctx context.Context, licenseID, licenseEmail, licenseOrganization string, licenseExpiresAt time.Time) error
    // SendUserWelcomeEmail sends an email to the user to welcome it to the
    // system.
    SendUserWelcomeEmail(ctx context.Context, user *model.User) error

// emailService is the concrete implementation of the EmailService interface.
type emailService struct {
    client       EmailSender
    templatesDir string
    smtpConf     *config.SMTPConfig

func (s *emailService) sendEmail(ctx context.Context, subject string, template string, data email.TemplateData, user *model.User) error {
    tmpl, err := email.NewTemplate(path.Join(s.templatesDir, template), data)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrEmailSend, err)

    if err := s.client.SendEmail(ctx, subject, user.Email, tmpl); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrEmailSend, err)

    return nil

func (s *emailService) SendAuthPasswordResetEmail(ctx context.Context, resetPath string, user *model.User) error {
    ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "service.emailService/SendAuthPasswordResetEmail")
    defer span.End()

    data := &email.PasswordResetTemplateData{
        Subject:          "Reset your password",
        Username:         user.Username,
        FirstName:        user.FirstName,
        PasswordResetURL: fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", path.Join(s.smtpConf.Hostname, resetPath)),
        SupportEmail:     s.smtpConf.SupportAddress,

    return s.sendEmail(ctx, data.Subject, authPasswordResetTemplate, data, user)

func (s *emailService) SendOrganizationInvitationEmail(ctx context.Context, invitationPath string, organization *model.Organization, user *model.User) error {
    ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "service.emailService/SendOrganizationInvitationEmail")
    defer span.End()

    data := &email.OrganizationInviteTemplateData{
        Subject:          fmt.Sprintf("You have been invited to join %s", organization.Name),
        Username:         user.Username,
        FirstName:        user.FirstName,
        OrganizationName: organization.Name,
        InvitationURL:    fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", path.Join(s.smtpConf.Hostname, invitationPath)),
        SupportEmail:     s.smtpConf.SupportAddress,

    return s.sendEmail(ctx, data.Subject, organizationInviteTemplate, data, user)

func (s *emailService) SendSystemLicenseExpiryEmail(ctx context.Context, licenseID, licenseEmail, licenseOrganization string, licenseExpiresAt time.Time) error {
    ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "service.emailService/SendSystemLicenseExpiryEmail")
    defer span.End()

    data := &email.LicenseExpiryTemplateData{
        Subject:             fmt.Sprintf("Your license for %s is about to expire", licenseOrganization),
        LicenseID:           licenseID,
        LicenseEmail:        licenseEmail,
        LicenseOrganization: licenseOrganization,
        LicenseExpiresAt:    licenseExpiresAt.Format(time.RFC850),
        ServerURL:           fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", s.smtpConf.Hostname),
        RenewEmail:          renewEmailAddress,
        SupportEmail:        s.smtpConf.SupportAddress,

    return s.sendEmail(ctx, data.Subject, systemLicenseExpiryTemplate, data, &model.User{Email: licenseEmail})

func (s *emailService) SendUserWelcomeEmail(ctx context.Context, user *model.User) error {
    ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "service.emailService/SendUserWelcomeEmail")
    defer span.End()

    data := &email.UserWelcomeTemplateData{
        Subject:      fmt.Sprintf("Welcome to %s", s.smtpConf.Hostname),
        Username:     user.Username,
        FirstName:    user.FirstName,
        LoginURL:     fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/sign-in", s.smtpConf.Hostname),
        SupportEmail: s.smtpConf.SupportAddress,

    return s.sendEmail(ctx, data.Subject, userWelcomeTemplate, data, user)

// NewEmailService creates a new email service.
func NewEmailService(client EmailSender, templatesDir string, smtpConf *config.SMTPConfig, opts ...Option) (EmailService, error) {
    s, err := newService(opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    svc := &emailService{
        baseService:  s,
        client:       client,
        templatesDir: templatesDir,
        smtpConf:     smtpConf,

    if svc.client == nil {
        return nil, smtp.ErrNoSMTPClient

    return svc, nil