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import { FormControl, AbstractControl } from '../../../node_modules/@angular/forms';

const dropdownString = (fieldValue: any, value: string) => {
  if (fieldValue === undefined || value === undefined) {
    // If there is no value to filter, include item.  If the data field is undefined, exclude item.
    return value !== undefined;

  if (fieldValue instanceof Array) {
    return fieldValue.indexOf(value) === -1;

  // Ensure both value and fieldValue are strings before calling toLowerCase
  if (typeof value === 'string' && typeof fieldValue === 'string') {
    return value.toLowerCase() !== fieldValue.toLowerCase();

const dropdownArray = (fieldValue: any, values: string[]) => {
  return values.findIndex(value => !dropdownString(fieldValue, value)) === -1;

const checkFilterItems = (data: any) => ((includeItem: boolean, [ field, val ]) => {
  const dataField = getProperty(data, field);
  // If field is an array field, check if one value matches.  If not check if values match exactly.
  const noMatch = val instanceof Array ? dropdownArray(dataField, val) : dropdownString(dataField, val);
  if (val && noMatch) {
    return false;
  return includeItem;

// Multi level field filter by spliting each field by '.'
export const filterSpecificFields = (filterFields: string[]): any => {
  return (data: any, filter: string) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < filterFields.length; i++) {
      if (getProperty(data, filterFields[i]).toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.trim().toLowerCase()) > -1) {
        return true;

export const filterSpecificFieldsByWord = (filterFields: string[]): any => {
  return (data: any, filter: string) => {
    const words = filter.split(' ').map(value => value.toLowerCase());
    return words.filter(word => word).find(word => !filterSpecificFields(filterFields)(data, word)) === undefined;

// Takes an object and string of dot seperated property keys.  Returns the nested value of the succession of
// keys or undefined.
function getProperty(data: any, fields: string) {
  const propertyArray = fields.split('.');
  return propertyArray.reduce((obj, prop) => (obj && obj[prop] !== undefined) ? obj[prop] : undefined, data);

export const filterDropdowns = (filterObj: any) => {
  return (data: any, filter: string) => {
    // Object.entries returns an array of each key/value pair as arrays in the form of [ key, value ]
    return Object.entries(filterObj).reduce(checkFilterItems(data), true);

// Takes array of field names and if trueIfExists is true, return true if field exists
// if false return true if it does not exist
export const filterFieldExists = (filterFields: string[], trueIfExists: boolean): any => {
  return (data: any, filter: string) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < filterFields.length; i++) {
      return trueIfExists === (getProperty(data, filterFields[i]) !== undefined);
    return true;

const matchAllItems = (filterItems: string[], propItems: string[]) => {
  return filterItems.reduce((isMatch, filter) => isMatch && propItems.indexOf(filter) > -1, true);

export const filterArrayField = (filterField: string, filterItems: string[]) => {
  return (data: any, filter: string) => {
    return matchAllItems(filterItems, getProperty(data, filterField) || []);

export const filterTags = (filterControl: FormControl) => {
  return (data: any, filter: string) => {
    return filterArrayField('tags', filterControl.value)({ tags: any) => tag._id) }, filter);

export const filterAdvancedSearch = (searchObj: any) => {
  return (data: any, filter: string) => {
    return Object.entries(searchObj).reduce(
      (isMatch, [ field, val ]: any[]) => isMatch && (field.indexOf('_') > -1 || filterArrayField(field, val)(data.doc, filter)),

// filterOnOff must be an object so it references a variable on component & changes with component changes
export const filterShelf = (filterOnOff: { value: 'on' | 'off' }, filterField: string) => {
  return (data: any, filter: string) => {
    return filterOnOff.value === 'off' || data[filterField] === true;

// Special filter for showing members that are admins
export const filterAdmin = (data, filter) => data.doc.isUserAdmin && data.doc.roles.length === 0;

// Takes an array of the above filtering functions and returns true if all match
export const composeFilterFunctions = (filterFunctions: any[]) => {
  return (data: any, filter: any) => {
    return filterFunctions.reduce((isMatch, filterFunction) => {
      return isMatch && filterFunction(data, filter);
    }, true);

export const sortNumberOrString = (item, property) => {
  switch (typeof item[property]) {
    case 'number':
      return item[property];
    case 'string':
      return item[property].toLowerCase();

// Returns a space to fill the MatTable filter field so filtering runs for dropdowns when
// search text is deleted, but does not run when there are no active filters.
export const dropdownsFill = (filterObj) => Object.entries(filterObj).reduce((emptySpace, [ field, val ]) => {
  if (val) {
    return ' ';
  return emptySpace;
}, '');

export const filteredItemsInPage = (filteredData: any[], pageIndex: number, pageSize: number) => {
  return pageIndex === undefined ? filteredData : filteredData.slice(pageIndex * pageSize, (pageIndex * pageSize) + pageSize);

export const selectedOutOfFilter = (filteredData: any[], selection: any, paginator: any = {}) => {
  const itemsInPage = filteredItemsInPage(filteredData, paginator.pageIndex, paginator.pageSize);
  return selection.selected.filter((selectedId) => itemsInPage.find((filtered: any) => filtered._id === selectedId ) === undefined);

export const createDeleteArray = (array) => any) => ({ _id: item._id, _rev: item._rev, _deleted: true }));

export const commonSortingDataAccessor = (item: any, property: string) => {
  switch (property) {
    case 'rating':
      return item.rating.rateSum / item.rating.totalRating || 0;
      return item[property] ? sortNumberOrString(item, property) : sortNumberOrString(item.doc, property);

export const deepSortingDataAccessor = (item: any, property: string) => {
  const keys = property.split('.');
  const simpleItem = keys.reduce((newItem, key, index) => {
    if (index === keys.length - 1 || newItem[key] === undefined || newItem[key] === null) {
      return newItem;
    return newItem[key];
  }, item);
  return sortNumberOrString(simpleItem, keys[keys.length - 1]);

export const trackById = (index, item) => item._id;

export const showFormErrors = (controls: { [key: string]: AbstractControl }) => {
  Object.values(controls).forEach(control => {
    control.markAsTouched({ onlySelf: true });

export const filterIds = (filterObj: { ids: string[] }) => {
  return (data: any, filter: string) => {
    return filterObj.ids.length > 0 ? filterObj.ids.indexOf(data._id) > -1 : true;