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    <%if current_user %>
    <div id="help_block" class="container">
    <% if current_user.display_help_header? %>
      <div class ="well row userpage__help-block">
        <%if !current_user.help_one %>
        <div class="col-md-4 text-center" id="help_one">
          <%=link_to "x",{:controller => "users", :action => "remove_help_one", :id => current_user}, :remote => true, id: "remove_help_one",:class => "close" %>
          <a href="/genotypes/new"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up userpage__help-text-icons"></span></a><br/>
          <h3>Upload Your Genotyping File</h3>
            <%=link_to("Upload the genotyping raw-data you got","/genotypes/new")%> from <em>23andMe</em>, <em>deCODEme</em> or <em>FamilyTreeDNA</em> to the <em>openSNP</em> database to share it with other personal-genomics customers and scientists from around the world.
        <%if !current_user.help_two %>
        <div class="col-md-4 text-center" id="help_two">
          <%=link_to("x",{:controller => "users", :action => "remove_help_two", :id => current_user},:remote => true, id: "remove_help_two", :class => "close")%>
          <a href="/users/""#unentered_variations"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart userpage__help-text-icons"></span></a><br/>
          <h3>Enter Your Variations</h3>
          Let us, and the other <em>openSNP</em> users, know some of your characteristics&mdash;like hair or eye color! Or how about some diseases? <%=link_to("Whatever you feel like sharing!","/users/""#unentered_variations")%>.
        <%if !current_user.help_three %>
        <div class="col-md-4 text-center" id="help_three">
          <%=link_to("x",{:controller => "users", :action => "remove_help_three", :id => current_user},:remote => true, id: "remove_help_three", :class => "close")%>
          <a href="/phenotypes/new"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open userpage__help-text-icons"></span></a><br/>
          <h3>Enter a New Phenotype</h3>
            Got an idea for a phenotype that has not been asked about yet and that could have genetical roots? <%=link_to("Great, you can add one","/phenotypes/new")%> to the <em>openSNP</em> database.
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          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">x</button>
          <strong><%= flash[:achievement].html_safe %></strong>
      <% end %>

      <% if ["phenotypes", "picture_phenotypes", "open_humans_profiles"].include? params[:controller] %>
      <div class="container-fluid">
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            <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked phenotype__side-menu">
              <li class="nav-header">User-generated</li>
              <li <% if params[:controller] == "phenotypes" %>class="active"<% end %>>
                <a class="phenotype__side-menu-item" href="/phenotypes">Normal phenotypes</a>
              <li <% if params[:controller] == "picture_phenotypes" %>class="active"<% end %>>
                <a class="phenotype__side-menu-item" href="/picture_phenotypes">Picture phenotypes</a>
              <li class="nav-header">APIs</li>
              <li <% if params[:controller] == "open_humans_profiles" %>class="active"<% end %>>
                <a class="phenotype__side-menu-item" href="/openhumans">Open Humans</a>

          <div class="col-md-8 col-xs-12">
            <%= yield %>
      <% else %>
      <%= yield %>
      <% end # of sidebar%>

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