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package service

import (


// NotificationService serves the business logic of interacting with
// notifications.
type NotificationService interface {
    // Create creates a new notification
    Create(ctx context.Context, notification *model.Notification) error
    // Get returns an notification by its ID. If the notification does not
    // exist, an error is returned.
    Get(ctx context.Context, id, recipient model.ID) (*model.Notification, error)
    // GetAllByRecipient returns all notifications for the given recipient. The
    // offset and limit parameters are  used to paginate the results. If the
    // offset is greater than the number of notification in the system, an empty
    // slice is returned.
    GetAllByRecipient(ctx context.Context, recipient model.ID, offset, limit int) ([]*model.Notification, error)
    // Update the read status of the notification. If the notification cannot be
    // updated, an error is returned.
    Update(ctx context.Context, id, recipient model.ID, read bool) (*model.Notification, error)
    // Delete deletes an notification. If the notification does not exist, an
    // error is returned.
    Delete(ctx context.Context, id, recipient model.ID) error

// notificationService is the concrete implementation of NotificationService.
type notificationService struct {
    notificationRepo repository.NotificationRepository

// Create creates a new notification in the system.
// NOTE: Users should never be able to trigger notifications directly. This
// method is intended for internal (service-to-service) interactions. Exposing
// it to users through an API could lead to spams.
func (s *notificationService) Create(ctx context.Context, notification *model.Notification) error {
    ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "service.notificationService/Create")
    defer span.End()

    if err := notification.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrNotificationCreate, err)

    if err := s.notificationRepo.Create(ctx, notification); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrNotificationCreate, err)

    return nil

func (s *notificationService) Get(ctx context.Context, id, recipient model.ID) (*model.Notification, error) {
    ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "service.notificationService/Get")
    defer span.End()

    if userID, ok := ctx.Value(pkg.CtxKeyUserID).(model.ID); !ok || userID != recipient {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationGet, ErrNoPermission)

    if err := id.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationGet, err)

    if err := recipient.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationGet, err)

    notification, err := s.notificationRepo.Get(ctx, id, recipient)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationGet, err)

    return notification, nil

func (s *notificationService) GetAllByRecipient(ctx context.Context, recipient model.ID, offset, limit int) ([]*model.Notification, error) {
    ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "service.notificationService/GetAllByRecipient")
    defer span.End()

    if userID, ok := ctx.Value(pkg.CtxKeyUserID).(model.ID); !ok || userID != recipient {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationGetAllByRecipient, ErrNoPermission)

    if err := recipient.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationGetAllByRecipient, err)

    if offset < 0 || limit <= 0 {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationGetAllByRecipient, ErrInvalidPaginationParams)

    notifications, err := s.notificationRepo.GetAllByRecipient(ctx, recipient, offset, limit)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationGetAllByRecipient, err)

    return notifications, nil

func (s *notificationService) Update(ctx context.Context, id, recipient model.ID, read bool) (*model.Notification, error) {
    ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "service.notificationService/Update")
    defer span.End()

    if userID, ok := ctx.Value(pkg.CtxKeyUserID).(model.ID); !ok || userID != recipient {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationUpdate, ErrNoPermission)

    if err := id.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationUpdate, err)

    if err := recipient.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationUpdate, err)

    notification, err := s.notificationRepo.Update(ctx, id, recipient, read)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Join(ErrNotificationUpdate, err)

    return notification, nil

func (s *notificationService) Delete(ctx context.Context, id, recipient model.ID) error {
    ctx, span := s.tracer.Start(ctx, "service.notificationService/Delete")
    defer span.End()

    if userID, ok := ctx.Value(pkg.CtxKeyUserID).(model.ID); !ok || userID != recipient {
        return errors.Join(ErrNotificationDelete, ErrNoPermission)

    if err := id.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrNotificationDelete, err)

    if err := recipient.Validate(); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrNotificationDelete, err)

    if err := s.notificationRepo.Delete(ctx, id, recipient); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrNotificationDelete, err)

    return nil

// NewNotificationService returns a new instance of the NotificationService
// interface.
func NewNotificationService(notificationRepo repository.NotificationRepository, opts ...Option) (NotificationService, error) {
    s, err := newService(opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    svc := &notificationService{
        baseService:      s,
        notificationRepo: notificationRepo,

    if svc.notificationRepo == nil {
        return nil, ErrNoNotificationRepository

    return svc, nil