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1 hr
Test Coverage
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CouchService } from '../shared/couchdb.service';
import { Subject, of, forkJoin } from 'rxjs';
import { map, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { findDocuments } from '../shared/mangoQueries';
import { StateService } from '../shared/state.service';
import { CoursesService } from '../courses/courses.service';
import { UserService } from '../shared/user.service';
import { dedupeShelfReduce, toProperCase, ageFromBirthDate, markdownToPlainText } from '../shared/utils';
import { CsvService } from '../shared/csv.service';
import htmlToPdfmake from 'html-to-pdfmake';
import { PlanetMessageService } from '../shared/planet-message.service';
import { DialogsLoadingService } from '../shared/dialogs/dialogs-loading.service';
import { ManagerService } from '../manager-dashboard/manager.service';
import { attachNamesToPlanets, codeToPlanetName } from '../manager-dashboard/reports/reports.utils';

const showdown = require('showdown');
const pdfMake = require('pdfmake/build/pdfmake');
const pdfFonts = require('pdfmake/build/vfs_fonts');
pdfMake.vfs = pdfFonts.pdfMake.vfs;

  providedIn: 'root'
export class SubmissionsService {

  // Currently there are separate observables for the single submission for a specific exam
  // and an array of submissions for the list of submissions
  private submissionsUpdated = new Subject<any[]>();
  submissionsUpdated$ = this.submissionsUpdated.asObservable();
  submissions = [];
  submission: any;
  private submissionUpdated = new Subject<any>();
  submissionUpdated$ = this.submissionUpdated.asObservable();
  submissionAttempts = 0;

    private couchService: CouchService,
    private stateService: StateService,
    private courseService: CoursesService,
    private userService: UserService,
    private csvService: CsvService,
    private planetMessageService: PlanetMessageService,
    private dialogsLoadingService: DialogsLoadingService,
    private managerService: ManagerService
  ) { }

  updateSubmissions({ query, opts = {}, onlyBest }: { onlyBest?: boolean, opts?: any, query?: any } = {}) {
      this.getSubmissions(query, opts),
      this.courseService.findCourses([], opts)
    ]).subscribe(([ submissions, courses ]: [any, any]) => {
      this.submissions = (onlyBest ? this.filterBestSubmissions(submissions) : submissions).filter(sub => {
        if (sub.status !== 'pending' || sub.type !== 'exam') {
          return true;
        return courses.find((c: any) => sub.parentId.split('@')[1] === c._id) !== undefined;
    }, (err) => console.log(err));

  getSubmissions(query: any = findDocuments({}), opts: any = {}) {
    return this.couchService.findAll('submissions', query, opts);

  setSubmission(id: string) {
    this.submission = this.submissions.find((submission) => {
      return submission._id === id;

  private newSubmission({ parentId, parent, user, type }) {
    this.submission = this.createNewSubmission({ parentId, parent, user, type });

  private createNewSubmission({ parentId, parent, user, type, sender }: { parentId, parent, user, type, sender? }) {
    const date = this.couchService.datePlaceholder;
    const times = { startTime: date, lastUpdateTime: date };
    const configuration = this.stateService.configuration;
    return { parentId, parent, user, type, answers: [], grade: 0, status: 'pending', sender,
      ...this.submissionSource(configuration, user), ...times };

  private submissionSource(configuration, user) {
    if (user.planetCode !== undefined && configuration.code !== user.planetCode) {
      return { source: user.planetCode, parentCode: configuration.code };
    return { source: configuration.code, parentCode: configuration.parentCode };

  openSubmission({ parentId = '', parent = '', user = { name: '' }, type = '', submissionId = '', status = 'pending' }: any) {
    const selector = submissionId ? { '_id': submissionId } : { parentId, '':, 'parent._rev': parent._rev };
    const obs = || submissionId ?'submissions/_find', { selector }) : of({ docs: [] });
    obs.subscribe((res) => {
      let attempts = - 1;
      const bestAttempt = any, submission: any) =>
        submission.grade > best.grade ? submission : best,[0]);
      this.submission = => submission.status === status || type === 'survey');
      if (this.submission === undefined) {
        attempts += 1;
        this.newSubmission({ parentId, parent, user, type });
      this.submissionAttempts = attempts;{ submission: this.submission, attempts, bestAttempt });

  submitAnswer(answer, correct: boolean, index: number, isFinish = false) {
    const submission = { ...this.submission, answers: [ ...this.submission.answers ], lastUpdateTime: this.couchService.datePlaceholder };
    const oldAnswer = submission.answers[index];
    submission.answers[index] = this.newAnswer(answer, oldAnswer, correct);
    const nextQuestion = this.nextQuestion(submission, index, 'passed', isFinish);
    if (correct !== undefined) {
      this.updateGrade(submission, correct ? 1 : 0, index);
    return this.updateSubmission(submission, this.submission.type === 'exam', nextQuestion);

  newAnswer(answer, oldAnswer, correct) {
    return ({
      value: correct === false ? '' : answer,
      mistakes: (oldAnswer ? oldAnswer.mistakes : 0) + (correct === false ? 1 : 0),
      passed: correct !== false && this.validAnswer(answer)

  submitGrade(grade, index: number, comment) {
    const submission = { ...this.submission, answers: [ ...this.submission.answers ], gradeTime: this.couchService.datePlaceholder };
    this.updateGrade(submission, grade, index, comment);
    const nextQuestion = this.nextQuestion(submission, index, 'grade');
    return this.updateSubmission(submission, false, nextQuestion);

  nextQuestion(submission, index, field, isFinish = true) {
    const close = this.shouldCloseSubmission(submission, field);
    return !close ?
      this.findNextQuestion(submission, index + 1, field) :
      isFinish ?
      -1 :

  updateGrade(submission, grade, index, comment?) {
    submission.answers[index].grade = grade;
    submission.answers[index].gradeComment = comment;
    submission.grade = this.calcTotalGrade(submission);

  updateStatus(submission: any) {
    if (submission.type === 'exam' && submission.answers.findIndex(ans => ans.grade === undefined) > -1) {
      return 'requires grading';
    const [ examId, getCourseId ] = this.submission.parentId.split('@');
    this.couchService.get('courses/' + getCourseId).subscribe((res: any) => {
        courseId: res._id,
        stepNum: res.steps.findIndex((step: any) => step.exam && (step.exam._id === examId)) + 1,
        passed: this.submission.answers.every(eachAnswer => eachAnswer.grade === 1)
      }, submission.user._id);
    }, error => console.log(error));
    return 'complete';

  calcTotalGrade(submission: any) {
    return submission.answers.reduce((total: number, answer: any, index: number) =>
      total + (submission.parent.questions[index].marks * (answer && answer.grade || 0)), 0);

  updateSubmission(submission: any, takingExam: boolean, nextQuestion: number) {
    submission.status = nextQuestion === -1 ? this.updateStatus(submission) : submission.status;
    return this.couchService.updateDocument('submissions', submission).pipe(map((res) => {
      let attempts = this.submissionAttempts;
      if (submission.status === 'complete' && takingExam) {
        attempts += 1;
      } else {
        this.submission = { ...submission, _id:, _rev: res.rev };
      }{ submission: this.submission, attempts });
      return { submission, nextQuestion };

  filterBestSubmissions(submissions) {
    return submissions.filter(s => s.type !== 'photo').reduce((subs, submission) => {
      const userSubmissionIndex = subs.findIndex((s) => s.user._id === submission.user._id && s.parentId === submission.parentId);
      if (userSubmissionIndex !== -1) {
        const oldSubmission = subs[userSubmissionIndex];
        subs[userSubmissionIndex] = this.calcTotalGrade(submission) > this.calcTotalGrade(oldSubmission) ?
          submission : oldSubmission;
      } else {
      return subs;
    }, []);

  sendSubmissionRequests(users: any[], { parentId, parent }) {
    return'submissions/_find', findDocuments({
      'parent': { '_rev': parent._rev },
      '$or': any) => ({ 'user._id': user._id, 'source': user.planetCode }))
      switchMap((submissions: any) => {
        const newSubmissionUsers = users.filter((user: any) =>
 any) => (s.user._id === user._id && s.parent._rev === parent._rev)) === -1
        const sender = this.userService.get().name;
        return this.couchService.updateDocument('submissions/_bulk_docs', {
          'docs': => this.createNewSubmission({ user, parentId, parent, type: 'survey', sender }))

  createSubmission(parent: any, type: string, user: any = '') {
    return this.couchService.updateDocument('submissions', this.createNewSubmission({ parentId: parent._id, parent, user, type }));

  submissionName(user) {
    return || ((user.firstName || '') + ' ' + (user.lastName || '')).trim();

  shouldCloseSubmission(submission, field) {
    return submission.answers.filter(answer => answer && this.validAnswer(answer[field])).length >= submission.parent.questions.length;

  findNextQuestion(submission, index, field) {
    if (index >= submission.parent.questions.length) {
      return this.findNextQuestion(submission, 0, field);
    return submission.answers[index] && this.validAnswer(submission.answers[index][field]) ?
      this.findNextQuestion(submission, index + 1, field) : index;

  validAnswer(field) {
    return field !== undefined && field !== false && field !== '' && field !== null;

  sendSubmissionNotification(isRecorded: boolean, isUpdated: boolean = false) {
    const data = {
      'message': $localize`<b>${this.userService.get().name}</b> has
        ${isUpdated ? 'updated' : isRecorded ? 'recorded' : 'completed'} the survey <b>${}</b>`,
      'link': '/myDashboard/submissions/exam',
      'linkParams': { submissionId: this.submission._id, questionNum: 1, status: 'complete', mode: 'view' },
      'type': 'survey',
      'priority': 1,
      'status': 'unread',
      'time': this.couchService.datePlaceholder
    const docs = [ this.submission.parent.createdBy, this.submission.sender ].reduce(dedupeShelfReduce, [])
      .filter(name => name !== undefined && name !== this.userService.get().name)
      .map(name => ({, user: 'org.couchdb.user:' + name }));
    if (docs.length > 0) {
      this.couchService.bulkDocs('notifications', docs).subscribe((res) => console.log(res));

  getSubmissionsExport(exam, type: 'exam' | 'survey') {
    const query = findDocuments({ 'parent._id': exam._id, type, status: 'complete' });
    return forkJoin([ this.getSubmissions(query), this.couchService.currentTime(), of( => question.body)) ]);

  exportSubmissionsCsv(exam, type: 'exam' | 'survey') {
    return this.getSubmissionsExport(exam, type).pipe(tap(([ submissions, time, questionTexts ]: [ any[], number, string[] ]) => {
      const data = => {
        const answerIndexes = this.answerIndexes(questionTexts, submission);
        return {
          'Gender': submission.user.gender || 'N/A',
          'Age (years)': submission.user.birthDate ? ageFromBirthDate(time, submission.user.birthDate) : 'N/A',
          'Planet': submission.source,
          'Date': submission.lastUpdateTime,
          ...questionTexts.reduce((answerObj, text, index) => ({
            [`"Q${index + 1}: ${markdownToPlainText(text).replace(/"/g, '""')}"`]:
              this.getAnswerText(submission.answers, index, answerIndexes)
          }), {})
      this.csvService.exportCSV({ data, title: `${toProperCase(type)} -  ${}` });

  answerIndexes(questionTexts: string[], submission: any) {
    return => submission.parent.questions.findIndex(question => question.body === text));

  getAnswerText(answers: any[], index, answerIndexes: number[]) {
    const answer = answerIndexes[index] > -1 ? answers[index].value : undefined;
    return answer && (
      Array.isArray(answer) ? answer.reduce((ans, v) => ans + v.text + ',', '').slice(0, -1) : answer.text || answer

  getPDFAnswerText(submission: any, index, answerIndexes: number[]) {
    const answerText = this.getAnswerText(submission.answers, index, answerIndexes);
    return submission.parent.questions[index] && submission.parent.questions[index].type !== 'textarea' ?
      '<pre>'.concat(answerText, '</pre>') :

  exportSubmissionsPdf(exam, type: 'exam' | 'survey', exportOptions: { includeQuestions, includeAnswers }) {
      this.getSubmissionsExport(exam, type),
    ]).subscribe(([ [ submissions, time, questionTexts ], planets ]: [ [ any[], number, string[] ], any[] ]) => {
      if (!submissions.length) {
        this.planetMessageService.showMessage($localize`There is no survey response`);
      const planetsWithName = attachNamesToPlanets(planets);
      const submissionsWithPlanetName = => ({
        planetName: codeToPlanetName(submission.source, this.stateService.configuration, planetsWithName)
      const markdown = this.preparePDF(exam, submissionsWithPlanetName, questionTexts, exportOptions);
      const converter = new showdown.Converter();
          content: [ htmlToPdfmake(converter.makeHtml(markdown)) ],
          pageBreakBefore: (currentNode) => &&'pdf-break') > -1
      ).download(`${toProperCase(type)} - ${}.pdf`);

  preparePDF(exam, submissions, questionTexts, { includeQuestions, includeAnswers }) {
    return (includeAnswers ? submissions : [ { parent: exam } ]).map((submission, index) => {
      const answerIndexes = this.answerIndexes(questionTexts, submission);
      return this.surveyHeader(includeAnswers, exam, index, submission) +, answerIndexes, includeQuestions, includeAnswers)).join('  \n');
    }).join('  \n');

  surveyHeader(responseHeader: boolean, exam, index: number, submission) {
    return responseHeader ?
      `<h3${index === 0 ? '' : ' class="pdf-break"'}>
        Response from ${submission.planetName} on ${new Date(submission.lastUpdateTime).toString()}
      </h3>  \n` :
      `### ${} Questions  \n`;

  questionOutput(submission, answerIndexes, includeQuestions, includeAnswers) {
    const exportText = (text, index, label: 'Question' | 'Response') => `**${label} ${index + 1}:**  \n\n${text}  \n\n`;
    return (question, questionIndex) =>
      (includeQuestions ? exportText(question, questionIndex, 'Question') : '') +
      (includeAnswers ? exportText(this.getPDFAnswerText(submission, questionIndex, answerIndexes), questionIndex, 'Response') : '');
