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import type { Language } from '../models/Language';
import type { User } from '../models/User';
import type { UserStatus } from '../models/UserStatus';
import type { CancelablePromise } from '../core/CancelablePromise';
import { OpenAPI } from '../core/OpenAPI';
import { request as __request } from '../core/request';
export class UserService {
   * Get all users
   * Returns the paginated list of users
   * @param offset Number of resources to skip.
   * @param limit Number of resources to return.
   * @returns User OK
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1UsersGet(offset?: number, limit: number = 100): CancelablePromise<Array<User>> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'GET',
      url: '/v1/users',
      query: {
        offset: offset,
        limit: limit
      errors: {
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Create new user
   * Create a new user.
   * @param requestBody
   * @returns any Example response
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1UsersCreate(requestBody?: {
     * The unique username of the user.
    username: string;
     * First name of the user.
    first_name?: string | null;
     * Last name of the user.
    last_name?: string | null;
     * Email address of the user.
    email: string;
     * Password of the user.
    password: string;
     * Profile picture of the user.
    picture?: string | null;
     * Work title of the user.
    title?: string | null;
     * Self description of the user.
    bio?: string | null;
     * Working address of the user.
    address?: string | null;
     * Phone number of the user.
    phone?: string | null;
     * Links to show on profile page.
    links?: Array<string> | null;
     * Languages of the user.
    languages?: Array<Language> | null;
  }): CancelablePromise<{
     * ID of the newly created resource.
    id: string;
  }> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'POST',
      url: '/v1/users',
      body: requestBody,
      mediaType: 'application/json',
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Get user
   * Return the requested user by its ID.
   * @param id ID of the resource.
   * @returns User OK
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1UserGet(id: string): CancelablePromise<User> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'GET',
      url: '/v1/users/{id}',
      path: {
        id: id
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        404: `The requested resource not found`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Delete the user with the given ID.
   * Delete a user by its ID. The user is not deleted irreversibly until the "force" parameter is set to true.
   * @param id ID of the resource.
   * @param force Irreversibly delete the user.
   * @returns void
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1UserDelete(id: string, force?: boolean): CancelablePromise<void> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'DELETE',
      url: '/v1/users/{id}',
      path: {
        id: id
      query: {
        force: force
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        404: `The requested resource not found`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Update user
   * Update the given user.
   * @param id ID of the resource.
   * @param requestBody
   * @returns User OK
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1UserUpdate(
    id: string,
    requestBody?: {
       * The unique username of the user.
      username?: string;
       * First name of the user.
      first_name?: string | null;
       * Last name of the user.
      last_name?: string | null;
       * Email address of the user.
      email?: string;
       * Password of the user. Required together with the new_password field.
      password?: string;
       * New password of the user.
      new_password?: string;
       * Profile picture of the user.
      picture?: string | null;
       * Work title of the user.
      title?: string | null;
       * Self description of the user.
      bio?: string | null;
       * Working address of the user.
      address?: string | null;
       * Phone number of the user.
      phone?: string | null;
       * Links to show on profile page.
      links?: Array<string>;
       * Languages of the user.
      languages?: Array<Language>;
      status?: UserStatus;
  ): CancelablePromise<User> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'PATCH',
      url: '/v1/users/{id}',
      path: {
        id: id
      body: requestBody,
      mediaType: 'application/json',
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        404: `The requested resource not found`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Get organization members
   * Return the users that are members of the organization.
   * @param id ID of the resource.
   * @returns User OK
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1OrganizationMembersGet(id: string): CancelablePromise<Array<User>> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'GET',
      url: '/v1/organizations/{id}/members',
      path: {
        id: id
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        404: `The requested resource not found`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Add organization member
   * Add an existing user to an organization.
   * @param id ID of the resource.
   * @param requestBody
   * @returns any Example response
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1OrganizationMembersAdd(
    id: string,
    requestBody?: {
       * ID of the user to add.
      user_id: string;
  ): CancelablePromise<{
     * ID of the newly created resource.
    id: string;
  }> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'POST',
      url: '/v1/organizations/{id}/members',
      path: {
        id: id
      body: requestBody,
      mediaType: 'application/json',
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        404: `The requested resource not found`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Remove organization member
   * Removes a member from the organization
   * @param id ID of the resource.
   * @param userId ID of the user.
   * @returns void
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1OrganizationMemberRemove(id: string, userId: string): CancelablePromise<void> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'DELETE',
      url: '/v1/organizations/{id}/members/{user_id}',
      path: {
        id: id,
        user_id: userId
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        404: `The requested resource not found`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Get organization role members
   * Return the users that are members of the organization's role.
   * @param id ID of the resource.
   * @param roleId ID of the role.
   * @returns User OK
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1OrganizationRoleMembersGet(id: string, roleId: string): CancelablePromise<Array<User>> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'GET',
      url: '/v1/organizations/{id}/roles/{role_id}/members',
      path: {
        id: id,
        role_id: roleId
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        404: `The requested resource not found`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Add organization role member
   * Add an existing user to an organization's role.
   * @param id ID of the resource.
   * @param roleId ID of the role.
   * @param requestBody
   * @returns any Example response
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1OrganizationRoleMembersAdd(
    id: string,
    roleId: string,
    requestBody?: {
       * ID of the user to add.
      user_id: string;
  ): CancelablePromise<{
     * ID of the newly created resource.
    id: string;
  }> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'POST',
      url: '/v1/organizations/{id}/roles/{role_id}/members',
      path: {
        id: id,
        role_id: roleId
      body: requestBody,
      mediaType: 'application/json',
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        404: `The requested resource not found`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`
   * Remove organization role member
   * Removes a member from the organization's role
   * @param id ID of the resource.
   * @param roleId ID of the role.
   * @param userId ID of the user.
   * @returns void
   * @throws ApiError
  public static v1OrganizationRoleMemberRemove(id: string, roleId: string, userId: string): CancelablePromise<void> {
    return __request(OpenAPI, {
      method: 'DELETE',
      url: '/v1/organizations/{id}/roles/{role_id}/members/{user_id}',
      path: {
        id: id,
        role_id: roleId,
        user_id: userId
      errors: {
        400: `Bad request`,
        401: `Unauthorized request`,
        403: `Forbidden`,
        404: `The requested resource not found`,
        500: `Internal Server Error`