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# Installing openSNP

Hello and thanks so much for your interest in running our code! And maybe even
contributing to the project. For more details on this see

## Table of Contents
- [Installing openSNP](#installing-opensnp)
  * [How the site works](#how-the-site-works)
  * [Setup](#setup)
  * [Install Dependencies](#install-dependencies)
    + [RVM](#rvm)
  * [Setup config](#setup-config)
  * [Getting our Postgres database up and running](#getting-our-postgres-database-up-and-running)
    + [Install the Database](#install-the-database)
      - [On a Linux Machine](#on-a-linux-machine)
      - [On MacOS](#on-macos)
      - [On Windows](#on-windows)
    + [Setup the Database Tables](#setup-the-database-tables)
  * [Running the server(s)](#running-the-servers)
  * [Talk to us](#talk-to-us)
  * [Last words](#last-words)
  * [FAQs](#faqs)

## How the site works

The site itself is based on Ruby on Rails (RoR). We usually try to use the
newest version, but after major changes in a new version of RoR it may sometimes take
a while for the switch to happen.

## Setup

git is needed to download the newest sources:

git clone

Afterwards you'll have a new folder called "snpr" (it's not opensnp for
historical reasons, the reason being startups ending with *R* were considered
sexy back when) in which all the files reside.

## Install Dependencies

- [redis](
- [hiredis](
- [postgres](
- [mailcatcher](

Additionally, you may have to install a couple of development dependencies - `libpq-dev`
and `libsqlite3-dev`. Depending on your operating system these are installed in
different ways.

### RVM

It's easier to use [RVM]( to handle different Ruby versions,
and the repository has all necessary files so that a new installation of RVM
should find what it needs to download and install. There is an installation
manual on the RVM homepage. After a successful installation and once you cd into
the snpr/ directory, RVM should say something about installing the necessary
Ruby version.

Otherwise, change into the cloned `snpr` directory and run the following
commands to install necessary gems.

gem install bundler
bundle install

## Setup config

All configuration is done via environment variables. Files for setting up
working environments for testing and development are included (i.e. `.env.test`
and `.env.development`). The [dotenv]( gem
will pick them up and set the environment variables. If you need to override
variables locally, click
[here]( for

Copy `config/database.yml.example` to `config/database.yml` and adapt to your
database setup. Specially, pay attention to the database username and password
configuration. You may have to configure the postgres installation to provide
necessary user privileges for creating the database.

## Getting our Postgres database up and running

### Install the Database

#### On a Linux Machine

Before the setup you need initialize the database. These steps have been tested on *Fedora 25* but should be roughly the same for all other Linux distributions as well.

sudo postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql
Add a user to postgres
sudo -u postgres createuser username
Get into the postgres console
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
Make your user a super user
#### On MacOS
One of the easiest ways to get a *Postgres* installation is to use [*homebrew*]( Here's [a handy step-by-step guide on how to get Homebrew and Postgres installed]( 

#### On Windows
Uh, we actually don't know that one yet. If you've done Postgres on Windows, please add to this section!

### Setup the Database Tables
Before you can run *openSNP* you need to initialize the database tables that it will need. This can be done by running

bundle exec rake db:setup
After the setup the database is already for use.
If you want login to the database and have a look you can use
psql snpr_development username

## Running the server(s)

For development there's a small bash script called `serverscript` which starts
the Rails server, the Redis server as well as the Sidekiq workers and


Voila! If everything worked out right so far, you should see openSNP portal at

Additionally, there are many background tasks which live in `app/workers`, such as
file parsing or talking to various APIs. They are handled by Sidekiq workers.
You can monitor the sidekiq-workers on
[localhost:3000/sidekiq](http://localhost:3000/sidekiq) (useful in killing
leftover tasks) once sidekiq is up and running.

In the development environment, the application will send the emails through
Mailcatcher, which means all emails are just stored locally on your end and can
easily be viewed at [](

## Talk to us

Please get in touch if you have trouble running openSNP on your end. You can
send a mail to if you want to discuss with us
(or use the GH issues). There's also if something broke on the
webpage itself.

We're also available on Twitter:


[There's also a Gitter]( where you can talk with us.

## Last words

Thank you very much for your interest in the project and for the help of all
volunteers who've helped us so far! There is a [humans.txt](public/humans.txt)
where we celebrate all of you.

## FAQs

* **I’m getting `FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"`**

    Please follow the suggestions
    to configure your postgres installation. You will also need to [grant](
    `CREATEDB` privilege to the `username` in your `database.yml`.

* **I’m getting a weird error!**

    Please open a new request on GitHub [issue tracker](