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/* generated using openapi-typescript-codegen -- do not edit */
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/* eslint-disable */
export type SystemLicense = {
   * Unique ID identifying the license.
  id: string;
   * Name of the organization the license belongs to.
  organization: string;
   * Email address of the licensee.
  email: string;
   * Quotas available for the license.
  quotas: {
     * Number of documents can exist in the system.
    documents: number;
     * Number of namespaces can exist in the system.
    namespaces: number;
     * Number of organizations active can exist in the system.
    organizations: number;
     * Number of projects can exist in the system.
    projects: number;
     * Number of roles can exist in the system.
    roles: number;
     * Number of active or pending users can exist in the system.
    users: number;
   * Features enabled by the license.
  features: Array<'components' | 'custom_statuses' | 'custom_fields' | 'multiple_assignees' | 'releases'>;
   * Date and time when the license expires.
  expires_at: string;