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/* generated using openapi-typescript-codegen -- do not edit */
/* istanbul ignore file */
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
import type { Language } from './Language';
import type { UserStatus } from './UserStatus';
 * A user in the system.
export type User = {
   * Unique identifier of the user.
  id: string;
   * The unique username of the user.
  username: string;
   * First name of the user.
  first_name: string | null;
   * Last name of the user.
  last_name: string | null;
   * Email address of the user.
  email: string;
   * Profile picture of the user.
  picture: string | null;
   * Work title of the user.
  title: string | null;
   * Self description of the user.
  bio: string | null;
   * Working address of the user.
  address: string | null;
   * Phone number of the user.
  phone: string | null;
   * Links to show on profile page.
  links: Array<string> | null;
   * Languages of the user.
  languages: Array<Language>;
  status: UserStatus;
   * Date when the user was created.
  created_at: string;
   * Date when the user was updated.
  updated_at: string | null;