# open-orchestra-newsletter-bundle
A Open Orchestra newsletter bundle
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## Description
The `open-orchestra-newsletter-bundle` provide an easy way to manage a newsletter inside the Open Orchestra project.
It will provide you with :
- A Front Office block
- A Back Office integration
- A way to store the data inside a Mongo database
## Usage
### Front Office
To use the bundle in a front environment, you will need to activate the bundle and the model :
// app/AppKernel.php
new OpenOrchestra\NewsletterBundle\OpenOrchestraNewsletterBundle,
new OpenOrchestra\NewsletterModelBundle\OpenOrchestraNewsletterModelBundle,
### Back Office
To use the bundle in a back envirenment, you will have to add the admin bundle :
// app/AppKernel.php
new OpenOrchestra\NewsletterBundle\OpenOrchestraNewsletterBundle,
new OpenOrchestra\NewsletterModelBundle\OpenOrchestraNewsletterModelBundle,
new OpenOrchestra\NewsletterAdminBundle\OpenOrchestraNewsletterAdminBundle,
You will also have to import the route for the bundle :
resource: "@OpenOrchestraNewsletterAdminBundle/Controller/Api"
type: annotation
prefix: /api
resource: "@OpenOrchestraNewsletterAdminBundle/Controller/Admin"
type: annotation
prefix: /admin