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Test Coverage
### HTTP requests

##### GET /

**Description**: Returns a welcome message from the API.
  - Status Code: 200 OK
  - Body: json
    "status": "Success",
    "message": "OLE Chat API Service"

##### POST /

**Description**: Sends a chat message with an option to save.
**Input**: JSON object in the request body with fields *data* (object) and *save* (boolean).
  Sample Input
    "data": {
      "user": "admin",
      "content": "Hello",
      "aiProvider": {
        "name": "openai",
        "model"?: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
      "_id"?: "0157cd109e2a6852a82e2b5da402e64b",
      "_rev"?: "2-ad3d40af8abdead9eef8a6aa6a8c6f87"
    "save": true
  Additional info on data:
  - **user**: string(required) -> Provide the planet/myPlanet username
  - **content**: string(required) -> The latest prompt for the AI to answer
  - **aiProvider**: Object(required)
    - **name**: string(required) -> Name of the API provider to choose from i.e openai, perplexity or gemini.
    - **model**: string(optional) -> Name of the specific provider model to use. Defaults to gpt-3.5-turbo for _openai_, llama-3-sonar-small-32k-online    for _peplexity_ and gemini-pro for _google gemini_
  - **_id**: couchdb document id
  - **_rev**: couchdb revision id
  The couchdb id and rev are optional fields(only optional when starting a new chat), however to update an existing chat the id and rev (required) be provided.
  Take note that the rev changes each time the db document is updated.

**Response**: Varies depending on the outcome. Success response example:
  - Status Code: 201 Created
  - Body: json
    "status": "Success",
    "chat": "How may I assist you today?",
    "couchDBResponse": {
        "ok": true,
        "id": "aee429dffc8e50ddeca9addf5a00beb8",
        "rev": "2-b97b95e0b32de4f0c622b0e5559c1671"

##### GET /checkproviders

**Description**: Checks the availability of AI providers supported.
  - Status Code: 200 OK
  - Body: json
    "openai": true,
    "perplexity": false,
    "gemini": true


### Websocket requests

**Description**: Establishes a WebSocket connection for real-time chat.
**Usage**: Connect via WebSocket and send JSON messages containing chat data. Responses will be provided through the WebSocket connection.
aiProviders supported: openai, perplexity, and gemini.
any provider model supported by the provider can be used.

- Request json sample
      "user": "admin",
      "time": {},
      "content": "Hola",
      "aiProvider": {
          "name": "openai"

- Response json sample
if response is not final
      "type": "partial",
      "response": "En"

if response is final
      "type": "final",
      "completionText": "¡Hola! ¿En qué puedo ayudarte hoy?",
      "couchDBResponse": {
          "ok": true,
          "id": "aee429dffc8e50ddeca9addf5a001402",
          "rev": "2-22a89c4b4e6a25c27cb41ac1ea042c3e"