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Test Coverage
    <mj-title>{{ .Subject }}</mj-title>
    <mj-font name="Work Sans" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Work+Sans:300,500"></mj-font>
      <mj-all font-family="Work Sans, Helvetica, sans-serif"></mj-all>
      <mj-text font-weight="300" font-size="16px" color="#616161" line-height="24px"></mj-text>
      <mj-section padding="0px"></mj-section>
    <mj-section padding="20px 0">
        <mj-image width="120px" alt="Logo" href="https://www.opcotech.com/images/logo.png"
    <mj-section padding-top="10px">
      <mj-column width="100%">
          <p>Hello&nbsp;{{ if ne .FirstName "" }}{{ .FirstName }}{{ else }}{{ .Username }}{{ end }},</p>

            Welcome to Elemo, the next-generation project management platform! We are excited to have you on board. We
            believe Elemo will help you deliver the next greatest project you are working on.

            We are here to help you on your way and to ensure you gain the very best out of the platform. If you need
            any help during your journey, join our growing community on

            <li>Discourse (<a href="https://discourse.elemo.app" alt="Discourse">join</a>)
            <li>Discord (<a href="https://discord.gg/sx9FPyXAdP" alt="Discord invitation">join</a>)

          <p>To sign in to your instance, navigate to&nbsp;<a href="mailto:{{ .LoginURL }}">{{ .LoginURL }}</a>.

            We wish you having fun,
            the Elemo team
      <mj-column width="100%">
        <mj-divider border-width="1px" border-color="#E0E0E0"></mj-divider>
        <mj-text font-size="10px" line-height="15px">This email is an automated notification, which is unable to receive
          replies. We are happy to help you with any questions or concerns you may have. Please contact us directly via
          <a href="mailto:{{ .SupportEmail }}">{{ .SupportEmail }}</a>.