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package async

import (




// SystemHealthCheckTaskHandler is the health check task. The health check task is used to
// check the health of the async worker. If the async worker is unhealthy, the
// task won't be processed.
type SystemHealthCheckTaskHandler struct {

// ProcessTask unmarshals the task payload and returns an error if the task
// payload is invalid. Otherwise, it returns nil, indicating that the task has
// been processed successfully.
func (h *SystemHealthCheckTaskHandler) ProcessTask(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error {
    _, span := h.tracer.Start(ctx, "transport.asynq.SystemHealthCheckTaskHandler/ProcessTask")
    defer span.End()

    var payload queue.HealthCheckTaskPayload
    if err := json.Unmarshal(task.Payload(), &payload); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrTaskPayloadUnmarshal, err, asynq.SkipRetry)

    return nil

// NewSystemHealthCheckTaskHandler creates a new health check task handler.
func NewSystemHealthCheckTaskHandler(opts ...TaskHandlerOption) (*SystemHealthCheckTaskHandler, error) {
    h, err := newBaseTaskHandler(opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &SystemHealthCheckTaskHandler{h}, nil

// SystemLicenseExpiryTaskHandler is the license expiry check task. If the
// license is about to expire, it sends an email to the licensee.
type SystemLicenseExpiryTaskHandler struct {

// ProcessTask unmarshals the task payload and checks if the license is about
// to expire. If the license is about to expire, it sends an email to the
// licensee. Otherwise, it skips the task.
func (h *SystemLicenseExpiryTaskHandler) ProcessTask(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error {
    ctx, span := h.tracer.Start(ctx, "transport.asynq.SystemLicenseExpiryTaskHandler/ProcessTask")
    defer span.End()

    var payload queue.LicenseExpiryTaskPayload
    if err := json.Unmarshal(task.Payload(), &payload); err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrTaskPayloadUnmarshal, err, asynq.SkipRetry)

    // If the license is not about to expire, skip the task.
    if payload.LicenseExpiresAt.After(time.Now().Add(7 * 24 * time.Hour)) {
        return nil

    return h.emailService.SendSystemLicenseExpiryEmail(

// NewSystemLicenseExpiryTaskHandler creates a new license expiry check task handler.
func NewSystemLicenseExpiryTaskHandler(opts ...TaskHandlerOption) (*SystemLicenseExpiryTaskHandler, error) {
    h, err := newBaseTaskHandler(opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if h.emailService == nil {
        return nil, ErrNoEmailService

    return &SystemLicenseExpiryTaskHandler{h}, nil