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/* generated using openapi-typescript-codegen -- do not edit */
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/* eslint-disable */
import type { SystemHealth } from '../models/SystemHealth';
import type { SystemLicense } from '../models/SystemLicense';
import type { SystemVersion } from '../models/SystemVersion';
import type { CancelablePromise } from '../core/CancelablePromise';
import { OpenAPI } from '../core/OpenAPI';
import { request as __request } from '../core/request';
export class SystemService {
   * Get system health
   * Returns the health of registered components.
   * @returns SystemHealth OK
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1SystemHealth(): CancelablePromise<SystemHealth> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'GET',
      url: '/v1/system/health',
      errors: {
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Get heartbeat
   * Returns 200 OK if the service is reachable.
   * @returns string OK
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1SystemHeartbeat(): CancelablePromise<'OK'> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'GET',
      url: '/v1/system/heartbeat',
      errors: {
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Get license info
   * Return the license information. The license information is only available to entitled users.
   * @returns SystemLicense OK
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1SystemLicense(): CancelablePromise<SystemLicense> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'GET',
      url: '/v1/system/license',
      errors: {
        403: `Forbidden`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Get system version
   * Returns the version information of the system.
   * @returns SystemVersion OK
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1SystemVersion(): CancelablePromise<SystemVersion> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'GET',
      url: '/v1/system/version',
      errors: {
        500: `Internal Server Error`