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import styleVars from '../_variables.scss';

const showdown = require('showdown');

// Highly unlikely random numbers will not be unique for practical amount of course steps
export const uniqueId = () => '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);

export const dedupeShelfReduce = (ids, id) => {
    if (ids.indexOf(id) > -1) {
      return ids;
    return ids.concat(id);

export const dedupeObjectArray = (array: any[], fields: string[]) => array.filter((item, index) => {
  return array.findIndex((i: any) => fields.every(field => i[field] === item[field])) === index;

export const removeFromArray = (startArray = [], removeArray = []) => {
  return startArray.filter(item => removeArray.indexOf(item) === -1);

export const addToArray = (startArray = [], addArray = []) => {
  return startArray.concat(addArray).reduce(dedupeShelfReduce, []);

export const findByIdInArray = (array = [], id: string) => array.find(item => item._id === id);

export const styleVariables: any = (() => {
  console.log(styleVars.match(/:export \{([\s\S]*)\}/)[1]);
  const varArray = styleVars.match(/:export \{([\s\S]*)\}/)[1].split(';').filter((val: string) => val.trim());
  return varArray.reduce((styleObj, variable) => {
    const [ prop, value ] = variable.split(': ');
    return { ...styleObj, [prop.trim()]: value };
  }, {});

export const filterById = (array = [], id: string) => array.filter(item => item._id !== id);

export const arraySubField = (array: any[], field: string) => => item[field]);

export const itemsShown = (paginator: any) => Math.min(paginator.length - (paginator.pageIndex * paginator.pageSize), paginator.pageSize);

export const isInMap = (tag: string, map: Map<string, boolean>) => map.get(tag);

export const mapToArray = (map: Map<string, boolean>, equalValue?) => {
  const iterable = map.entries();
  const keyToArray = (item, array: string[]) => {
    if (item.done) {
      return array;
    const [ key, val ] = item.value;
    return keyToArray(, !equalValue || val === equalValue ? [ ...array, key ] : array);
  return keyToArray(, []);

export const twoDigitNumber = (number: number) => `${number.toString().length < 2 ? '0' : ''}${number.toString()}`;

export const addDateAndTime = (date, time) => new Date(date + (Date.parse('1970-01-01T' + time + 'Z') || 0));

export const getClockTime = (time: Date) => `${twoDigitNumber(time.getHours())}:${twoDigitNumber(time.getMinutes())}`;

export const urlToParamObject = (url: string) => url.split(';').reduce((params, fragment) => {
  const [ key, value ] = fragment.split('=');
  if (value) {
    params[key] = value;
  return params;
}, {});

export const toProperCase = (string: string) => `${string.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${string.slice(1)}`;

export const stringToHex = (string: string) => string.split('').map(char => char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).join('');

export const hexToString = (string: string) => string.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(hex => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16))).join('');

export const ageFromBirthDate = (currentTime: number, birthDate: string) => {
  const now = new Date(currentTime);
  const birth = new Date(birthDate);
  const yearDiff = now.getFullYear() - birth.getFullYear();
  const afterBirthDay = now.getMonth() < birth.getMonth() ?
    false :
    now.getMonth() === birth.getMonth() && now.getDay() < birth.getDay() ?
    false :
  return yearDiff - (afterBirthDay ? 0 : 1);

export const deepEqual = (item1: any, item2: any) => {
  if (typeof item1 !== typeof item2) {
    return false;
  if (item1 instanceof Array) {
    return item1.length === item2.length && item1.every(value1 => item2.find(value2 => deepEqual(value1, value2)) !== undefined);
  if (item1 && item2 && item1 instanceof Object) {
    return Object.keys({ ...item1, ...item2 }).every((key) => deepEqual(item1[key], item2[key])) ;
  return item1 === item2;

export const markdownToPlainText = (markdown: any) => {
  if (typeof markdown !== 'string') {
    return markdown;
  const converter = new showdown.Converter();
  const html = document.createElement('div');
  html.innerHTML = converter.makeHtml(markdown);
  return (html.textContent || html.innerText || '').replace(/^\n|\n$/g, '');