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/* generated using openapi-typescript-codegen -- do not edit */
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/* eslint-disable */
import type { TodoPriority } from './TodoPriority';
 * A todo item belonging to a user.
export type Todo = {
   * Unique identifier of the todo.
  id: string;
   * Title of the todo item.
  title: string;
   * Description of the todo item.
  description: string;
  priority: TodoPriority;
   * Status of the todo item.
  completed: boolean;
   * ID of the user who owns the todo item.
  owned_by: string;
   * ID of the user who created the todo item.
  created_by: string;
   * Completion due date of the todo item.
  due_date: string | null;
   * Date when the todo item was created.
  created_at: string;
   * Date when the todo item was updated.
  updated_at: string | null;